Everything You Need To Know About Page Object Model and Page Factory in Selenium

As we continue to automate the test cases on a daily basis using Selenium automation, the maintenance of the growing test suite parallelly becomes complicated. While automating the test cases on Selenium, there would be an instance where we use the same web element in multiple test scripts. For example, while automating an E-Commerce application, in every test case we have to search for a particular item from a search field using Selenium locator i.e. using XPath or ID. For such scenarios, we add the search field locator in every test script which would eventually increase code duplication.

Moreover, if there is any change in the locator, we have to change the locator in every test script where a particular web element is used. To overcome such challenges, we would be further looking at the Page Object Model that would help build a framework that is easy to use and maintain.

How To Speed Up Selenium Test Cases Execution?

The primary intent of Selenium test automation is to expedite the testing process. In the majority of the cases, automation tests using Selenium perform exceptionally better than their manual counterparts. However, there might be possibilities to speed up Selenium tests using Selenium test automation best practices to their truest potential. I have come across umpteen cases in my career where there was potential to speed up selenium tests. 

There are choices for using different types of waits, different types of web locators, different browser preferences, and making the wisest choices can aid in speeding up the Selenium tests. When looking to speed up Selenium tests, you should also look at optimizing the Selenium test infrastructure as that can significantly boost the speed of test execution.

How To Find Broken Links Using Selenium WebDriver

What thoughts come to mind when you come across 404/Page Not Found/Dead Hyperlinks on a website? Aargh! You would find it annoying when you come across broken hyperlinks, which is the sole reason why you should continuously focus on removing the existence of broken links in your web product (or website). Instead of a manual inspection, you can leverage automation for broken link testing using Selenium WebDriver.

When a particular link is broken and a visitor lands on the page, it affects that page’s functionality and results in a poor user experience. Dead links could hurt your product’s credibility, as it ‘might’ give an impression to your visitors that there is a minimal focus on the experience.

Selenium SendKeys: All You Need To Know

Selenium automation is not just about navigating and clicking through the links. Yes, you can use it to switch tabs, find broken links, or even drag and drop directly. But there is a lot more to it. An essential aspect of test automation is passing values to the text fields. In this article, we’ll delve into how Selenium helps us pass values to text fields using the Selenium sendKeys() method. Let us start on our journey to learn how to send keys in Selenium. 

What Is Selenium sendKeys() Method?

Selenium provides sendKeys() method to input content in editable text fields or password fields in a webpage. These fields are like the typical web elements present on the web page that can be identified using any of the Selenium locators. You can refer to our article on Selenium locators to learn more about the different locators you can use.

How to Get Text From an Element in Selenium

Selenium is the most widely used automation testing tool, which reduces human effort and efficiently handles testing the scenarios we encounter every day. One such scenario is how to get the text of an element in Selenium. Selenium offers a getText() method used to get the text of an element, i.e.; it can be used to read text values of an element from a web page.

In this article, we will understand how to get the text of an element using the getText() method offered by Selenium WebDriver. We will understand how we can fetch text from a webpage that might be present in any of the web-element. We will learn various applications of the getText() method, and by the end of this article, you will be fully capable of validating the text or even reading and performing actions on text using Selenium WebDriver.

All You Need to Know for Selenium Testing on the Cloud

Building large-scale web applications takes a monumental effort. Testing the quality of these applications requires a whole other level of dedication. From a developer’s vantage point, the focus is on improving the feature set, speeding up the overall performance, and building a scalable product. As far as QA is concerned, a lot of focus is on usability testing and compatibility testing while testing a website or web application.

If you are building a consumer-facing website or web application, your product is likely to be accessed by users from across the globe. Your product must be tested on various combinations of web browsers, devices, and platforms (operating systems) to ensure top-notch performance. Hence, browser compatibility testing becomes even more critical. No one wants to lose potential customers because of unpleasant user experiences on select few browsers, devices, or platforms.

Most Practical Selenium WebDriver Tutorial With Examples

Selenium is one of the most widely used automation frameworks for web-application testing. It automates browser testing and eases redundant test efforts for the QA Community. Most of the organizations are switching to using Selenium to automate their test suites which are often run regularly. Selenium WebDriver is a pivotal component of the Selenium suite. This is a Selenium WebDriver Tutorial to help you understand what is Selenium WebDriver and how it came into existence. We will also gaze upon the Selenium WebDriver architecture and run automation testing with Selenium WebDriver.

Before we deep dive into this Selenium WebDriver tutorial, we will need to understand what is Selenium and what are Selenium components.

Selenium Java Tutorial: Automation Testing of a User Sign Up Form

If you are just starting with Selenium automation testing of your product, the first page you would probably want to automate would be the Sign Up or Login Page. If you have an online platform, like an ecommerce company or a Software-as-a-Service product, the Sign Up page acts as the door to welcome visitors to your web application. 

It is one of the simplest yet one of the most important pages of your platform, and comes at the start of every possible user journey that you may want to test. Hence, it is also one of the most important web pages for your web application.

Selecting a Programming Language for Selenium Automation Testing

So many language to learn, so little time.

As people are shifting to automation from manual testing, they prefer to go with the best-suited testing framework for them. When we talk about a popular automation testing framework, most people immediately think about Selenium. Selenium is one of the most reliable, portable software testing frameworks for web applications. It comes with one test domain-specific programming language Selenese for writing automation scripts, but it also supports other programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript, PHP, and C#, which makes it a good choice.

While moving to automation testing with Selenium, everyone who tests has to face a question: Which programming language should you use for writing test automation suits?

Top 10 Books for Getting Started with Automation Testing

"There is no friend as loyal as a book." — Ernest Hemingway

Books have always been a friend to mankind for a long time. Digitalization has changed our way of reading, however, the pleasure and knowledge gained from hardcover books is incomparable. But when it comes to finding out the top books, it may require a lot of research. Everyone is very much inclined towards the digital world, always engrossed in computer screens doing their work, and when they get stuck they have to again withstand the screen to find out the solution.

Selenium Grid Setup Tutorial for Cross-Browser Testing

When performing cross-browser testing manually, one roadblock that you might have hit during the verification phase is testing the functionalities of your web application across different operating systems, devices, and/or browsers with respect to time. With thousands of browsers available in the market, automation testing for validating cross-browser compatibility has become a necessity.

Referring to automation and considering our love for open-source software, it is inevitable to turn a blind eye from one of the most renowned test automation frameworks, Selenium. We have covered automation testing with Selenium WebDriver for cross-browser testing previously on our blog where we discussed different variants of Selenium, i.e IDE, RC, WebDriver, etc. and ran our first automation script.

13 Reasons Why Selenium WebDriver Should Be Your Choice for Automation Testing

Developed in 2004 by Thoughtworks for internal usage, Selenium is a widely used tool for automated testing of web applications. Initially, Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) was being used by multiple organizations and testers worldwide and saved a lot of time and effort by the benefits of automation testing with Selenium. The major downside of automation testing with Selenium IDE was that it would only work with Firefox. To resolve the issue, Selenium RC(Remote Control) was used, which enabled Selenium to support automated cross-browser testing.

But currently, websites are becoming more robust with multiple features. Also, nowadays, with the majority of the organization making a mobile-friendly website, testers have to keep in mind that a website should work properly not only in desktop but also in Android as well as iOS. Selenium RC gradually lagged behind since it did not have the feature for testing browser compatibility of a website across multiple devices. To overcome all these issues, Selenium Webdriver stepped in.