Abandoning Scrum

TL; DR: Abandoning Scrum

Can a Scrum team simply decide to abandon Scrum? After all, the Scrum team is self-managing, according to the Scrum manual, also known as the Scrum Guide. So, let’s explore this question at the very heart of team autonomy.

Abandoning Scrum According to the Scrum Guide

There are several references to self-management and team autonomy in the Scrum Guide 2020. However, no paragraph is addressing the question of when and how to abandon Scrum directly:

When the Management Ignores Self-Management

TL; DR: Ignoring Self-Management — Undermining Scrum From the Start

There are plenty of failure possibilities with Scrum. Given that Scrum is a framework with a reasonable yet short “manual,” this effect should not surprise anyone. One of Scrum’s first principles is self-management. It is based on the idea that the people closest to a problem are best suited to find a solution. Therefore, the task of the management is not to tell people what to do when and how. Instead, its job is to provide the guardrails, the constraints within which a Scrum team identifies the best possible solution. Join me and explore the consequences of management ignoring self-management and what you can do about it.

Self-Management According to the Scrum Guide

There are several references to self-management in the Scrum Guide 2020:

What a Self-Organizing Team Is (Not)

No, self-organizing teams aren't teams gone wild.

At a recent conference, I overheard three managers talking about self-organizing teams:

“You can’t just turn people loose and let a team make all the decisions. They’ll mess things up. And with all these Scrum Masters, coaches, and self-organizing teams, sounds like I’m out of a job,” said one with resignation.

How Does Leadership Fit Into Self-Organizing Teams?

There may not be an 'I' in team, but that doesn't mean there isn't a leader, even in self-organizing ones.

Let’s say we’ve “conquered agile," and the prophecy came true: We have a self-organizing team!

But how does leadership fit into this? What does a leader do in a self-organizing team?

Scrum Is All About the Working Agreements We Choose to Make

Our Scrum is only as strong as our voluntary working agreements.

In many organizations, I see Scrum not producing its anticipated value. The concept of value varies across organisations, but there is also a universal anticipated value of Scrum.

The Scrum Guide says about Scrum's purpose: