What Is Sanity Testing? – A Brief Guide

Software testing is crucial in the development and delivery of software. There are various types of software testing, each with its own function in the software development process. One of the most useful tests among them is sanity testing.

What Is Sanity Testing?

It's a type of software testing that ensures flaws are repaired and that the modifications don't cause any new problems. It's a form of retesting to make sure that any updates or newly introduced features work as planned. The goal of sanity testing is to validate the application's functionality, not to perform extensive testing. It's typically used to fix major bugs. It is done to check that fresh code changes are working properly. The goal is not to test the application's important functionalities, but rather to see if the defects have been fixed. It generally works after a slight adjustment.

Sanity vs Smoke Testing: What’s the Difference

Before we get into sanity vs. smoke testing, it's important to understand the difference between the two.

What Is Smoke Testing?

Smoke Testing is a software testing procedure that determines whether or not a software build has been delivered and is stable. The QA team does smoke testing to validate that the software is ready for further testing. Smoke testing is often known as "Build Verification Testing" or "Confidence Testing."

What Are the Real-Time Examples of Smoke and Sanity Testing?

Today, almost every business is effectively dependent on software and before these are released for their users, software testing becomes crucial. Software testing is a wide concept with different testing types and each testing type having a different purpose in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). 

Among the many different types of testing, smoke testing and sanity testing are two most confusing terms as these two revolve around the software build. However, these two tests help teams to overcome the functional complexities in the program.