Usage of Java Streams and Lambdas in Selenium WebDriver

Overview: Java Streams and Lambdas


A lambda expression is a microcode that takes in parameter(s) and returns a value. Lambda expressions are similar to methods, but they are anonymous and they can be implemented right in the body of a method.

Lambdas Syntax

parameter -> expression //to use single parameter & expression
(parameter1, parameter2) -> expression //to use multiple parameters & expression
(parameter1, parameter2) -> {code block} //to use multiple parameters & conditions, loops and more complex logic

How To Get Attribute Value In Selenium WebDriver


Testing a web page can be a gargantuan task, considering all the elements and variables that come together to make a page work. Selenium automation is a great way to overcome these challenges and automate everything you would manually do. For example, Selenium makes it so much easier to take a screenshot using Python instead of doing it manually every time you come across a website issue.

Similarly, there are multiple scenarios while writing automation test cases when we need to verify a specific attribute on the web page. To ease our execution, the method to getAttribute() in Selenium comes to the rescue. In this blog, we will understand what an attribute is and how we can handle web elements’ attributes using the Selenium getAttribute() method.

9 of the Best Reporting Tools for Selenium

When it comes to testing with Selenium, a detailed test report generated using the right reporting tool for Selenium can do wonders for the testing activity. Test reports generated using Selenium reporting tools give detailed insights into the testing activity and show the test scenarios’ status.

Often you come across situations where you need the test reports immediately, to either present it to someone or for some other purpose. In those situations, you can leverage the best reporting tool for Selenium to generate short & understandable test reports so that anyone from the team can quickly grasp the information.

How WebDriverIO Uses Selenium Locators in a Unique Way

In any automation testing framework, finding elements is the most fundamental activity. We have to choose web elements very carefully so that automation script execution can handle static and dynamic elements for stable test results. WebDriverIO has many advanced Selenium locators/ selector strategies compared to other automation testing frameworks. Traditionally, each locator has a specific By method which identifies the locators during runtime. 

WebdriverIO has simplified these By methods and now we do not have to specify them explicitly. 

Code Coverage vs Test Coverage — Which Is Better?

Make sure you stay covered!

Test Coverage and Code coverage are the most popular methodologies for measuring the effectiveness of the code. Though these terms are sometimes used interchangeably since their underlying principles are the same. But they are not as similar as you may think.

Many times, I have noticed the testing team and development team being confused over the use of these two terminologies. This is why I thought of coming up with an article to talk about the differences between code coverage and test coverage in detail.

Selenium Java Tutorial: Automation Testing of a User Sign Up Form

If you are just starting with Selenium automation testing of your product, the first page you would probably want to automate would be the Sign Up or Login Page. If you have an online platform, like an ecommerce company or a Software-as-a-Service product, the Sign Up page acts as the door to welcome visitors to your web application. 

It is one of the simplest yet one of the most important pages of your platform, and comes at the start of every possible user journey that you may want to test. Hence, it is also one of the most important web pages for your web application.

How Selenium 4 Relative Locator Can Change The Way You Test

Web pages can consist of the number of web elements or GUI elements like radio buttons, text boxes, drop-downs, inputs, etc. Web locators in the context of Selenium automation testing are used to perform different actions on the web elements of a page. Which makes it no surprise that as a new Selenium user, the first thing we aim to learn is Selenium Locators.

These locators are the bread and butter of any Selenium automation testing framework, no matter the type of testing you are doing, ranging from unit testing to end-to-end, automated, cross-browser testing. There are many types of locators used, such as CSS Selector, XPath, Link, Text, ID, etc. So far, you get eight types of locators in Selenium. This number, however, is going to change in the new Selenium 4 release. Wondering why?

Selecting a Programming Language for Selenium Automation Testing

So many language to learn, so little time.

As people are shifting to automation from manual testing, they prefer to go with the best-suited testing framework for them. When we talk about a popular automation testing framework, most people immediately think about Selenium. Selenium is one of the most reliable, portable software testing frameworks for web applications. It comes with one test domain-specific programming language Selenese for writing automation scripts, but it also supports other programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript, PHP, and C#, which makes it a good choice.

While moving to automation testing with Selenium, everyone who tests has to face a question: Which programming language should you use for writing test automation suits?

Cross-Browser Testing: Best Practices and Useful Resources

Wine testing...browser testing...what's the difference?

