Leading Service Desk Teams Through Change In a Continuous Delivery Environment

Continuous delivery is the ability to get changes into a software solution, into production, or into the hands of users, safely and quickly in a sustainable way. Think of new features, configurations, bug fixes and tweaks to existing programming. The benefit of this approach can mean immediate fixes to problems that previously sat for months in the traditional waterfall approach. Ultimately, continuous delivery (CD) approaches to development can mean high-performance teams can consistently deliver services faster and more reliably.

In previous approaches, typically the waterfall models, release management involves the planning, scheduling and controlling software delivery throughout the cycle. Now, continuous delivery changes this entire model. Through the approach, organizations are able to be more responsive and agile to manage these quicker development terms. Essentially, software development has become an always-on product like most of the other consumer ventures we participate in.

ITSM Powered With AI

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and IT Automation are emerging technologies today. As per research, organizations who started adopting these practices are growing rapidly.

Gartner report says, “AI will be a top 5 investment priority for more than 30 percent of CIOs.”