Demystifying How ‘this’ Works in JavaScript

It's something used in JavaScript, but it is often a mystery. In JavaScript, this works quite differently from other programming languages - and it works differently depending on if you are using strict mode or not.

If you find it hard, you aren't alone. Let's look at exactly how this works and remove any confusion about its meaning in various contexts.

Java Tutorial: How to Use Spring Boot With JSR 330


JSR 330 comes with its own set of annotations which are different than Spring annotations. Just using JSR 330 annotations in a Spring environment will not bring in the desired features of JSR 330 – we need to tell the Spring container explicitly to use it and Spring will override its default bean scoping strategy to use JSR 330 scoping. As per the JSR 330 specification, all beans should be of prototype scope by default, unless explicitly marked as a singleton.

We’ll create a simple Spring Boot application with three classes denoted as Spring beans by annotating them with JSR 330 annotations. They will be scanned and added to the Spring context at the application's startup.

Finishing Open-Source Projects

Take one last stride to cross the finish line and wrap up your OS project!

Have you ever started an open-source project, dived right into the code, discovered new API features that you loved, fiddled around with the build process, and then take a little break and never come back to it?

If that sounds familiar, this article is for you. 

Delivering the Least Scope

One common misconception of Agile is that it simply allows you to get everything done faster. This is simply not true. Agile allows us to plan a much smaller scope of work, delivering iteratively and incrementally to deliver the least amount scope needed to solve the problem/capture the opportunity. The speed comes from only delivering what the customer needed. This is in contrast to how we used to scope a release when we delivered everything we thought they might want.

Focus on being skeptical and delivering the minimal instead of trying to deliver everything in the release.

This is stakeholder debt. I define stakeholder debt as the difference between everything they scoped for the release, minus what the customer uses.