What Is Agile Development (Part 2): Agile in SAP

SAP is trusted the world over by leading organizations to handle critical business processes and functions. Unfortunately, making changes to SAP systems in response to evolving business needs can be tedious and cumbersome.

Much of the rest of the software development world has adopted new methodologies, such as agile, that enable them to deliver changes and updates to critical systems more quickly and efficiently.

Understanding SAP Landscape SetUp and Associated Challenges – Part 2

In part one of this blog, I provided a high-level introduction to SAP Systems, Clients, Landscapes, and Transports and how they might fit together in a ‘standard’ configuration. But like life, SAP tends to be a bit more complicated than that. The reality of marrying architectural constraints with complex business needs means that the kind of simple landscapes I described in my last piece often will not do the job. Something more complex is required.

In this article - part two of three - I will look at some of the more advanced concepts associated with SAP Landscape Design and how to manage the increased complexity that comes with them. 

What Is Robotic Test Automation for SAP?

Regression testing of SAP changes is a bit like flossing: everyone knows they should do it, but in practice, it’s something that only gets done sometimes, and usually not very thoroughly. 

To stretch the metaphor further — everyone knows substandard flossing can have nasty results, maybe even the loss of a tooth or two. It’s the same with regression testing: everyone knows poor coverage means defects can slip through into production, causing errors and downtime in business-critical systems.

Top Five Agile Methodologies — Which Is Right for Your SAP Environment?

Check out this SAP environment.
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Agile can offer faster, more flexible development for your SAP environments. With so many methodologies for agile, how do you know which one will be the best fit for your business?

I spoke to a large SAP enterprise recently about their shift from a waterfall development approach to using agile development in their SAP environment. The result was that rather than making two changes to SAP each year, they now modify their environment each and every week.