What is serverless with Java?

For decades, enterprises have developed business-critical applications on various platforms, including physical servers, virtual machines, and cloud environments. The one thing these applications have in common across industries is they need to be continuously available (24x7x365) to guarantee stability, reliability, and performance, regardless of demand. Therefore, every enterprise must be responsible for the high costs of maintaining an infrastructure (e.g., CPU, memory, disk, networking, etc.) even if actual resource utilization is less than 50%.

The serverless architecture was developed to help solve these problems. Serverless allows developers to build and run applications on-demand, guaranteeing high availability without having to manage servers in multi- and hybrid-cloud environments. Behind the scenes, there are still many servers in the serverless topology, but they are abstracted away from application development. Instead, cloud providers use serverless services for resource management, such as provisioning, maintaining, networking, and scaling server instances.

Migrating to Serverless and Making It Work Post-Transition

The Cloud Spectrum

To understand more easily the wider context of migrating legacy systems into a serverless form, we should first understand the cloud spectrum. This spectrum ranges from on-premises workloads to virtual machines, containers, and cloud functions. Serverless typically falls within the cloud functions area, as function as a service (FaaS), but now it’s an umbrella term growing to include back-end as a service (BaaS), such as fully managed databases.

The first thing when looking at legacy transitions is understanding where you are on the cloud spectrum.

The State of Serverless Computing 2021

Serverless computing is redefining the way organizations develop, deploy, and integrate cloud-native applications. According to an industry report, the market size of serverless computing is expected to reach 7.72 billion by 2021. A new and compelling paradigm for the deployment of cloud applications, serverless computing is at the precipice of enterprise shift towards containers and microservices.

In the year 2021, the serverless paradigm shift presents exciting opportunities to organizations by providing a simplified programming model for creating cloud applications by abstracting away most operational concerns. Major cloud vendors Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are already in the game with their respective offerings and there is no reason you shouldn't board the train.

A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer: A Developer’s Perspective on Working With Serverless

Want to know what actually goes on under the platform and behind the screens at a serverless monitoring platform? We recently sat down for a Q&A with Dashbird's CTO, Marek Tihkan, to chat all things leading and managing a serverless engineering team. 

Today, speak to Alex Katsero, one of the serverless software engineers at Dashbird. In this Q&A Alex gives you his insights and some visibility into what his days are alike, and shares his perspective as a developer on working with serverless and the learning curves of this new way of computing.

Serverless CI/CD on the AWS Cloud

CI/CD pipelines have long played a major role in speeding up the development and deployment of cloud-native apps. Cloud services like AWS lend themselves to more agile deployment through the services they offer as well as approaches such as Infrastructure as Code. There is no shortage of tools to help you manage your CI/CD pipeline as well.

While the majority of development teams have streamlined their pipelines to take full advantage of cloud-native features, there is still so much that can be done to refine CI/CD even further. The entire pipeline can now be built as code and managed either via Git as a single source of truth or by using visual tools to help guide the process.

Serverless Is Great; Serverless Sucks – Making Sense of the Serverless Landscape

Everyone has heard the famous line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This famous quote feels like it could perfectly describe the current state of serverless technologies and the way developers are currently building applications for those platforms.

On one hand, serverless is a boon to any company (or developer) building web applications. The idea that one can simply hand off the demands of managing infrastructure to someone else is an alluring prospect for CTOs, managers, or developers building independent projects.