How To Start a Successful Phishing Simulation Program

Simulated phishing attacks provide an effective way to help identify, track and measure weaknesses and improvements in your security program as they relate to phishing and social engineering. Phishing simulation can also help you identify which types of phishing attacks are most successful against your organization and which groups of employees to focus more on as part of your security awareness training efforts.

There are several ways to run phishing simulation exercises across your organization. One of the quickest and safest ways to do this is to use phishing simulation software and tools to send employees a simulated phishing email. However, there’s more to a fruitful phishing simulation exercise than just the tools that help you carry it out.

OWASP ServerlessGoat: Learn Serverless Security By Hacking and Defending

Deliberately-vulnerable applications gained popularity in recent years for the purpose of learning and demonstrating application security concepts. Years ago, OWASP launched the WebGoat project, which has since become the gold standard and to this day is still one of the most popular platforms for teaching web application security.

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) recently launched the serverless counterpart to WebGoat, named ServerlessGoat, which was contributed by serverless security vendor PureSec.