Eternal Dilemma — Using GetListXml() or GetList() Methods to Retrieve Items From Tridion

Using GetListXml() or GetList() Methods to Retrieve Items From Tridion

If you are a newbie Tridion developer, when you are trying to retrieve Components from Folder or Pages in Structure Group using Core Service API (or TOM.NET API which is similar in implementation), you can use GetListXml() or GetList() methods. There are some differences between these methods which sometimes spark controversy even amongst us veterans. Why?
Well, first of all, let’s give a short summary of what each method does.

According to API reference documentation, the definitions of both methods are:

How to Approach Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)

Introduction to the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)

Security Development Lifecycle is one of the four Secure Software Pillars. By pillars, I mean the essential activities that ensure secure software.

SDL can be defined as the process for embedding security artifacts in the entire software cycle.

4 Chatbots Security Measures You Absolutely Need to Consider

It will come as no surprise that chatbots are everywhere and they are here to stay! In fact, 80 percent of companies want to have some type of chatbot implemented by 2020.

Chatbots are our friendly assistants that make life easier by helping us book flights, appointments, shop, get answers to our questions, etc. They also allow companies to lower the cost in customer service and have their customer support agents attending to more complex situations.