Scroll Shadows? Pure CSS Parallax? Game Back On.

Chris calls scroll shadows one his favorite CSS-Tricks of all time. Lea Verou popularized the pure CSS approach using four layered background gradients with some clever background-attachment magic. The result is a slick scrolling interaction that gives users a hint that additional content is available in a scrollable container.

Just one problem: it broke in Safari iOS 13. One day it was all good. The next, not so much. And that wasn’t the only thing affected. Keith Clark’s CSS-only parallax effect also stopped working right about then.

Well, reader Ronald wrote in to say that all is working once again! In fact, I’m writing this on my iPad (Safari 15.5) right now and Chris’s demo is looking sharp as ever. So is Keith’s original demo.

So, what broke it? We still don’t know. But the Safari 13 release notes offer clues:

  • Added support for one-finger accelerated scrolling to all frames and overflow:scroll elements eliminating the need to set-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch.
  • Changed the default behavior on iPad for wide web pages with responsive meta-tags that require horizontal scrolling. Pages are scaled to prevent horizontal scrolling and any text is resized to preserve legibility.

When was it fixed and what fixed it? Well, on the scroll shadow side, the Safari 15.4 included some work on background-attachment: local that may have done the trick. On the parallax side, Safari 14.1 added support for individual transform properties… so maybe that?

Scroll Shadows? Pure CSS Parallax? Game Back On. originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

How to Make a “Raise the Curtains” Effect in CSS

“Raise the curtains” is what I call an effect where the background goes from dark to light on scroll, and the content on top also goes from light to dark while in a sticky position.

Here’s an example where I used the effect on a real-life project:

Want to know how it’s done? I will take you behind the curtain and show you how to raise it, with nothing but HTML and CSS.

Let’s start with the HTML

What we’re making is sort of a simplified “raise the curtain” effect like this:

Showing the raise the curtains effect from dark blue to wheat.
The background and text both change color while scrolling over the element.

I’m keeping things simple for the sake of clarity, but we can stub this out with three elements:

<div class="curtain">
  <div class="invert">
    <h2>Section title</h2>

First, we need a container for the curtain, which we’ll give a .curtain class. Then, inside the .curtain, we have the an .invert child element that will serve as our “sticky” box. And, finally, we have the content inside this box — a good old-fashioned <h2> element for this specific example.

Let’s set up some CSS variables

There are three values we know we’ll need upfront. Let’s make CSS variables out of them so it’s easy to write them into our styles and easily change them later if we need to.

  • --minh – The height of the container
  • --color1 – The light color
  • --color2 – The dark color
:root {
  --minh: 98vh;
  --color1: wheat;
  --color2: midnightblue;

Time to draw the curtain

Next, we can define our .curtain element using the following techniques:

  • A linear-gradient for the “split” background
  • min-height for the extra space at the bottom of the container

We use the ::after pseudo-element to add the extra space to the bottom. This way, our “sticky” content will actually stick to the container while scrolling past the ::after element. It’s an illusion.

.curtain {
  /** create the "split" background **/
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--color2) 50%, var(--color1) 50%);

/** add extra space to the bottom (need this for the "sticky" effect) **/
.curtain::after {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  min-height: var(--minh);

Making sticky content

Next up, we need to make our content “sticky” in the sense that it sits perfectly inside the container as the background and text swap color values. In fact, we already gave the .curtain‘s child element an .invert class that we can use as the sticky container.

Stay with me for a moment — here’s how this is going to play out:

  • position: sticky and top define the stickiness and where it sticks.
  • mix-blend-mode: difference blends the color of the content inside the <h2> element into the .curtain‘s background gradient.
  • display: flex centers the content for presentation.
  • min-height defines the height of the container and allows for the extra space at the bottom.
  • color sets the color of the h2 heading.

Now to put that into CSS code!

.invert {
  /** make the content sticky **/
  position: sticky;
  top: 20px;

  /** blend the content with the contrast effect **/
  mix-blend-mode: difference;

  /** center the content **/
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  /** set the minimum height of the section **/
  min-height: var(--minh);

h2 {
  /** set the color of the text **/
  color: var(--color1);

There are many things going on here, so let’s explain each one of them.

First, we have a sticky position that is self-explanatory and flexbox to help center the content. Nothing new or particularly tricky about this.

The content’s height is set using CSS variable and the value is the same height value as the .curtain::after pseudo-element.

The mix-blend-mode: difference declaration blends our content with the background. The difference value is complicated, but you might visualize it like inverted text color against the background. Here’s a nice demo from the CSS-Tricks Almanac showing off the different mix-blend-mode values:

To make the blending work, we need to set the color of our heading. In this case, we’re assigning a light color value (wheat) to the --color1 variable.

“Raise the Curtains” Demo


I experienced a few problems while working out the details of the “raise the curtain” effect. If you want to add images to the “sticky” content, for example, avoid using images that don’t look good when their colors are inverted. Here’s a quick demo where I made a simple SVG and transparent PNG image, and it looks good.

Another gotcha: there’s no way to set mix-blend-mode: difference on specific child elements, like headings, while avoiding the effect on images. I discovered there are several reasons why it doesn’t work, the first of which is that position: sticky cancels the blending.

The same goes when using something like transform: skewY on the container to add a little “tilt” to things. I suspect other properties don’t play well with the blending, but I didn’t go that far to find out which ones.

Here’s the demo without scrolling that removes the troubling properties:

Curtain call!

I enjoyed building this component, and I always love it when I can accomplish something using only HTML and CSS, especially when they work smoothly on every browser.

What will make with it? Is there a different way you would approach a “raise the curtain” effect like this? Let me know in the comments!

How to Make a “Raise the Curtains” Effect in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Scroll Shadows With JavaScript

Scroll shadows are when you can see a little inset shadow on elements if (and only if) you can scroll in that direction. It’s just good UX. You can actually pull it off in CSS, which I think is amazing and one of the great CSS tricks. Except… it just doesn’t work on iOS Safari. It used to work, and then it broke in iOS 13, along with some other useful CSS things, with no explanation why and has never been fixed.

So, now, if you really want scroll shadows (I think they are extra useful on mobile browsers anyway), it’s probably best to reach for JavaScript.

Here’s a pure CSS example so you can see it work in all browsers except iOS Safari. Screenshots:

I’m bringing this up now because I see Jonnie Hallman is blogging about tit again. He mentioned it as an awesome little detail back in May. There are certain interfaces where scroll shadows really extra make sense.

