What Should I Choose in 2015 – Cloud Hosting VS VPS Hosting?

This article was originally published on 1/5/14

The countdown for 2015 has already begun and so are the businesses eager to roll out new strategies and technical innovations with the New Year. Especially the entrepreneurs. 2014 has been a year of many ups and downs for most ventures due to the various algorithm updates rolled out by the search giant. 

6 Reasons to Utilize Kubernetes on Bare Metal

Kubernetes on public cloud is an adequate solution for small and medium-sized applications that have predictable scaling needs. However, bare metal cloud is the way to go for organizations that look for more control and stable performance.

Container orchestration tools facilitate software development by providing flexibility, portability, speed, and easier scaling for distributed applications. As the de facto leader in the orchestration field, Kubernetes is supported by many popular cloud vendors, who offer managed Kubernetes services.  

How to Build Your Software Distribution CDN Using Mirrorbits

Lots of independent developers use GitHub or its equivalents to host their code repositories. And since they're simple to use and well understood by the public, that's a great idea. But as anyone who's ever created a project that attracted a whole lot of attention can attest, the platforms aren't well-suited to distributing binaries and other software releases.

In most cases, GitHub projects that post binaries do so by having a single server or VPS get triggered by a webhook to compile whatever binaries the project requires. And that means every time a user tries to download the resultant binaries, they’ll be making requests to that same single server instance. That's both inefficient and a recipe for download problems.