Managing Secrets Deployment in GitOps Workflow – Part 2


In my previous post Managing Secrets Deployment in GitOps Workflow I talked about SealedSecrets, which is one of the ways to keep Kubernetes secrets in version control to implement the GitOps workflow. This approach has the following downsides:

  1. The sealed secret is encrypted with its own random asymmetric key that is specific to the sealed secret name and namespace and therefore copy-pasting the encrypted data for another secret or in another namespace won't work.
  2. Secondly, by default, SealedSecrets generated for a cluster won't work with another cluster because the installation of Bitnami Controller creates a new pair of public/private keys. This makes the overall GitOps implementation approach cumbersome. 

One solution may be to export and import the same set of keys from one cluster to another. However, if the key on a cluster gets compromised, it would grant access to all sealed secrets on all clusters with the same key pair.