Taking a step back, I thought about the solution that currently worked, using scroll events. If the scroll area has scrolled, show the top and left shadows. If the scroll area isn’t all the way scrolled, show the bottom and right shadows. With this in mind, I tried the simplest, most straight-forward, and least clever approach by putting empty divs at the top, right, bottom, and left of the scroll areas. I called these “edges”, and I observed them using the Intersection Observer API. If any of the edges were not intersecting with the scroll area, I could assume that the edge in question had been scrolled, and I could show the shadow for that edge. Then, once the edge is intersecting, I could assume that the scroll area has reached the edge of the scroll, so I could hide that shadow.

Clever clever. No live demo, unfortunately, but read the post for a few extra details on the implementation.

Other JavaScript-powered examples

I do think if you’re going to do this you should go the IntersectionObserver route though. Would love to see someone port the best of these ideas all together (wink wink).

The post Scroll Shadows With JavaScript appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

2021 Scroll Survey Report

Here’s a common thought and question: how do browsers prioritize what they work on? We get little glimpses of it sometimes. We’re told to “star issues” in bug trackers to signal interest. We’re told to get involved in GitHub threads for spec issues. We’re told they do read the blog posts. And, sometimes, we get to see the results of surveys. Chrome ran a survey about scrolling on the web back in April and has published the results with an accompanying a blog post.

“Scrolling” is a big landscape:

From our research, these difficulties come from the multitude of use cases for scroll. When we talk about scrolling, that might include:

According to the results, dang near half of developers are dissatisfied with scrolling on the web, so this is a metric Google devs want to change and they will prioritize it.

To add to the list above, I think even smooth scrolling is a little frustrating in how you can’t control the speed or other behaviors of it. For example, you can’t say “smooth scroll an on-page jump-down link, but don’t smooth scroll a find-on-page jump.”

And that’s not to mention scroll snapping, which is another whole thing with the occasional bug. Speaking of which, Dave had an idea on the show the other day that was pretty interesting. Now that scroll snapping is largely supported, even on desktop, and feels pretty smooth for the most part, should we start using it more liberally, like on whole page sections? Maybe even like…

/* Reset stylesheet */
main, section, article, footer {
  scroll-snap-align: start;

I’ve certainly seen scroll snapping in more places. Like this example from Scott Jehl where he was playing with scroll snapping on fixed table headers and columns. It’s a very nice touch:

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

The post 2021 Scroll Survey Report appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

The Fixed Background Attachment Hack

What options do you have if you want the body background in a fixed position where it stays put on scroll? background-attachment: fixed in CSS, at best, does not work well in mobile browsers, and at worst is not even supported by the most widely used mobile browsers. You can ditch this idea completely and let the background scroll on small screens using media queries.

Or get around it with a small fix. I suppose we could call it a “hack” since it’s a workaround in code that arguably we shouldn’t have to do at all.

The issue

Before I show you the fix, let’s examine the issue. We can see it by looking at two different approaches to CSS backgrounds:

  1. a background using a linear gradient
  2. a background using an image

Linear gradient

I want to keep the background gradient in a fixed position on scroll, so let’s apply basic CSS styling to the body that does exactly that:

body {
  background: linear-gradient(335deg, rgba(255,140,107,1) 0%, rgba(255,228,168,1) 100%);
  background-attachment: fixed;
  background-position: center;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  height: 100vh;

Here are the results in Chrome and Firefox, both on Android, respectively:

Chrome Android
Firefox Android

The gradient simply scrolls along with other content then jumps back. I don’t know exactly why that is — maybe when the URL tab goes up or disappears on scroll and the browser finds it difficult to re-render the gradient in real time? That’s my best guess since it only seems to happen in mobile browsers.

If you’re wondering about iOS Safari, I haven’t tested on iOS personally, but the issue is there too. Some have already reported the issue and it appears to behave similarly.

Background image

This issue with images is no different.

body {
  background: url(../assets/test_pic.jpg);
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;
  background-position: center;
  background-attachment: fixed;
  height: 100vh;
The grey section at the top just indicates the presence of an actual URL bar in Chrome Android.

Another interesting thing to note is that when background-attachment: fixed is applied, the height is ignored even if we explicitly specify it. That’s because background-attachment calculates a fixed background position relative to the viewport.

Even if we say the body is 100vh, background-attachment: fixed is not exactly in accordance with it. Weird! Perhaps the reason is that background-attachment: fixed relies on the smallest possible viewport while elements rely on the largest possible viewport. David Bokan explains,

Lengths defined in viewport units (i.e. vh) will not resize in response to the URL bar being shown or hidden. Instead, vh units will be sized to the viewport height as if the URL bar is always hidden. That is, vh units will be sized to the “largest possible viewport”. This means 100vh will be larger than the visible height when the URL bar is shown.

The issues are nicely documented over at caniuse:

  • Firefox does not appear to support the local value when applied on a textarea element.
  • Chrome has an issue that occurs when using the will-change property on a selector which also has background-attachment: fixed defined. It causes the image to get cut off and gain whitespace around it.
  • iOS has an issue preventing background-attachment: fixed from being used with background-size: cover.

Let’s fix it

Call it a temporary hack, if you will. Some of you may have already tried it. Whatever the case, it fixes the linear gradient and background image issues we just saw.

So, as you know, we are getting in trouble with the background-attachment: fixed property and, as you might have guessed, we are removing it from our code. If it’s looking at the smallest possible viewport, then maybe we should be working with an element that looks for the largest possible viewport and position that instead.

So, we are creating two separate elements — one for the background-gradient and another for the rest of the content. We are replacing background-attachment: fixed with position: fixed.

<div class="bg"></div>
<div class="content">
  <!-- content -->
.bg {
  background: linear-gradient(335deg, rgba(255,140,107,1) 0%, rgba(255,228,168,1) 100%);
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center;
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100vw;
  position: fixed;
  /* z-index usage is up to you.. although there is no need of using it because the default stack context will work. */
  z-index: -1; // this is optional

Now, wrap up the rest of the content — except for the element containing the background image — inside a main container.

  position: absolute;
  margin-top: 5rem;
  left: 50%; 
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  width: 80%;


Chrome Android
Firefox Android

We can use the same trick hack with background images and it works fine. However, you do get some sort of background scrolling when the URL bar hides itself, but the white patch is no longer there.

.img {    
  background: url('../assets/test_pic.jpg');
  background-position: center;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;
  position: fixed;
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100vw;

.content {
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%; 
  margin-top: 5rem;
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  width: 80%;
Chrome Android
Firefox Android

Here are my takeaways

A fixed-position element with a height set to 100% behaves just like the element with background-attachment: fixed property, which is clearly evident in the example below! Just observe the right-most bar (purple color) in the video.

