How to Select Date From Datepicker in Selenium Webdriver Using Java

Selenium is a widely used automation testing tool used to ensure the seamless working of web applications in accordance with predetermined technical and business requirements. Using Selenium is a great way to comply with the growing demands made upon developers and testers – faster and more efficient release of new and updated features, ideally within a few weeks.

Selenium Webdriver, a significant component of the Selenium Test Suite, is a web framework that runs automated tests on websites to ensure all UI elements are functioning exactly as expected.

All You Need To Know About Exception Handling In Selenium

In the world of technology, exceptions are said to be as old as programming itself. The occurrence of an exception during the execution of code can result in unexpected behavior unless the exception is properly handled in the code. Exceptions are not bad but are a fundamental part of modern programming. Rather than having a fear of exceptions, it is important to know how to tackle which exception at what moment of time. Moving further, we would discuss how to handle exceptions elegantly and use exception handling to write clean code which is more maintainable.

What is an Exception?

The exception is a programmer’s commonly used term regardless of any specific programming language. ‘Exception’ as the name suggests are the events due to which the program ends abruptly without displaying an expected output.

How To Switch Tabs In A Browser Using Selenium Python?

Selenium automation offers dexterous ways to perform day-to-day tasks most efficiently. From capturing screenshots to testing PDF files, there’s no limit to what you can do with Selenium automation. Developers and testers are masters of drilling websites and finding loopholes. More often than not, this drill involves switching tabs multiple times a day. To reduce the manual effort that goes into doing so, we recommend using Python Selenium to switch tabs.

In this article, we will help you master multiple ways to switch tabs in Selenium using Python. Let’s get started –

How to Write Test Script in Selenium?

Selenium is one of the essential automation testing tools for web applications or websites. So, it is quite efficient for you to learn the right process to code and write the Selenium test scripts with the help of the right Selenium testing tutorial. The people who want to automate the website or web application testing process always think of Selenium, and conducting this test is also an easy process.

Today I am going to share the important steps that you need to follow to understand how to write a Selenium test script for automation testing of the website or web application. Follow this blog till the end to master the art of doing it.

Guide To Cross Browser Testing On Older Browser Versions

“How do I perform website testing on older browser versions? Is it even necessary?”

Have you ever wondered about these questions? If you did, you’re not the only one. At some point, every web tester or web developer ponders on these. And it is logical to do so. After all, new browser versions are released every month. Which makes it difficult for testers and developers to maintain a record of emerging and deprecated features. Not to forget, the never-ending release requirements are constantly squeezing your bandwidth.

Selenium Python Tutorial: Getting Started With BDD In Behave

As technology becomes more complex, the number of people who actually understand it decreases. With Selenium test automation, the story is not so different, key stakeholders in a project, with the nontechnical background but with more insight into customer demand and use cases, might find it difficult to contribute to the process. 

Wouldn’t it be great, if the testers, developers, product managers, business managers, and other stakeholders in a project could sit under one roof to unearth new test cases, user stories and bugs for ensuring awesome product quality? 

How Selenium 4 Relative Locator Can Change The Way You Test

Web pages can consist of the number of web elements or GUI elements like radio buttons, text boxes, drop-downs, inputs, etc. Web locators in the context of Selenium automation testing are used to perform different actions on the web elements of a page. Which makes it no surprise that as a new Selenium user, the first thing we aim to learn is Selenium Locators.

These locators are the bread and butter of any Selenium automation testing framework, no matter the type of testing you are doing, ranging from unit testing to end-to-end, automated, cross-browser testing. There are many types of locators used, such as CSS Selector, XPath, Link, Text, ID, etc. So far, you get eight types of locators in Selenium. This number, however, is going to change in the new Selenium 4 release. Wondering why?

22 Reasons Why Test Automation Fails For Your Web Application

Automation testing in progress.

I can relate to the feeling where you wish to achieve flawless automation testing in the blink of an eye! On the other hand, I also understand the apprehension that is causing you to delay test automation. When an enterprise has just begun the transformation, there are a plethora of challenges to overcome. Even if you apply the best practices, some shortcomings can result in wastage of automation efforts. So, I’ve decided to list out 22 reasons that in my experience, are responsible for automation testing failure.

Selenium Automation Testing With LambdaTest

Automation testing has become a basic need for organizations that run their businesses online. It is a testing technique that is used to ensure that a web application works fine across all browsers, operating systems, and devices in terms of functionality, speed, and accuracy. There are multiple testing platforms and tools that can be used for automation testing like Robotium, TestComplete, SoapUI, and Ranorex.

But, there is no match for Selenium. It is the most recommended tool for automation testing by large as well as small organizations. So, if you’re starting out with automation testing and don’t know what selenium is and how it is beneficial for automation testing?