How to Be a Terrible Project Maintainer

Hey, you! Yeah, you. Are you a software engineer? Do you have ownership over a particular repository at your company? Do you want to ensure that working with your repo is a constant source of frustration for your fellow developers? Great! Then read on for these tips on how to be a terrible project maintainer.

Don't Write Good Documentation

Especially on how to do local development or how to contribute to the repo. You want to keep people guessing. Running your project locally should be a puzzle that only the greatest minds can solve. If you want to be even more cryptic, consider including outdated or incorrect instructions that reference non-existent scripts meant to run the app.

I Wish I Never Learned To Code

I write code for a living. You might say I'm a professional software engineer, but really software engineering is much more than just a profession—it's a lifestyle. The hoodies, the ping pong, the endless snacks and soda... it’s all true. And yet, as rewarding as this field can be, I have a confession to make: Sometimes I wish I never learned to code.


Ever since I started learning to code, browsing the web has never been the same. No longer can I simply accept the errors I encounter on other sites as I use them. Whenever something strange happens, curiosity gets the best of me, and I have to open up the browser's developer tools and start debugging.