The website which is being tested is taken from this article.

Even though, David Bokan in his article states that:

That is, a position: fixed element whose containing block is the ICB will resize in response to the URL bar showing or hiding. For example, if its height is 100% it will always fill exactly the visible height, whether or not the URL bar is shown. Similarly for vh lengths, they will also resize to match the visible height taking the URL bar position into account.

If we take into account that last sentence, that doesn’t seem to be the case here. Elements that have fixed positioning and 100vh height don’t change their height whether the URL bar is shown or not. In fact, the height is according to the height of the “largest possible viewport”. This is evident in the example below. Just observe the light blue colored bar in the video.

The website which is being tested is taken from this article.

So, it appears that, when working with a container that is 100vh, background-attachment: fixed considers the smallest possible viewport height while elements in general consider the largest possible viewport height.

For example, background-attachment: fixed simply stops working when a repaint is needed, like when a mobile browser’s address bar goes away on scroll. The browser adjusts the background according to the largest possible viewport (which is now, in fact, the smallest possible viewport as URL bar is hidden) and the browser isn’t efficient enough to repaint on the fly, which results in a major lag.

Our hack addresses this by making the background an element instead of, well, an actual background. We give the element containing the content an absolute position to stack it on top of the element containing the image, then apply a fixed position on the latter. Hey, it works!

Note that the viewport height is calculated excluding the navigation bar at the bottom (if present). Here’s a comparison between the presence and absence of navigation bar at the bottom in Chrome Android.

Is there a downside? Perhaps! We’re using a general <div> instead of an actual <img> tag, so I wouldn’t say the markup is semantic. And that can lead to accessibility issues. If you’re working with an image that adds meaning or context to the content, then an <img> is the correct way to go, utilizing a proper alt description for screen readers.

But if we go the proper <img> route, then we’re right back where we started. Also, if you have a navigation bar at the bottom which too auto hides itself, then I can’t help it. If the hack won’t cut it, then perhaps JavaScript can come to the rescue.

The post The Fixed Background Attachment Hack appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

Going “Meta GSAP”: The Quest for “Perfect” Infinite Scrolling

I‘m not sure how this one came about. But, it‘s a story. This article is more about grokking a concept, one that’s going to help you think about your animations in a different way. It so happens that this particular example features infinite scrolling — specifically the “perfect” infinite scroll for a deck of cards without duplicating any of them.

Why am I here? Well, this all started from a tweet. A tweet that got me thinking about layouts and side-scrolling content.

I took that concept and used it on my site. And it’s still there in action at the time of writing.

Then I got to thinking more about gallery views and side-scrolling concepts. We hopped on a livestream and decided to try and make something like the old Apple “Cover Flow” pattern. Remember it?

My first thoughts for making this assumed I‘d make this so it works without JavaScript, as it does in the demo above, in a way that uses “progressive enhancement.” I grabbed Greensock and ScrollTrigger, and off we went. I came away from that work pretty disappointed. I had something but couldn‘t quite get infinite scrolling to work how the way I wanted. The “Next” and “Previous” buttons didn’t want to play ball. You can see it here, and it requires horizontal scrolling.

So I opened up a new thread on the Greensock forum. Little did I know I was about to open myself up to some serious learning! We solved the issue with the buttons. But, being me, I had to ask whether something else was possible. Was there a “clean” way to do infinite scrolling? I‘d tried something on stream but had no luck. I was curious. I’d tried a technique like that used in this pen which I created for the ScrollTrigger release.

The initial answer was that it is kinda tricky to do:

The hard part about infinite things on scroll is that the scroll bar is limited while the effect that you’re wanting is not. So you have to either loop the scroll position like this demo (found in the ScrollTrigger demos section) or hook directly into the scroll-related navigation events (like the wheel event) instead of actually using the actual scroll position.

I figured that was the case and was happy to leave it “as-is.” A couple of days passed and Jack dropped a reply that kinda blew my mind when I started digging into it. And now, after a bunch of going through it, I’m here to share the technique with you.

Animate anything

One thing that is often overlooked with GSAP, is that you can animate almost anything with it. This is often because visual things are what spring to mind when thinking about animation — the actual physical movement of something. Our first thought isn’t about taking that process to a meta-level and animating from a step back.

But, think about animation work on a larger scale and then break it down into layers. For example, you play a cartoon. The cartoon is a collection of compositions. Each composition is a scene. And then you have the power to scrub through that collection of compositions with a remote, whether it’s on YouTube, using your TV remote, or whatever. There are almost three levels to what is happening.

And this is the trick we need for creating different types of infinite loops. This is the main concept right here. We animate the play head position of a timeline with a timeline. And then we can scrub that timeline with our scroll position.

Don‘t worry if that sounds confusing. We’re going to break it down.

Going “meta”

Let‘s start with an example. We’re going to create a tween that moves some boxes from left to right. Here it is.

Ten boxes that keep going left to right. That’s quite straightforward with Greensock. Here, we use fromTo and repeat to keep the animation going. But, we have a gap at the start of each iteration. We’re also using stagger to space out the movement and that’s something that will play an important role as we continue.

gsap.fromTo('.box', {
  xPercent: 100
}, {
  xPercent: -200,
  stagger: 0.5,
  duration: 1,
  repeat: -1,
  ease: 'none',

Now comes the fun part. Let’s pause the tween and assign it to a variable. Then let’s create a tween that plays it. We can do this by tweening the totalTime of the tween, which allows us to get or set the tween’s playhead tween, while considering repeats and repeat delays.

const SHIFT = gsap.fromTo('.box', {
  xPercent: 100
}, {
  paused: true,
  xPercent: -200,
  stagger: 0.5,
  duration: 1,
  repeat: -1,
  ease: 'none',

const DURATION = SHIFT.duration(), {
  totalTime: DURATION,
  repeat: -1,
  duration: DURATION,
  ease: 'none',

This is our first “meta” tween. It looks exactly the same but we’re adding another level of control. We can change things on this layer without affecting the original layer. For example, we could change the tween ease to This completely changes the animation but without affecting the underlying animation. We’re kinda safeguarding ourselves with a fallback.

Not only that, we might choose to repeat only a certain part of the timeline. We could do that with another fromTo, like this:

The code for that would be something like this.

gsap.fromTo(SHIFT, {
  totalTime: 2,
}, {
  totalTime: DURATION - 1,
  repeat: -1,
  duration: DURATION,
  ease: 'none'

Do you see where this is going? Watch that tween. Although it keeps looping, the numbers flip on each repeat. But, the boxes are in the correct position.

