Secrets Detection: Optimizing Filter Processes

While increasing both the precision and the recall of our secrets detection engine, we felt the need to keep a close eye on speed. In a gearbox, if you want to increase torque, you need to decrease speed. So it wasn’t a surprise to find that our engine had the same problem: more power, less speed. At roughly 10 thousand public documents scanned every minute, this eventually led to a bottleneck.

In a previous article, we explained how we built benchmarks to keep track of those three metrics: precision, recall, and the most important here, speed. These benchmarks taught us a lot about the true internals of our engine at runtime and led to our first improvements.

The Math Behind a Scanning App

In 2012, I made a simple camera app for Android that undoes the natural projection in a picture.

Of course, now we have all sorts of scanning apps on every phone, but at the time this was a novelty. Let's dissect the application and see what's it made of.

3D Scanning at Home

I used to think that 3D scanning was something that had to be done in a lab or using expensive equipment, but thanks to Steve from CG Geek, I learned that it can be done with some awesome free software and equipment that I already have.

In his tutorial, Steve demonstrates how you can capture a large object, and I highly recommend watching it because he explains the process very well. What I'll be discussing in this post is capturing a small object using a slightly different technique which should be easier for this size. If you prefer to follow along with a video, I got you covered: