What Is a Single-page Application (SPA)?

Single-page application technology has become the de facto standard for creating modern web applications today due to the numerous benefits related to loading times and user experience. Industry giants of the digital space that have already adopted this approach to web development include Facebook, Gmail, Google Maps, LinkedIn, and Netflix.

But is a single-page application framework the right one for your upcoming web project? In this blog post, I’ll set out what a single-page application is, its benefits, and when you should use it.

What Is a Single-page Application?

A single-page application (SPA) is a JavaScript framework for distributing application functionality over the web. The three most popular SPA tools are:

Developer Tutorial: Making Your SPA Content Editable, Anywhere

Single Page Apps (SPA) have grown in popularity due to their ability to deliver dynamic user experiences, like those you would expect from a mobile or desktop application, quickly and easily. While SPAs are great from a user perspective, they can be a bit more challenging for your editors to make content changes and updates.

In Part 1 of this post, I showed you how to use a headless CMS and React to build a Single Page App. Today, I’ll show you how you can make your SPA content editable in a CMS.

Single Page Web App UI Development Thoughts, Part 1

I have been working on some single page web apps’ UIs for several years and want to share some of my experiences. 

In this article series, I will divide the content into 3 parts: ”UI Architecture Level Thoughts,” “Large Scale UI Design,” and “UI Testing and Automation.”