Achieving the “perfect” loop

If we go back to our original example, there’s a noticeable gap between each repetition.

Here comes the trick. The part that unlocks everything. We need to build a perfect loop.

Let‘s start by repeating the shift three times. It’s equal to using repeat: 3. Notice how we’ve removed repeat: -1 from the tween.

const getShift = () => gsap.fromTo('.box', {
  xPercent: 100
}, {
  xPercent: -200,
  stagger: 0.5,
  duration: 1,
  ease: 'none',

const LOOP = gsap.timeline()

We’ve turned the initial tween into a function that returns the tween and we add it to a new timeline three times. And this gives us the following.

OK. But, there’s still a gap. Now we can bring in the position parameter for adding and positioning those tweens. We want it to be seamless. That means inserting each each set of tweens before the previous one ends. That’s a value based on the stagger and the amount of elements.

const stagger = 0.5 // Used in our shifting tween
const BOXES = gsap.utils.toArray('.box')
const LOOP = gsap.timeline({
  repeat: -1
  .add(getShift(), 0)
  .add(getShift(), BOXES.length * stagger)
  .add(getShift(), BOXES.length * stagger * 2)

If we update our timeline to repeat and watch it (while adjusting the stagger to see how it affects things)…

You‘ll notice that there‘s a window in the middle there that creates a “seamless” loop. Recall those skills from earlier where we manipulated time? That’s what we need to do here: loop the window of time where the loop is “seamless.”

We could try tweening the totalTime through that window of the loop.

const LOOP = gsap.timeline({
  paused: true,
  repeat: -1,
.add(getShift(), 0)
.add(getShift(), BOXES.length * stagger)
.add(getShift(), BOXES.length * stagger * 2)

gsap.fromTo(LOOP, {
  totalTime: 4.75,
  totalTime: '+=5',
  duration: 10,
  ease: 'none',
  repeat: -1,

Here, we’re saying tween the totalTime from 4.75 and add the length of a cycle to that. The length of a cycle is 5. And that’s the middle window of the timeline. We can use GSAP’s nifty += to do that, which gives us this:

Take a moment to digest what‘s happening there. This could be the trickiest part to wrap your head around. We’re calculating windows of time in our timeline. It’s kinda hard to visualize but I’ve had a go.

This is a demo of a watch that takes 12 seconds for the hands go round once. It‘s looped infinitely with repeat: -1 and then we‘re using fromTo to animate a specific time window with a given duration. If you, reduce the time window to say 2 and 6, then change the duration to 1, the hands will go from 2 o‘clock to 6 o’clock on repeat. But, we never changed the underlying animation.

Try configuring the values to see how it affects things.

At this point, it’s a good idea to put together a formula for our window position. We could also use a variable for the duration it takes for each box to transition.

const DURATION = 1

Instead of using three stacked timelines, we could loop over our elements three times where we get the benefit of not needing to calculate the positions. Visualizing this as three stacked timelines is a neat way to grok the concept, though, and a nice way to help understand the main idea.

Let’s change our implementation to create one big timeline from the start.

const STAGGER = 0.5
const BOXES = gsap.utils.toArray('.box')

const LOOP = gsap.timeline({
  paused: true,
  repeat: -1,

const SHIFTS = [...BOXES, ...BOXES, ...BOXES]

SHIFTS.forEach((BOX, index) => {
  LOOP.fromTo(BOX, {
    xPercent: 100
  }, {
    xPercent: -200,
    duration: 1,
    ease: 'none',
  }, index * STAGGER)

This is easier to put together and gives us the same window. But, we don’t need to think about math. Now we loop through three sets of the boxes and position each animation according to the stagger.

How might that look if we adjust the stagger? It will squish the boxes closer together.

But, it’s broken the window because now the totalTime is out. We need to recalculate the window. Now’s a good time to plug in the formula we calculated earlier.

const DURATION = 1

gsap.fromTo(LOOP, {
  totalTime: START_TIME,
  totalTime: END_TIME,
  duration: 10,
  ease: 'none',
  repeat: -1,


We could even introduce an “offset” if we wanted to change the starting position.

const STAGGER = 0.5
const OFFSET = 5 * STAGGER

Now our window starts from a different position.

But still, this isn’t great as it gives us these awkward stacks at each end. To get rid of that effect, we need to think about a “physical” window for our boxes. Or think about how they enter and exit the scene.

We’re going to use document.body as the window for our example. Let’s update the box tweens to be individual timelines where the boxes scale up on enter and down on exit. We can use yoyo and repeat: 1 to achieve entering and exiting.

SHIFTS.forEach((BOX, index) => {
  const BOX_TL = gsap
        xPercent: 100,
        xPercent: -200,
        duration: 1,
        ease: 'none',
      }, 0
        scale: 0,
        scale: 1,
        repeat: 1,
        yoyo: true,
        ease: 'none',
        duration: 0.5,
  LOOP.add(BOX_TL, index * STAGGER)

Why are we using a timeline duration of 1? It makes things easier to follow. We know the time is 0.5 when the box is at the midpoint. It‘s worth noting that easing won’t have the effect we usually think of here. In fact, easing will actually play a part in how the boxes position themselves. For example, an ease-in would bunch the boxes up on the right before they move across.

The code above gives us this.

Almost. But, our boxes disappear for a time in the middle. To fix this, let’s introduce the immediateRender property. It acts like animation-fill-mode: none in CSS. We’re telling GSAP that we don’t want to retain or pre-record any styles that are being set on a box.

SHIFTS.forEach((BOX, index) => {
  const BOX_TL = gsap
        xPercent: 100,
        xPercent: -200,
        duration: 1,
        ease: 'none',
        immediateRender: false,
      }, 0
        scale: 0,
        scale: 1,
        repeat: 1,
        zIndex: BOXES.length + 1,
        yoyo: true,
        ease: 'none',
        duration: 0.5,
        immediateRender: false,
  LOOP.add(BOX_TL, index * STAGGER)

That small change fixes things for us! Note how we’ve also included z-index: BOXES.length. That should safeguard us against any z-index issues.

There we have it! Our first infinite seamless loop. No duplicate elements and perfect continuation. We’re bending time! Pat yourself on the back if you’ve gotten this far! 🎉

If we want to see more boxes at once, we can tinker with the timing, stagger, and ease. Here, we have a STAGGER of 0.2 and we’ve also introduced opacity into the mix.

The key part here is that we can make use of repeatDelay so that the opacity transition is quicker than the scale. Fade in over 0.25 seconds. Wait 0.5 seconds. Fade back out over 0.25 seconds.

