Free DevOps Training and Certifications You Should Know

Our profession evolves every year, whether through the introduction of a new tool, a new cloud service, or a new working method. This constant evolution requires the establishment of a learning culture to continuously share experiences and ideas, thus encouraging everyone to gain new knowledge each year.

Obviously, this demands a portion of our working time and an online library of training resources maintained by entities with authority in the domain. These entities are responsible for updating the content to allow us to continuously improve our skills, sometimes to advance in our career in order to aim for an internal or external evolution. Therefore, relying on trusted education partners is important to ensure the highest-quality learning content.

Top 5 Free Kubernetes Certifications

Today, Kubernetes is the most adopted open-source platform to orchestrate containers and IT teams are working to use Kubernetes as a new platform for further adoption to development responsibilities. Beyond evidence of improved deployment, resources management, and cost savings, Kubernetes is used today in so many ways that it is sometimes hard to follow the new trends. 

The increase in the adoption of Kubernetes comes partly from the community and all the resources that it provides every day to easily understand the concept and the management. Training, courses, certifications, no matter your title or your background, there will be a resource online to help you implement a new concept, having a big overview of what is possible and, inherently, growing your skills. 

From Behind the Chair to Behind the Keyboard: How Hairdressing Prepared Me for Network Automation

Every developer lead has been there. You’re mid-phone call with a client who is experiencing an outage or chaos in the system. She’s stressed out, balancing feedback from stakeholders across her organization, weighing the potential impacts of the issue, and relying on you for advice and solutions.

In these pivotal moments, I’m often hit with a sudden sense of déjà vu from when I was 16, working as a hairdresser in my first full-time job, facing a customer whose hair color was left on too long and oxidizing, causing the microscopic outer layer of hair follicles to peel back and release green color pigments.

10 Skills Product Managers Should Have in 2021

In 2020, managers had to supplement their skill sets to meet the needs of changing workplaces. People had little choice but to adjust to a remote set-up. The working world as we know it shifted. Both employees and managers had to change the way they operated. This prompted a rise in project planning software and video calling. 

Product managers have always required communication, organization, and technical skills. Now more so than ever, their vast skill sets are in demand to keep businesses on their feet. This article aims to highlight these essential skills. We will look at the part they’ll play going forward in the aftermath of 2020.

How Writing Skills Can Help Developers Grow

Let's face it: Soft developers rarely consider writing skills worthy of their note. They focus on computer science, coding, SQL databases or CI/CD structures understanding, and other technical knowledge they believe they'll need for professional growth.

Indeed, in today's data-driven, data-heavy world, when we have so much content to consume, there seems no place left for walls of text, articles, or paper books. Visual content calls the shots, and most of us would choose to listen to a podcast than read extended interviews or tutorials.

7 Ways To Boost Your Skills To Become a Better Programmer

In today’s technologically connected world, a programmer’s success would be highly dependent on their decision to keep learning and adapting to innovation. Even if you’ve been a programmer for a while now, you surely know that looking for skills improvement opportunities is significant.

Whether you are new or seasoned in the world of programming, you can surely benefit from these seven tips.

Are You a Team Player?

If I were to guess, I have probably worked on approximately 100 projects since I started my career in Information Technology in 1992. Without a doubt, my current project is certainly the most complicated and challenging project of that I've ever had. It has been so complex, that I feel like I need to provide a strong background when interviewing new team members for the project.

The Matrix Metaphor

During those interviews, I often recall the scene in the original Matrix movie —where Neo meets with Morpheus for the very first time. If you need a recap, I've attached the scene below:

Developers, The Enterprise, and Open Source Security

Image title
Thoughts on open source skill and open source security.

Inspired by the 2019 All Things Open conference, this series details the thoughts of five DevOps, open source, and security thought-leaders to gain a better sense of how developers and enterprises should be interacting with open source software, what they should keep in mind, and the role of community and knowledge-sharing in open source spaces.

What Developers Need to Know

Developers interact with open source software on a daily basis, whether through their hobbyist pursuits on Github or through the open source components that comprise the foundation of their workplace stacks. With near-daily interaction with open source software, what skills do developers and enterprises as entities need to know to work effectively with OS components?

Does the Tech Talent Gap Actually Exist?

Today, every company heavily relies on tech talent to create, market, and distribute. However, many companies are unable to satisfy their growing need for this talent. Recently there has been an ongoing complaint regarding a “tech talent gap” across the country.

What's more, many companies have been using this alleged inadequacy in talent as a reason to justify outsourcing, H-1B visas, and other extreme measures. Apparently, the demand for talent continues outstripping supply. However, does this “tech talent gap” actually exist?

Low-Code vs. No-Code: Form Following Function

I always like to hear how a person first learned about the low-code-slash-no-code phenomenon. That’s why trade shows are so much fun; you get to ask these kinds of questions of people walking into your booth. It’s usually one of my first questions--after scanning their badge of course.

In asking this, I also quickly discover that most people don’t know the difference between a low-code platform and a no-code solution, which sparks a lengthy and passionate explanation on my part. Because there are a number of very significant differences between low-code and no-code platforms, if you’re considering moving away from traditional application development, or even just want to try out visual application development, you’ll want to be aware of what you’re getting in each offering.

10 Task Management Skills and Tips to Manage Workload Like a Boss

Our daily lives revolve around a certain number of tasks that we identify along the way to achieve our ambitions and SMART goals. In the struggle to be at the top of our game and retaining our competitive edge, we often bite more than we can chew.

Although everything seems of high priority, something goes amiss in this race of getting things done and keeping your head. Some of us create a long to-do list to accomplish – before a certain time period or a certain age. Others spend so much time perfecting a single task that by the time it shines, it is obsolete.