Multi-tenant SaaS: Where to Start?

Multi-tenancy is widely used in cloud computing, especially it’s a crucial feature if we talk about SaaS solutions. The idea behind the multi-tenant architecture is that one software server, database, storage, or network controller can be used by multiple customers while each client’s data is hidden from others. Single-tenancy is opposite to this and means that one software instance serves one application.

Pros and Cons of Multi-tenancy

The most obvious and the most significant benefit of multi-tenancy is cutting hosting expenses through the maximally effective usage of resources, but there are some more very important advantages this architecture can give your business:

Top Challenges in SAAS Customer Onboarding

SaaS Business models are trending in 2021. The complex combination of the factors, including the political changes disrupting the data processing agreements and the ongoing global pandemic, has indirectly increased the adoption of SaaS business models in different industries. 

The significance of measuring SaaS customer onboarding process revelations suggests that 74 percent of customers receive an effective experience and keep their subscription for one year at a stretch. In this blog, you will get to know the top challenges of SaaS startups. Let's discuss them one by one.

How to Develop a Successful Cloud-Based SaaS Application in 2021

Cloud-based SaaS is relatively a new approach for businesses to provide software solutions on a subscription basis, and it has become one of the most admired industry trends in recent times. According to multiple reports, approximately 85% of small businesses have already invested in SaaS, and it is expected to generate a market share of 105 billion USD in 2020. Before we jump into the development phase of SaaS application, let’s first understand what exactly SaaS is, its advantages, and why so many businesses are tweaked towards it.

What Is the Cloud-Based Software as a Service (SaaS) Model?

In simple words, these are the same applications or software as we use but instead of installing and storing data on our own computer, it stores data on web clouds which can be accessed by anyone having your account credentials. And, these services can be purchased on a monthly or yearly subscription basis just like your Netflix account. This is quite a simple progression, but it offers very useful features and, due to this, many businesses are inclined to invest in a cloud-based SaaS model. If you want to dig further, here are some related terms – IaaS and PaaS that you can opt to explore.

The Vital Importance of SaaS Buyer Persona Development

SaaS inbound marketing is used to attract new users to your product and convince them to pay for it. Buyer persona development can help you do just this, but what exactly is it? How do you create one, and where do they fit into your SaaS business? We’re here with some insider knowledge about how you can use personas to take your business to the next level.

What Is a SaaS Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of what your target customer looks like. This isn’t the same as gathering demographics, as it goes much deeper. It is modeled on how your ideal customer thinks and feels. It goes to the core of who they are and what they want from your product.

How to Test SaaS Platforms

SaaS platforms have been on the rise for some time now. From professional endeavors to leisure activities, more of our experiences are shifting towards a virtual delivery. And because immediate access from any location makes the shortlist for any software system, consumers often choose SaaS applications over on-premise software systems.

Then again, not all SaaS is alike. When not properly tested, SaaS platforms can fail to achieve the convenient, fast, and quality experience that users expect.

What Is SaaS Business Model?

Software As A Service (SaaS) is commonly known as cloud-based software. Today, Software as a Service is widely used by individuals and organizations across the world. 

According to Gartner, Inc., SaaS solutions were estimated to raise $85 billion in 2019. In 2020, they are estimated to generate $105 billion - $20 billion more than the last year. 

How to Develop SaaS Application

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a new approach that is replacing traditional software license purchase. That is why the SaaS delivery model has gained a lot of popularity in the last decade.

According to research conducted by The Insight Partners, “the SaaS market accounted for US$31.57 billion in 2015 and is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 18.6% between 2016 to 2025, accounting for US$ 172.20 billion in 2025.

Log4j Bug — Slows Down Your Application

Learn how to troubleshoot your application.

Recently we were troubleshooting a popular SaaS application. This application was slowing down intermittently. To recover from the problem, the application had to be restarted. This application was slowing down sometimes during high traffic volume periods; sometimes during low traffic periods as well. There was no cohesive pattern.

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Rethinking Serverless Architectures With Eventbridge

Here's the context of how the need for AWS Eventbridge came to be.

As the march of technology is never-ending, the only constant we can expect is change. This is especially true considering the strides that serverless has made in the industry, especially with the release of the AWS Lambda back in 2014. Upon its release, AWS Lambda was quick to take front and center position in the FaaS services making up the core of serverless applications. It was rightly heralded as one of the most important releases within the domain. This further lead to an array of best practices dictating how applications were built using FaaS services achieving serverless capabilities. 

You may also enjoy:  Explaining Eventbridge Amidst the Hype

However, as the course of technology meanders in its ongoing path, new innovations are constantly redefining the way we build applications. One such innovative service announced this year was AWS EventBridge, and its release has since caused an uproar in the domain of serverless. Many blogs and posts within the community that followed the announcement characterized it as the most important announcement after the release of AWS Lambda. 

The 3Cs That Will Boost Your ROI of Software Development

The 3Cs of software development.

Innovative products, a loyal customer base, and consistent top-line growth – that’s the holy trinity of success for any ISV. Top ISVs invest significantly to drive quality, collaboration, and customer-centricity. The ROI of software development is closely linked to those attributes. How do they do it? Let’s find out.