  BOX, {
    opacity: 0,
  }, {
    opacity: 1,
    duration: 0.25,
    repeat: 1,
    repeatDelay: 0.5,
    immediateRender: false,
    ease: 'none',
    yoyo: true,
  }, 0)

Cool! We could do whatever we want with those in and out transitions. The main thing here is that we have our window of time that gives us the infinite loop.

Hooking this up to scroll

Now that we have a seamless loop, let’s attach it to scroll. For this we can use GSAP’s ScrollTrigger. This requires an extra tween to scrub our looping window. Note how we’ve set the loop to be paused now, too.

const LOOP_HEAD = gsap.fromTo(LOOP, {
  totalTime: START_TIME,
  totalTime: END_TIME,
  duration: 10,
  ease: 'none',
  repeat: -1,
  paused: true,

const SCRUB =, {
  totalTime: 0,
  paused: true,
  duration: 1,
  ease: 'none',

The trick here is to use ScrollTrigger to scrub the play head of the loop by updating the totalTime of SCRUB. There are various ways we could set up this scroll. We could have it horizontal or bound to a container. But, what we‘re going to do is wrap our boxes in a .boxes element and pin that to the viewport. (This fixes its position in the viewport.) We’ll also stick with vertical scrolling. Check the demo to see the styling for .boxes which sets things to the size of the viewport.

import ScrollTrigger from ''

  start: 0,
  end: '+=2000',
  horizontal: false,
  pin: '.boxes',
  onUpdate: self => {
    SCRUB.vars.totalTime = LOOP_HEAD.duration() * self.progress

The important part is inside onUpdate. That’s where we set the totalTime of the tween based on the scroll progress. The invalidate call flushes any internally recorded positions for the scrub. The restart then sets the position to the new totalTime we set.

Try it out! We can go back and forth in the timeline and update the position.

How cool is that? We can scroll to scrub a timeline that scrubs a timeline that is a window of a timeline. Digest that for a second because that‘s what’s happening here.

Time travel for infinite scrolling

Up to now, we‘ve been manipulating time. Now we’re going to time travel!

To do this, we‘re going to use some other GSAP utilities and we‘re no longer going to scrub the totalTime of LOOP_HEAD. Instead, we’re going to update it via proxy. This is another great example of going “meta” GSAP.

Let’s start with a proxy object that marks the playhead position.

const PLAYHEAD = { position: 0 }

Now we can update our SCRUB to update the position. At the same time, we can use GSAP’s wrap utility, which wraps the position value around the LOOP_HEAD duration. For example, if the duration is 10 and we provide the value 11, we will get back 1.

const POSITION_WRAP = gsap.utils.wrap(0, LOOP_HEAD.duration())

const SCRUB =, {
  position: 0,
  onUpdate: () => {
  paused: true,
  duration: 1,
  ease: 'none',

Last, but not least, we need to revise ScrollTrigger so it updates the correct variable on the SCRUB. That’s position, instead of totalTime.

  start: 0,
  end: '+=2000',
  horizontal: false,
  pin: '.boxes',
  onUpdate: self => {
    SCRUB.vars.position = LOOP_HEAD.duration() * self.progress

At this point we’ve switched to a proxy and we won’t see any changes.

We want an infinite loop when we scroll. Our first thought might be to scroll to the start when we complete scroll progress. And it would do exactly that, scroll back. Although that‘s what we want to do, we don’t want the playhead to scrub backwards. This is where totalTime comes in. Remember? It gets or sets the position of the playhead according to the totalDuration which includes any repeats and repeat delays.

For example, say the duration of the loop head was 5 and we got there, we won‘t scrub back to 0. Instead, we will keep scrubbing the loop head to 10. If we keep going, it‘ll go to 15, and so on. Meanwhile, we‘ll keep track of an iteration variable because that tells us where we are in the scrub. We’ll also make sure that we only update iteration when we hit the progress thresholds.

Let’s start with an iteration variable:

let iteration = 0

Now let’s update our ScrollTrigger implementation:

const TRIGGER = ScrollTrigger.create({
  start: 0,
  end: '+=2000',
  horizontal: false,
  pin: '.boxes',
  onUpdate: self => {
    const SCROLL = self.scroll()
    if (SCROLL > self.end - 1) {
      // Go forwards in time
      WRAP(1, 1)
    } else if (SCROLL < 1 && self.direction <; 0) {
      // Go backwards in time
      WRAP(-1, self.end - 1)
    } else {
      SCRUB.vars.position = (iteration + self.progress) * LOOP_HEAD.duration()

Notice how we‘re now factoring iteration into the position calculation. Remember that this gets wrapped with the scrubber. We‘re also detecting when we hit the limits of our scroll, and that’s the point where we WRAP. This function sets the appropriate iteration value and sets the new scroll position.

const WRAP = (iterationDelta, scrollTo) => {
  iteration += iterationDelta

We have infinite scrolling! If you have one of those fancy mice with the scroll wheel that you can let loose on, give it a go! It’s fun!

Here’s a demo that displays the current iteration and progress:

Scroll snapping

We‘re there. But, there are always ”nice to haves” when working on a feature like this. Let’s start with scroll snapping. GSAP makes this easy, as we can use gsap.utils.snap without any other dependencies. That handles snapping to a time when we provide the points. We declare the step between 0 and 1 and we have 10 boxes in our example. That means a snap of 0.1 would work for us.

const SNAP = gsap.utils.snap(1 / BOXES.length)

And that returns a function we can use to snap our position value.

We only want to snap once the scroll has ended. For that, we can use an event listener on ScrollTrigger. When the scroll ends, we are going to scroll to a certain position.

ScrollTrigger.addEventListener('scrollEnd', () => {

And here’s scrollToPosition:

const scrollToPosition = position => {
  const SNAP_POS = SNAP(position)
  const PROGRESS =
    (SNAP_POS - LOOP_HEAD.duration() * iteration) / LOOP_HEAD.duration()
  const SCROLL = progressToScroll(PROGRESS)

What are we doing here?

  1. Calculating the point in time to snap to
  2. Calculating the current progress. Let’s say the LOOP_HEAD.duration() is 1 and we’ve snapped to 2.5. That gives us a progress of 0.5 resulting in an iteration of 2, where 2.5 - 1 * 2 / 1 === 0.5 . We calculate the progress so that it’s always between 1 and 0.
  3. Calculating the scroll destination. This is a fraction of the distance our ScrollTrigger can cover. In our example, we’ve set a distance of 2000 and we want a fraction of that. We create a new function progressToScroll to calculate it.
const progressToScroll = progress =>
  gsap.utils.clamp(1, TRIGGER.end - 1, gsap.utils.wrap(0, 1, progress) * TRIGGER.end)

This function takes the progress value and maps it to the largest scroll distance. But we use a clamp to make sure the value can never be 0 or 2000. This is important. We are safeguarding against snapping to these values as it would put us in an infinite loop.

