Definition of Done Canvas

UPDATED 11/2020:

This article and the DoD Canvas have been updated to reflect the Scrum Guide 2020. In the DoD Canvas, this includes removing the speech marks from the word Done and enriching some of the wording in the Benchmark section.

Best of Dan Lines Collection

Anytime I see an article written by Dan Lines in my moderation queue, I know our audience is about to get some great content. His storytelling is consistent and engaging, and every article manages to leave readers with more tangible takeaways than the last. 

To celebrate his keynote at the Agile + DevOps Virtual conference, we've collected the Best of the Best from Dan Lines. (It wasn't easy... each one is so good!)

What (Really) Is Velocity in Scrum?

Unlike most other races, measuring velocity isn't always beneficial in Scrum.

In complex and uncertain environments, more is unknown than is known. And what we know is subject to change. Only what we have achieved is known (unless we prefer to cover up). Progress is in what we have done, more than in what we plan to do. What we plan to do are assumptions that need validation by emerging actions and decisions. We make and incrementally change decisions based on what is known.

In Scrum, it is considered a good idea for teams to know about the progress they have been making. It is one parameter (of several) to take into account when considering the inherently uncertain future.

How to Apply Scrum to Your Software Development Company

Scrum is one of the most-adopted methodologies in the technology industry today. So what do you know about this framework and how to implement it into your organization? 

1. What Do You Need to Know About Scrum?

What is Scrum?

It is essential to mention that the philosophy of Agile is that all the tasks, whether big or small, must be completed by a small group of people. As a method developed from Agile, Scrum works the same way.

Five Reasons Why Scrum Fails in Software Development

Generally, the majority of Scrum software development projects are completed successfully. However, there are situations where Scrum does not deliver the expected results. This article discusses why Scrum fails in software development and the possible reasons for it. This article is targeted toward those who have a good understanding and some experience on the Scrum framework.

1. Lack of Understanding of The Scrum Framework Among Team Members

It is very important to have a good understanding of the Agile Scrum principles, strategies, and approaches. It is equally important that all team members have a common understanding of the Scrum framework, as well as the Scrum roles in the team. The team should know the distinct roles and responsibilities that the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and developers should play.