3 Reasons You Should Talk About Release Schedules More Often

Release schedules drive many of the processes for IT teams. The problem is, business teams, don’t like release schedules. Maybe it’s because they don’t understand the need for the formal process or they feel release cycles slow down the delivery of new features and fixes. 

Whatever the reason, if you work as a developer or in DevOps, talking about release schedules with your business stakeholders is important.

Preventing Scope Creep: How Much Better Should You Leave Things?

We have all been there: you’re deep into code and find a bug that has not been noticed before, or some code that should be cleaned up. You are right there so why not fix it? Sometimes the answer is yes, it makes sense to fix it then, following the old backpacker’s mantra of leaving things better than you found them. But other times the answer is no. How do you decide?

Here are some questions to ask. To proceed, the answer to each must be favorable.

Project Scope Management: How To Manage Project Efficiently

A skilled project manager is one who is capable of understanding what all is needed and what is not for a successful project. However, having a satisfactory understanding of project scope alone won't work, but proper management can provide a unified goal to the team. In this article on project scope management, I will give you a complete insight into how scope management works, its various processes, and the tools used in each of them.

Project Scope Management

In project management, scope can be referred to in two respects; Product Scope and Project Scope. Product scope refers to the various functions and features that help in characterizing a product or a service, while a project scope refers to the work that is needed to be done to deliver the product. Here we will be solely concentrating on the project scope. The scope is documented in a scope statement, which is an integral part of any project plan.