Getting Started With API Data Mapping

To build a seamless API integration, you need to map data appropriately.

In other words, to create seamless cooperation between apps, you need to map the appropriate custom and standard data fields and objects from the endpoints your customers will be integrating to with your app.

What Is SaaS Business Model?

Software As A Service (SaaS) is commonly known as cloud-based software. Today, Software as a Service is widely used by individuals and organizations across the world. 

According to Gartner, Inc., SaaS solutions were estimated to raise $85 billion in 2019. In 2020, they are estimated to generate $105 billion - $20 billion more than the last year. 

How to Develop SaaS Application

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a new approach that is replacing traditional software license purchase. That is why the SaaS delivery model has gained a lot of popularity in the last decade.

According to research conducted by The Insight Partners, β€œthe SaaS market accounted for US$31.57 billion in 2015 and is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 18.6% between 2016 to 2025, accounting for US$ 172.20 billion in 2025.

Integrating With SaaS Applications – Example 3rd-Party Platform Integration

Integrating SAAS application workflow
The previous article in this series looked at a SaaS CRM connector integration example. The foundation for this logical diagram was researching a use case where customers were successful with a portfolio solution.

It's a starting point for the generic architectural blueprint that rises from several customer solutions that were researched. Having completed the outline of the blueprint details and the resulting logical diagram elements, it's now time to take a look as specific examples.

In this article, we'll continue building the previous examples by sharing how customers are integrating with third-party platforms in their architectures as SaaS platforms.

Integrating With SaaS Applications β€” Common Architectural Elements

Integrated SAAS application architecture

The introduction to integrating with SaaS applicationslaid the groundwork for a deeper exploration of its logical diagram. In this article, we continue with a look at the common architectural elements. A description is provided to guide you with aligning what we've presented here with the landscape your organization works with every day.

These details should help you understand both what the elements contain and how they might align and how their functionalities are grouped.

Let's look at the foundation of our integration with SaaS applications blueprint, the logical diagram with its architectural elements.

Integrating With SaaS Applications β€” An Introduction

Kubernetes service balancerSince introducing the first architecture blueprint focused on omnichannel integration, we've been looking at how to integrate with Software as a Service (SaaS) applications.

It's an interesting challenge in that we've been given the mission of creating architectural content based on common customer adoption patterns. That's very different from most of the traditional marketing activities usually associated with generating content for the sole purpose of positioning products for solutions. When you're basing the content on actual execution in solution delivery, you're cutting out the chaff. What's that mean?   

It means that it's going to provide you with a way to implement a solution using open source technologies by focusing on the integrations, structures, and interactions that actually have been proven to work. What's not included are any vendor promises that you'll find in normal marketing content. Those promised that when it gets down to implementation crunch time, might not fully deliver on their promises.

Enter the term Architectural Blueprint.  

4 Reasons Not to Opt-In for Free Trials of New SaaS Products

No good company is happy to rest on its laurels when it comes to the tech they use. Especially with the prevailing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, which allows today’s more innovative software companies to churn out better products all the time, it’s important that your team checks out new apps and tools that promise to improve efficiency and effectiveness. And many of these products offer tempting 14-day free trials, making it easier to try them on for size.

However, you can quickly go from test-drive to overdoing it when you continuously β€œtrial” new services that promise to change the way you work. From compliance dangers to misalignment with the rest of your company’s tech stack, diving into too many trials can be detrimental to your company’s health.