MQTT Messaging With Java and Raspberry Pi

In December 2021, I had the chance to write a three-post blog series for HiveMQ. They provide an MQTT compatible message broker you can install yourself, or through a cloud service they provide. That cloud service is free to connect up to 100 devices! Even for the most enthusiastic maker, that’s a lot of microcontrollers or computers! 

You can find example code for many programming languages on the HiveMQ site, but as a Java and Raspberry Pi fan, I wanted to add some extra examples. The full descriptions are available on the HiveMQ blog, so let me give you a short overview here on DZone to give you an idea of the possibilities.

Analytics: Key for Transformation of Digital Enterprise


In our digital era, businesses are overwhelmed with data, and the ways to store, process, analyze, interpret, consume it. Today, the data that we deal with is diverse. User content like blog posts, tweets, social network interactions etc. and user transactions, touchpoints are various data sources

Data Analytics addresses large, diverse, complex, longitudinal, and/or distributed datasets generated from instruments, sensors, Internet transactions, email, video, click streams, and/or all other digital sources available today and in the future. It describes various data types and data sets covering new and unstructured data sources (NoSQL), SCADA data, M2M data, RFID data, and WSN data along with traditional (SQL RDBMS) and structured data sources.  

Using Flux to Get IoT Sensor Metadata From MySQL

Learn how to use Flux.

If you've deployed an IoT solution, you've had to decide where, and how, to store all your data. At least from my perspective, the best and easiest place to store the sensor data is, of course, InfluxDB.

My saying that can't come as a surprise to you. What about the other data you need to store? The data about the sensors? Things like the sensor manufacturer, the date it was placed into service, the customer ID, what kind of platform it's running on. You know, all the sensor metadata.