There is a bit to take in there. Check out this demo that shows the updated values on each snap.

Why are things a lot snappier? The scrubbing duration and ease have been altered. A smaller duration and punchier ease give us the snap.

const SCRUB =, {
  position: 0,
  onUpdate: () => {
  paused: true,
  duration: 0.25,
  ease: 'power3',

But, if you played with that demo, you‘ll notice there‘s an issue. Sometimes when we wrap around inside the snap, the playhead jumps about. We need to account for that by making sure we wrap when we snap — but, only when it’s necessary.

const scrollToPosition = position => {
  const SNAP_POS = SNAP(position)
  const PROGRESS =
    (SNAP_POS - LOOP_HEAD.duration() * iteration) / LOOP_HEAD.duration()
  const SCROLL = progressToScroll(PROGRESS)
  if (PROGRESS >= 1 || PROGRESS < 0) return WRAP(Math.floor(PROGRESS), SCROLL)

And now we have infinite scrolling with snapping!

What next?

We’ve completed the groundwork for a solid infinite scroller. We can leverage that to add things, like controls or keyboard functionality. For example, this could be a way to hook up “Next” and “Previous” buttons and keyboard controls. All we have to do is manipulate time, right?

const NEXT = () => scrollToPosition(SCRUB.vars.position - (1 / BOXES.length))
const PREV = () => scrollToPosition(SCRUB.vars.position + (1 / BOXES.length))

// Left and Right arrow plus A and D
document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
  if (event.keyCode === 37 || event.keyCode === 65) NEXT()
  if (event.keyCode === 39 || event.keyCode === 68) PREV()

document.querySelector('.next').addEventListener('click', NEXT)
document.querySelector('.prev').addEventListener('click', PREV)

That could give us something like this.

We can leverage our scrollToPosition function and bump the value as we need.

That’s it!

See that? GSAP can animate more than elements! Here, we bent and manipulated time to create an almost perfect infinite slider. No duplicate elements, no mess, and good flexibility.

Let’s recap what we covered:

  • We can animate an animation. 🤯
  • We can think about timing as a positioning tools when we manipulate time.
  • How to use ScrollTrigger to scrub an animation via proxy.
  • How to use some of GSAP’s awesome utilities to handle logic for us.

You can now manipulate time! 😅

That concept of going “meta” GSAP opens up a variety of possibilities. What else could you animate? Audio? Video? As for the ”Cover Flow” demo, here’s where that went!

The post Going “Meta GSAP”: The Quest for “Perfect” Infinite Scrolling appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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How to Create a Shrinking Header on Scroll Without JavaScript

Imagine a header of a website that is nice and thick, with plenty of padding on top and bottom of the content. As you scroll down, it shrinks up on itself, reducing some of that padding, making more screen real estate for other content.

Normally you would have to use some JavaScript to add a shrinking effect like that, but there’s a way to do this using only CSS since the introduction of position: sticky.

Let me just get this out there: I’m generally not a fan of sticky headers. I think they take up too much of the screen’s real estate. Whether or not you should use sticky headers on your own site, however, is a different question. It really depends on your content and whether an ever-present navigation adds value to it. If you do use it, take extra care to avoid inadvertently covering or obscuring content or functionality with the sticky areas — that amounts to data loss.

Either way, here’s how to do it without JavaScript, starting with the markup. Nothing complicated here — a <header> with one descendant <div> which, intern, contains the logo and navigation.

<header class="header-outer">
  <div class="header-inner">
    <div class="header-logo">...</div>
    <nav class="header-navigation">...</nav>

As far as styling, we’ll declare a height for the parent <header> (120px) and set it up as a flexible container that aligns its descendant in the center. Then, we’ll make it sticky.

.header-outer {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  position: sticky;
  height: 120px;

The inner container contains all the header elements, such as the logo and the navigation. The inner container is in a way the actual header, while the only function of the parent <header> element is to make the header taller so there’s something to shrink from.

We’ll give that inner container, .header-inner, a height of 70px and make it sticky as well.

.header-inner {
  height: 70px;
  position: sticky;
  top: 0; 

That top: 0? It’s there to make sure that the container mounts itself at the very top when it becomes sticky.

Now for the trick! For the inner container to actually stick to the “ceiling” of the page we need to give the parent <header> a negative top value equal to the height difference between the two containers, making it stick “above” the viewport. That’s 70px minus 120px, leaving with with — drumroll, please — -50px. Let’s add that.

.header-outer {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  position: sticky;
  top: -50px; /* Equal to the height difference between header-outer and header-inner */
  height: 120px;

Let’s bring it all together now. The <header> slides out of frame, while the inner container places itself neatly at the top of the viewport.

We can extend this to other elements! How about a persistent alert?

While it’s pretty awesome we can do this in CSS, it does have limitations. For example, the inner and outer containers use fixed heights. This makes them vulnerable to change, like if the navigation elements wrap because the number of menu items exceeds the amount of space.

Another limitation? The logo can’t shrink. This is perhaps the biggest drawback, since logos are often the biggest culprit of eating up space. Perhaps one day we’ll be able to apply styles based on the stickiness of an element…

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“Cancelable” Smooth Scrolling

Here’s the situation: Your site offers a “scroll back to top” button, and you’ve implemented smooth scrolling. As the page scrolls back to the top, users see something that catches their eye and they want to stop the scrolling, so they do a smidge of a scroll on the mouse wheel,, trackpad, or whatever. That’s what I mean by cancellable. Without any further action, the scroll event goes to the destination. Cancellable means you can stop it with a subsequent scroll. I find the cancellable behavior better UX, although I have no data to back that up.

I’m finding some discrepancies between browsers, as well as between CSS and JavaScript on how this all works.

Scroll down on this demo and give it a shot:

Here’s what I experienced on the browsers I have easy access to:

CSS Smooth ScrollJavaScript Smooth Scroll
ChromeCancellable (Speed: Slowish)Not Cancellable
FirefoxCancellable (Speed: Very Fast!)Cancellable (Speed: Fast!)
SafariNo Smooth ScrollingNo Smooth Scrolling
EdgeCancellable (Speed: Fast)Not Cancellable
iOSNo Smooth ScrollingNo Smooth Scrolling

If it was up to me, I’d:

  • make smooth scroll actions triggered either through CSS or JavaScript cancellable.
  • define “cancellable” because it isn’t really the right word. Maybe “interrupted”? Or “controlled”? Ideas welcome!
  • make the speed controllable, or if not, attempt to get browsers to agree on a medium-ish speed (that stays consistent regardless of scroll distance).
  • make Safari have it. Smooth scrolling makes things like carousels without JavaScript very practical, and that’s great, particularly on mobile where iOS Safari is forced on Apple devices.

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On-Scroll Letter Animations

Today I’d like to share some on-scroll animations for typography with you. There’s a lot of artsy stuff that can be done when we scroll a page and moving letters is one of the things that can set an interesting “motion mood” to a design. Be it just a simple title or a menu or a card-like component, we can play with moving letters depending on the scroll (direction and speed).

This set is very experimental using Locomotive Scroll, and there are certainly better ways to calculate the translate value of each letter, depending on the length of the words, for example. I’ve made this quick and dirty but I hope it gives you some idea of what can be done.

In combination with images, we can add another layer of visual motion which makes possibilities really endless.

I hope you enjoy this little set and find it useful! Thank you for checking by and hit me up on Twitter @crnacura or @codrops, I’d love to hear your feedback!

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How to Use the Locomotive Scroll for all Kinds of Scrolling Effects

I was recently looking for a way to perform scrolling effects on a project and I stumbled on the Locomotive Scroll library. It lets you perform a variety of scrolling effects, like parallax and triggering/controlling animations at scroll points.

You might also call it a “smooth scrolling” library, but it doesn’t leverage native smooth scrolling — it does just the opposite by virtualizing scrolling and ensuring it’s always smooth. You could probably consider this “scrolljacking” so if you hate that generally, you might hate this, but UX research seems rather mixed on whether it’s actually bad or not. The homepage will give you a good sense of how it works and feels.

Let’s look at the basics of using Locomotive-Scroll JavaScript and how to leverage it to for delightful user experiences.

What is Locomotive Scroll?

Here’s what they say:

Locomotive scroll is a simple scroll library, built as a layer on top of ayamflow’s virtual-scroll, it provides smooth scrolling with support for parallax effects, toggling classes, and triggering event listeners when elements are in the viewport.

In other words, it detects when elements are in the viewport and then alters CSS transform property values on those elements to create scrolling effects.

Oftentimes scrolling effects are called parallax meaning some elements are made to look like they are deep in the background, making them appear to move slower than other elements that are closer to the foreground while scrolling is taking place. Imagine looking out the window from a moving car. The trees far away seems to slowly drift by where the fence right along the road zips quickly by. Sort of like the effect here in this pen from Sarah Drasner:

Here’s how it works

Locomotive Scroll works primarily through specific attributes in the HTML. Elements with these attributes trigger event listeners in JavaScript when they are in the viewport, then apply CSS transform values as inline styles.

There are two key attributes to always call upon Locomotive:

  • data-scroll: detects whether or not an element is in the viewport
  • data-scroll-container: wraps all the HTML content you want to watch for scrolling

Here’s what we’re talking about when we say that the transform property values are updated in the HTML as inline styles.

Notice how, as soon as an element with Locomotive’s data- attributes comes into the viewport, the CSS transform values are are updated.

Let’s set this up

We can use the library right as a <script> tag if we’d like. It’s on CDNs, so like:

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> 
<script src="">

Now we look for the container and kick off the library:

const scroller = new LocomotiveScroll({
  el: document.querySelector('[data-scroll-container]'),
  smooth: true

The library is on npm as well, so we can use it that way in our build instead with the typical npm install locomotive-scroll, then:

import LocomotiveScroll from 'locomotive-scroll';

const scroll = new LocomotiveScroll();

That means we could use them off Skypack too, like:

That’s really all there is to the setup! It’s pretty plug-and-play like that.

Here are some examples

You can probably think of some pretty nice use cases for something like this, but let’s go over a few examples where you might use Locomotive Scroll.

Let’s start with this one:

That HTML has all kinds of data- attributes going on in there. We’ve already looked at data-scroll and data-scroll-container. Here’s what the rest are and what they do:

  • data-scroll-section : Defines a scrollable section. For better performance, it’s a good idea to split pages into sections.
  • data-scroll-direction: Defines the vertical or horizontal direction that an element moves.
  • data-scroll-speed: Specifies the speed an element moves. A negative value reverses the direction, but only vertically, unless data-scroll-direction is applied on the same element.
  • data-scroll-sticky: Specifies an element that sticks to the viewport as long as the target element is still in view.
  • data-scroll-target: Targets a particular element. It takes in an ID selector, which is unique compared to the other attributes.

So, let’s say we are using the data-scroll-sticky attribute. We always have to set a data-scroll-target attribute as well, because the target element is usually the container holding the other elements.

<div class="container" id="stick" data-scroll-section >
  <p data-scroll data-scroll-sticky data-scroll-target="#stick">
    Look at me, I'm going to stick when you scroll pass me.

Now that we’ve picked one apart, here are a couple of others:

You can also use LocoMotive-Scroll in other frameworks, too. Here’s an example in React:

Scroll aboard!

I can not emphasize the power of Locomotive Scroll enough. I needed to add scroll effects to a side project I was working on, and this was super quick and easy to use. I hope you’re able to use it on a project and experience how great it is for scrolling effects.

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Coding the Golden Spiral City from the Creative Cruise Website with Pixi.js

Editor’s note: We want to share more of the web dev and design community directly here on Codrops, so we’re very happy to start featuring Yuriy’s newest live coding sessions!

In this live stream of ALL YOUR HTML, we’ll be diving into the code for the beautiful golden spiral city on the website of Creative Cruise that was made by the folks of Superhero Cheesecake. There will be some Fibonacci spiral making using the Pixi.js library and a little bit of math.

This coding session was streamed live on November 15, 2020.

Original website: Creative Cruise

Developers of original website: Superhero Cheesecake



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Bidirectional scrolling: what’s not to like?

Some baby bear thinking from Adam Silver.

Too hot:

[On horizontal scrolling, like Netflix] This pattern is accessible, responsive and consistent across screen sizes. And it’s pretty easy to implement.

Too cold:

That’s a lot of pros for a pattern that in reality has some critical downsides.

Just right:

[On rows of content with “View All” links] This way, the content isn’t hidden; it’s easy to drill down into a category; data isn’t wasted; and an unconventional, labour intensive pattern is avoided.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

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Implementing WebGL Powered Scroll Animations

Editor’s note: We want to share more of the web dev and design community directly here on Codrops, so we’re very happy to start featuring Yuriy’s newest live coding sessions!

In this episode of ALL YOUR HTML, I’m reconstructing the beautiful scroll animations from Robin Noguier’s portfolio. Learn how to build a custom inertia scroll from scratch, using it in WebGL with some images from HTML, and adding a navigation to the whole experience.

This coding session was streamed live on Oct 18, 2020.

Original website: Robin Noguier

Developer of the original website: Lorenzo Cadamuro



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Scroll Animations for Image Grids

The other day I looked at the beautiful website of Elias & Valentin and fell in love with that nice tilted image grid that animates on scroll. The look and feel of a grid like that is super fashionable right now so I wanted to explore this and other layout variations I stumbled upon.

For the scroll animations I used Locomotive Scroll which is a really fantastic library when it comes to smooth scrolling and on-scroll animations.

The tilted grid from Elias & Valentin allows for a fun play with the directions of the animation.
Another interesting layout to play with is a 3D grid.
One line “grids” can simply be animated horizontally.

Check out the GitHub repo of Locomotive Scroll to see how simple it is to use the library.

I really hope you find this set interesting and useful 🙂

The post Scroll Animations for Image Grids appeared first on Codrops.

Doom Damage Flash on Scroll

The video game Doom famously would flash the screen red when you were hit. Chris Johnson not only took that idea, but incorporated a bunch of the UI from Doom into this tounge-in-cheek JavaScript library called Doom Scroller. Get it? Like, doom scrolling, but like, Doom scrolling. It’s funny, trust me.

I extracted bits from Chris’ cool project to focus on the damage animation itself. The red flash is done in HTML and CSS. First, we create a full screen overlay:

#doom-damage {
  background-color: red;
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  opacity: 0;
  pointer-events: none;

Note that it’s not display: none. It’s much harder to animate that as we have to wait until the animation is completed to apply it. That’s because display isn’t animatable. It’s doable, just annoying.

To flash it, we’ll apply a class that does it, but only temporarily.

const damage = document.getElementById("doom-damage");

function doomTakeDamage() {
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 400);

When that class activates, we’ll immediately turn the screen red (really giving it that shock appeal) and then fade the red away:

.do-damage {
  background-color: red;
  animation: 0.4s doom-damage forwards;

@keyframes doom-damage {
  0% {
    opacity: 1;
  100% {
    opacity: 0;

The next bit calls the function that does the damage flash. Essentially it tracks the current scroll position, and if it’s past the nextDamagePosition, it will red flash and reset the next nextDamagePostition one full screen height length away.

If you want to see all that, I’ve abstracted it into this Pen:

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That’s Just How I Scroll

How do you know a page (or any element on that page) scrolls? Well, if it has a scrollbar, that’s a pretty good indication. You might still have to scrapple with your client about “the fold” or whatever, but I don’t think anyone is confused at what a scrollbar is or what it indicates.

But let’s say there is no scrollbar. That’s super common. macOS hides scrollbars by default and only shows them during scroll. Most mobile browsers don’t have scrollbars, even if you attempt to force them with something like overflow: scroll;.

Why does this matter? If you don’t know an area is scrollable, you might miss out on important content or functionality.

I regularly think about the Perfectly Cropped story from Tyler Hall. There is a screen on iOS that has important functionality you need to scroll down to, but there is no indicator whatsoever that you can scroll there.

The result of that was Tyler’s mom literally not being able to find functionality she was used to. Not great.

There is an elaborate way to detect visible scrollbars and force them to be visible, but something about that rubs me the wrong way. It doesn’t honor a user’s preference (assuming it is the user’s preference), requires DOM manipulation tests, and uses vendor-prefixed CSS (which will probably live a long time, but has been standardized now, so maybe not forever).

I enjoy these approaches and by Chris Smith and his thinking:

My favorite are the shadow-based techniques. To me an inset shadow is a really clear indicator, as it makes it appear that content is flowing underneath and the shadow follows an edge that as a hint that you can scroll in that direction. Plus, you’ve got CSS control there so I’d think it could match whatever UI situation you’re in fairly easily.

It should be known though that it can be done entirely in CSS though, no JavaScript, and is one of the great CSS tricks.

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Memorize Scroll Position Across Page Loads

Hakim El Hattab tweeted a really nice little UX enhancement for a static site that includes a scrollable sidebar of navigation.

The trick is to throw the scroll position into localStorage right before the page is exited, and when loaded, grab that value and scroll to it. I’ll retype it from the tweet…

let sidebar = document.querySelector(".sidebar");

let top = localStorage.getItem("sidebar-scroll");
if (top !== null) {
  sidebar.scrollTop = parseInt(top, 10);

window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => {
  localStorage.setItem("sidebar-scroll", sidebar.scrollTop);

What is surprising is that you don’t get a flash-of-wrong-scroll-position. I wonder why? Maybe it has to do with fancy paint holding stuff browsers are doing now? Not sure.

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An Infinitely Scrollable Vertical Menu

Note: from now on I’m planning to release simple “components” and explain their basic working principle in tiny articles. In this first one I’m going to look at the infinite looping scroll illusion.

A while back a came across a really nice menu on Madeleine Dalla’s incredible website that was infinitely scrollable. I wondered how that was achieved and after searching for existing solutions, I found this great demo by Vincent Orback on Codepen. It shows how to pull off that effect with sections on a page. I wanted to use his script to make it work for a menu.

The principle of how this works is not too complicated: there’s a bunch of menu items that we need to clone in order to make sure that we have enough items to create a scroll illusion. The illusion works like this: once we scroll and reach the cloned items, we reset the scroll position to 0. So, as soon as the same (visual) point is reached, we jump back to the beginning.

How many clones do we need? We need as many clones as items fit into the visible area. As an example, if 8 items fit into the height of the viewport, than we need to create 8 clones.

The amount of menu items is important when considering how much space they’ll take up on the screen (or scroll area). If your items don’t fill the screen fully, the illusion will break. So you need to make sure to have enough and to set a reasonable font size for the items to occupy enough space.

We let the menu be scrollable but we hide the scrollbar. The menu is covering the whole viewport and this is the element we scroll.

Tip: if you want to visualize the illusion, just make sure that the scrollbar is not hidden. You’ll see it jumping back to the top, once the “cloned” zone is reached. Just delete:

::-webkit-scrollbar {
  display: none;

… and the line scrollbar-width: none; for Firefox.

Note that I use a fallback for mobile where I simply want to show the complete menu.

Hope you find this little component useful!

An Infinitely Scrollable Vertical Menu was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.