You Only Need These 7 IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts to Skyrocket Your Productivity

IntelliJ IDEA, by far, is the most productive and beautiful IDE out there for Java development. It features so many shortcuts and useful utilities that I bet even the creators would have forgotten. These shortcuts can skyrocket your productivity while coding. To be honest, you don't need to learn every shortcut, only a handful of them are used daily, and the following commands are even more common. These select few are enough for the everyday life of a programmer.

The list consists of both the Windows and the Mac commands.

13 Useful VS Code Extensions for Frontend Development

Visual Studio Code continues to be a widely popular IDE for developers. I started using it two years ago, and in my opinion, it’s a fantastic code editor. It allows me to customize it just the way I want. VS Code also has a build-in git integration and terminal, so you don’t have to jump from one window to another.

There are tones of plugins and even themes, where everyone can find something that he or she needs. The proper setup of VSC can improve our productivity; also, there are some plugins that will help developers to create better, clean code.

Top VS Code Shortcuts for Mac and Windows

Open doors you never have before with these shortcuts

In this article, you find some useful shortcuts for VS Code, which will help you to build or frame your programs. Shortcuts in programming are important, as they make life easier for developers — not to mention, at least to me, they feel like you're playing with your keyboard.

To use the shortcuts, you have to install some pluggings and VScode extensions to accelerate your program flow and have a great experience.