Extend Kubernetes Service Discovery With Stork and Quarkus

In traditional monolithic architecture, applications already knew where the backend services existed through static hostnames, IP addresses, and ports. The IT operation team maintained the static configurations for service reliability and system stability. This Day 2 operation has significantly changed since microservices began running in distributed networking systems. The change happened because microservices need to communicate with multiple backend services to improve load balancing and service resiliency.

The microservices topology became much more complex as the service applications were containerized and placed on Kubernetes. Because the application containers can be terminated and recreated anytime by Kubernetes, the applications can't know the static information in advance. The microservices don't need to be configured with the static information of the backend applications because Kubernetes handles service discovery, load balancing, and self-healing dynamically and automatically.

Service Discovery From Within the Kubernetes Cluster

It is probably not common to write your own code to perform service discovery from within the Kubernetes cluster. It is better to delegate that responsibility to an ingress controller or a load balancer. However, ever the adventurer, I stumbled onto the Java Kubernetes Client.

The project was an investigation into using Spinnaker as a CI/CD tool for a new micro-services architecture. My adventures of getting Spinnaker to run on Minikube have been documented as a three-article series on DZone and can be accessed from my profile page. 

Kubernetes Service Discovery

Discover Kubernetes Service Discovery.

Modern applications rely on microservices to remain scalable and efficient. Kubernetes provides the perfect environment for microservices to exist and work together with the tools and features it offers. As each part of the application gets placed in a container, the system as a whole becomes more scalable.

Microservices Architecture: What Is Service Discovery?

What You Will Learn

  • What service discovery is.
  • Why service discovery is important in a microservices architecture.
  • How to implement service discovery.
  • What Eureka is.

What Is Service Discovery?

When we talk about a microservices architecture, we refer to a system with a large number of small services, working with each other:

Basic Mircoservices Architecture

An important feature of such architectures is auto-scaling. The number of instances of a microservice varies based on the system load. Initially, you could have 5 instances of Microservice5, which go up later to 20, 100, or 1000!

Top Microservices Interview Questions for 2019, Part 1

survey by Nginx shows that 36% of enterprises are currently using microservices, while another 26% are doing research on how to implement them. So now could be a good time to get into microservice development. Read on for an overview of some of the most common microservices interview questions. 

1. What Is Spring Cloud?

 Spring Cloud, in microservices, is a system that provides integration with external systems. It is a short-lived framework that builds an application, fast. Being associated with the finite amount of data processing, it plays a very important role in microservice architectures.