In the earlier days of web development, executing cross-browser testing used to be very easy. There used to be only a few limited browsers, each browser had limited versions in usage, and most importantly, there were not so many different mobile screen sizes to worry about. But time has turned upside-down, now there are multiple devices to check on, there are many different browsers available on the market that are used by a considerable number of internet goers, and there are thousands of different screen sizes to test on.

22 Reasons Why Test Automation Fails For Your Web Application

Automation testing in progress.

I can relate to the feeling where you wish to achieve flawless automation testing in the blink of an eye! On the other hand, I also understand the apprehension that is causing you to delay test automation. When an enterprise has just begun the transformation, there are a plethora of challenges to overcome. Even if you apply the best practices, some shortcomings can result in wastage of automation efforts. So, I’ve decided to list out 22 reasons that in my experience, are responsible for automation testing failure.

Selenium Automation Testing With LambdaTest

Automation testing has become a basic need for organizations that run their businesses online. It is a testing technique that is used to ensure that a web application works fine across all browsers, operating systems, and devices in terms of functionality, speed, and accuracy. There are multiple testing platforms and tools that can be used for automation testing like Robotium, TestComplete, SoapUI, and Ranorex.

But, there is no match for Selenium. It is the most recommended tool for automation testing by large as well as small organizations. So, if you’re starting out with automation testing and don’t know what selenium is and how it is beneficial for automation testing?

How to Make Simple End-To-End Tests With JavaTea

Although automated testing is an effective way to validate web applications, creating automated tests is time-consuming and maintaining the tests is painful. End-to-end testing is especially complex and taking time to execute.

To make it easier, this article proposes to use JavaTea, which is an end-to-end functional automation framework. It is built on Selenium WebDriver but it allows you to describe tests with less code compared to Selenium. The following three topics are focused in this article:

Best Practices For Using Selenium for Test Automation

Software developers have the benefit of using automation tools to execute test case suites, unlike before, when manual testers used to slog through test script execution.

However, the purpose of automation testing is not to get away from manual testing completely, but to minimize the test case counts that are run manually. Automation testing allows you to test multilingual sites quickly and also increases the test execution speed.

Top 10 Books for Getting Started with Automation Testing

"There is no friend as loyal as a book." — Ernest Hemingway

Books have always been a friend to mankind for a long time. Digitalization has changed our way of reading, however, the pleasure and knowledge gained from hardcover books is incomparable. But when it comes to finding out the top books, it may require a lot of research. Everyone is very much inclined towards the digital world, always engrossed in computer screens doing their work, and when they get stuck they have to again withstand the screen to find out the solution.

How Code Reviewing Can Help With Quality Assurance

Being in the software industry you may have often heard the term code review. However, the concept of code reviewing is often misunderstood. Often it is overlooked in the software development lifecycle as people feel performing testing should suffice the validation process. And so, they tend to turn a blind eye towards the code reviewing process. However, neglecting code reviewing process could bounce back with major consequences to deal with. We also have a misconception that the code reviewing process is a responsibility for the development team alone. It is not! Code reviewing is a process that should involve not only developers, but QAs and product managers, too. This article is my attempt to help you realize the importance of code review and how as QA, you should be participating in it. We will also look into code review best practices and code review checklist for automation testing using Selenium WebDriver.

What Is Code Review And Its Objective?

Code reviewing is a practice where the source code is broken into small pieces, which are inspected by the supervisors or seniors in the team to be carried out just before testing. It is a process mostly followed in Agile methodology.

Automated Testing With JUnit and Selenium for Browser Compatibility

Cross-browser testing is a process by where you test your website over multiple browsers and browser versions running on different operating systems. This is done to realize the cross-browser compatibility of a website or a web app when accessed across a variety of browsers. If your web app isn’t cross-browser compatible, then not only would you be missing out on potential leads but your customer retention could also suffer. These browser differences could be anything from layout to typography, and these cross-browser differences happen as each browser has a unique rendering engine, which is responsible for rendering web elements.

However, cross-browser testing can be highly time-consuming if executed manually. Think about how many browser versions you would need to encounter from legacy to modern and the surplus variety of browsers available in the market. You also would have to consider specific browsers offered by specific mobile vending companies. There are ways you could fast track your manual cross-browser testing effort, and automation testing sits on top of the list for saving everyday time and effort.