ML Algorithms in Online User Reviews for Sentiment Analysis

The online ecosystem is designed to be open for live interactions. Online users can indulge in immersive web pages, engage in social conversations, and post online reviews. Web platforms are built to encourage users to post opinions without restrictions. This has stretched the scope for building several meaningful digital experiences in the web ecosystem.

Online products and services get positive and, every now and then, negative reviews. A fair amount of scrutinizing behavior by users can be spotted on most online platforms. Heaps of reviews are posted online by users on marketplaces, community web pages, and social media pages. The growing volume of user review data, especially that causes damage to a company’s online reputation, requires efficient management. This has pushed companies to monitor what users write about the products and the services across the web and adopt the methodologies of sentiment analysis.

Performing Sentiment Analysis Video

This video talks about an end-to-end flow, wherein an email content having a specific subject line will be read, the email body would be analyzed using Azure Cognitive Services (Sentiment analysis), analysis results would be saved in Azure Table Storage and finally, the chart would be drawn in Excel. All these steps include no coding at all. 

Powering Up RavenDB Indexes With NuGet Packages

In RavenDB 5, you can use third-party NuGet packages and load binary data (or "attachments") within your indexes without any additional code deployment necessary.

In this article, I’ll showcase how to use these two features together to index EXIF metadata on images and run ML.NET sentiment analysis offline on product reviews.

[SKP’s Novel Concept #03] The Idea of Mood Blogging

Mood Blogging is primarily location-based blogging that captures and enhances the spirit of blogging and also provides location determination, service feedbacks, product reviews, and product offers. It is primarily an internet concept that allows microblogging linked to the mood of that particular blog post and which also allows automatic detection of the current blog mood. It also allows blogs to be posted on other sites as well as to blog from other sites. Apart from this, it allows automatic location determination on the logged-in device and thereby allowing to temporarily subscribe to nearby blogs. This allows location-based subscriptions for temporary usage and automatically un-subscribing based on preferences. When working in a location-based mode would allow real-time feedback on services, products and also allow to obtain the latest offers and discounts. Most of all, it can be a place where people who have just joined a particular location set can look up to for live reviews and feedbacks.

It also involves automatic detection of high traffic generating blogs and gets these pages to be sponsored and customized as per the primary data and blogger profile. It allows another striking user experience feature where it allows mood icons, images, and graphics; thereby taking visual blogging to newer levels. Also, it provides an all-inclusive user interface which allows video, audio, images, files, long blogs, links, and a variety of other types of information to be blogged all in one place. Location determination allows blogs to be now more dynamic and also have location-based advertising and also advertising applied to specific location check-ins.

On the mobile continues the spirit of mood blogging on mobile by allowing to determine location (or change subscriptions) when the device is in the vicinity of another subscriber or a set of similar subscribers. The location determination is dependent on registering with exact details including the zip code and also on the features of the device itself.

The idea of Mood Blogging will be based on concepts of Intelligent Agents, Sentiment Analysis, Emotion Analysis, and Auto Location Determination.

Augmented Analytics With PySpark and Sentiment Analysis

In this tutorial, you will learn how to enrich COVID19 tweets data with a positive sentiment score.You will leverage PySpark and Cognitive Services and learn about Augmented Analytics.

What Is Augmented Analytics?

According to Gartner's report, augmented analytics is the use of technologies such as machine learning and AI to assist with data preparation, insight generation. Its main goal is to help more people to get value out of data and generate insights in an easy, conversational manner. For our example, we extract the positive sentiment score out of a tweet to help in understanding the overall sentiment towards COVID-19.

Understanding Sentiment Analysis

A simple chatbot is not enough to talk to enhance your clients’ experience and boost your business performance. When it comes to development, you realize that you require sentiment analysis to understand their feedback.

It might not seem a particularly difficult task to a human, but discerning intent behind each comment requires significant effort and specific algorithms. Our texts, blog posts, and any other form of written communication is riddled with emotion. An AI system may have little trouble understanding what a short and straightforward “I like it” means, but, in most cases, a single message contains more layers of context, subtext, irony, and other distorting factors. To classify each message correctly and respond appropriately, AI-powered communication systems rely on sentiment analysis.

Applications of Sentiment Analysis in Business

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis in business, also known as opinion mining, is a process of identifying and cataloging a piece of text according to the tone conveyed by it. This text can be tweets, comments, feedback, and even random rants with positive, negative, and neutral sentiments associated with them.

Every business needs to implement automated sentiment analysis. If you doubt it, here’s a little perspective. The accuracy can never be 100%. And of course, a machine does not understand sarcasm. However, according to research, people do not agree 80% of the time. It means that even if the machine accuracy does not score a perfect 10, it will still be more accurate than human analysis. Also, when the corpus is huge, manually analyzing is not an option. Hence, sentiment analysis in business is more than just a trend.

Tracking and Using Sentiment in Teneo

His sentiment doesn't look too good.


The Teneo platform is delivered with a collection of agile, customizable tools that build on the usual intent recognition that natural language systems offer. Combined with Teneo's unique infrastructure, these tools allow you to cumulatively monitor various aspects of user behavior during a conversation:

Characteristics of user input Categories Examples
Sentiment negative
not happy about this
that was a nice answer
Intensity cues capitalization
intensifying vocabulary
multiple one-word sentences
what DAY is this
I know, I know
what?? what!! what!?!
very good, extremely well
You. are. great.
Abusive language hate speech
sexual abuse
(clearly racist statements)
(obscene language)
(threats of violence)
(explicit sexual references)
Controversial themes

I need an abortion.
How do I rob a bank?
My best friend died.
Heil Hitler.
Let’s have sex.
I want to end it all.
What happened on 9/11?

Think about these categories for a moment. Knowing what happens at the meta-level of a conversation opens numerous powerful possibilities. During the session, you have an opportunity to identify and react to various situations that arise, tailoring the conversation towards a better user experience. After the session, you are able to analyze user sentiment towards company products and services as well as towards acceptance of the system's handling of the users’ issues. In this article, we focus on use cases for sentiment tracking during the session. 

Using Cloudera Data Science Workbench With Apache NiFi

Using Deployed Models as a Function as a Service

Using Cloudera Data Science Workbench with Apache NiFi, we can easily call functions within our deployed models from Apache NiFi as part of flows. I am working against CDSW on HDP, but it will work for all CDSW regardless of install type.

In my simple example, I built a Python model that uses TextBlob to run sentiment against a passed sentence. It returns Sentiment Polarity and Subjectivity, which we can immediately act upon in our flow.