Why a Developer Should Be a Bit of a Cloud Engineer: The Need for Cloud Services

A Short Background

I characterize myself as a slothful engineer due to the specificity of my behavior: rather than duplicating, mentioning different issues in my project, and setting up new appliances to be more efficient, I would be grateful for the opportunity and get back on my way.

My first job as a professional started in the entertainment industry where I had to do my projects really quickly before the deadline was over; moreover, it was not possible to use high-end tools or spend a lot of time researching and integrating peculiar properties. That is the reason why I decided to spend some overtime hours researching and showing my teammates how a few specific tools could improve the process, and show how to have a greater impact in solving technical problems.

7 Best Soft Skills That Make a Great Software Developer

Whether you’re an experienced software developer or new to the industry, there’s always something you can do to up your game. You’ll know how to create perfect code and how to understand your client’s brief. You’ll have a rigorous QA strategy in place to ensure your software functions right the first time, every time. 

These are the hard skills that every software dev needs, but do you have the soft skills that can take you from being a good software developer to a great one?

Writing a Resume with Core Competencies

A good job seeker would spare no effort to keep his recruiter reading his resume a little more than six seconds. He, just like you, would treat the core competencies section as crucial as the professional summary and career objective in his/her resume. 

Additionally, adding effective resume core competencies would help your resume pass the ATS scans and other resume examining bots. Next are the best ways to incorporate core qualifications in your resume!

Agile and Patience are Inseparable

When organizations begin their journey toward agility, they think the business outcomes will become instantaneous. They expect the initial decision to lead to immediate success.

Moving towards Agile from a more traditional way of working changes so many things about how we work. It changes who we interact with, and has us moving from building others solutions to becoming problem solvers. We're creating solutions in a more integrated way, moving from predict and control to build - measure - learn - sense - respond. Agile teams need to learn new skills  —  both in domain knowledge and critical new "soft" skills. Agile is a new game with new rules.

3 Essential Skills to Accelerate Your Career In 2019

A new year represents a clean slate, a chance to be the best version of yourself. But what’s the best version of yourself? That question requires reflection, and often, resolutions to improve. Finding and focusing on the right things is the most important outcome of reflection and resolve, but it can be overwhelming to tackle everything at once.

For many people, professional development is a big focus area for resolutions. (And, let’s be honest, it’s a year-round work-in-progress.) Here’s how to create a career development plan that sets you up for success in the new year and beyond.