Breaking Silos: Enhance Speed and Value Delivery


How do you diagnose organizational silos? And how do you slice the large size business teams who are serving many customers or products with poor efficiency and many client complaints? These are the question as a coach we are consistently hearing. How can we support the client to optimally fit the size to assure delivery speed can be accomplished?

As Business and Information Technology (IT) collaborators for large enterprises, what thoughts appear in our minds? Too many layers? Large size? Slow decision-making? Multiple locations?

Break Down Silos: Enhance User-Centricity With UX on Scrum Teams

I often see User Experience (UX) Designers struggle to align focus, work, and approach with Scrum Teams building increments of product in iterations of 30 days or fewer. Common concerns and questions I hear include:

  • "Developers aren't really interested in the user, they just want to build."
  • "I'm trying to work side-by-side with the team, but I'm always a bit ahead of them, so what should we talk about in our Daily Scrum?"
  • "I don't work in sort cycles, or tactically. My work is strategic."
  • "Why don't developers use my design artifacts and decisions? Why do they never go back and refactor for good design? Why do I feel like I never have any influence?!?!"

These challenges often result in tenuous relationships between UX Designers (UXDs) and Scrum Teams — or even worse, distrust, separation, and "staggered Sprints" (where completely separate teams pass work to each other that they execute in completely separate blocks of time, which they still call "Sprints" — even though those blocks of time function exactly the same as waterfall phases).