Breaking Silos: Enhance Speed and Value Delivery


How do you diagnose organizational silos? And how do you slice the large size business teams who are serving many customers or products with poor efficiency and many client complaints? These are the question as a coach we are consistently hearing. How can we support the client to optimally fit the size to assure delivery speed can be accomplished?

As Business and Information Technology (IT) collaborators for large enterprises, what thoughts appear in our minds? Too many layers? Large size? Slow decision-making? Multiple locations?

Developers Alone Cannot Reduce Technical Debt in a Silo

Technical Debt is something that accumulates over a period and at some point, it could render an application unviable to maintain. It is like a time bomb which if not diffused soon could cause serious customer repercussions and financial damages to an organization.

With the name ‘technical’ debt, it is often perceived that reducing technical debt is the sole responsibility of the developers. Of course, developers play a key role in refactoring code and reducing technical debt. But refactoring is not always restricted to only the code. Many other groups have to play their related roles to enable refactoring and reduction of technical debt.

Building Blocks of DevOps: Developer Journeys

“Friction makes doing simple things difficult and difficult things impossible.” – Stephen Bungay

For all the right reasons, most mature Agile organizations put great emphasis on customer journeys, but what about your developer journeys? Do your developers have a smooth experience to deliver value?