Testing Iceberg

Anyone who has done some test automation or has searched for information about the subject will have come across the famous "Testing Pyramid" more than once.

This figure represents the "ideal" way to distribute the automatic tests of a system in its different layers. Where the width, indicates the number of tests that should exist about the different levels.

Alternate, when RabbitMQ is not installed as a service on Windows10?

Problem Statement:

I have installed RabbitMQ on windows machine N number of times, but this time, it swallowed all my brain. Reason? Maybe the new permissions/policies that my company has enforced. I have installed Erlang 10, set ERLANG_HOME as well, and then installed RabbitMQ 3.7.7. No error, no exception, but I was unable to see RabbitMQ as a service.

Defending Against TB-level Traffic Attacks With Advanced Anti-DDoS Systems

A Brief History of DDoS Prevention

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) uses a large number of valid requests to consume network resources and make services unresponsive and unavailable to legitimate users. Currently, DDoS attacks are one of the most powerful cyber-attacks to defend against.

DDoS has been around the cybersecurity world for a long time and is an old attack method. DDoS prevention has also undergone different stages.