Openshift Sandbox/Kata Containers

In this article, I will walk you through Openshift Sandbox containers based on Kata containers and how this is different from the traditional Openshift containers. 

Sandbox/kata containers are useful for users for the following scenarios: 

API Group in Anypoint Platform

In this article, understand API Groups using a real-world analogy of our DZone. :)

What Is API Group?

At DZone, we have Integration, Cloud, MicroServices, etc. as separate zones. Each zone has articles/refcards/guides for the same technical goal of understanding that specific technology better.

Learn Quarkus faster with quick starts in the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift

Java developers are usually required to take many actions before we can begin developing and deploying cloud-native microservices on Kubernetes. First, we have to configure everything from the integrated development environment (IDE) to build tools such as Maven or Gradle. We also need to configure the command-line tools used for containerization and generating the Kubernetes manifest. If we don’t want to spin up a Kubernetes cluster locally, we also must connect to a remote Kubernetes cluster for continuous testing and deployment.

Developers should spend less time on configuration and more time accelerating the inner-loop development cycle of building, testing, and deploying our applications. Ideally, we should be able to continuously develop applications in a pre-configured Kubernetes environment.

Running Alluxio-Presto Sandbox in Docker

The Alluxio-Presto sandbox is a Docker application featuring installations of MySQL, Hadoop, Hive, Presto, and Alluxio. The sandbox lets you easily dive into an interactive environment where you can explore Alluxio, run queries with Presto, and see the performance benefits of using Alluxio in a big data software stack.

In this guide, we’ll be using Presto and Alluxio to showcase how Alluxio can improve Presto’s query performance by caching our data locally so that it can be accessed at memory speed!

Browser Sandboxing: the Rise of Seatbelt

Modern browsers use a wide range of techniques to attempt to protect the underlying operating system from browser application level compromise. This, not surprisingly, is very difficult to do today.

The browser you're using to read this is essentially a virtualized computer that runs at the user level of your computer. It has networking capabilities built in via WebSockets and asynchronous processing via Web Workers. It has persistent storage. All of this is built into the browser itself, which is used to load arbitrary and provider-defined content from around the world. Seriously — open a mainstream news site like Al Jazeera or CNN with developer tooling enabled and take a look at the network traffic. Visiting that one site results in your browser firing off hundred(s) of requests to a wide range of sites. And many of those sites you've probably never heard of.