Cloud Migration Manual: The Adjustment to SaaS Model

The cloud-based SaaS model eliminates the need to build, set up, and manage the system, allowing users to just purchase the desired program for a certain length of time. And to migrate to the cloud you need to set up a roadmap, prepare to change app architecture, pick up a SaaS hosting provider, and lastly delineate the data migration process.

Before the gaining growth of SaaS software popularity within the development, IT solutions were pretty obvious: businesses had on-premises applications, which operated on particular servers with a certain volume and other limitations. And developing ones, companies went along with the high fees on maintenance, expenses on manual labor, as well as challenges regarding updating.

Multi-tenant SaaS: Where to Start?

Multi-tenancy is widely used in cloud computing, especially it’s a crucial feature if we talk about SaaS solutions. The idea behind the multi-tenant architecture is that one software server, database, storage, or network controller can be used by multiple customers while each client’s data is hidden from others. Single-tenancy is opposite to this and means that one software instance serves one application.

Pros and Cons of Multi-tenancy

The most obvious and the most significant benefit of multi-tenancy is cutting hosting expenses through the maximally effective usage of resources, but there are some more very important advantages this architecture can give your business: