Cloud Migration Manual: The Adjustment to SaaS Model

The cloud-based SaaS model eliminates the need to build, set up, and manage the system, allowing users to just purchase the desired program for a certain length of time. And to migrate to the cloud you need to set up a roadmap, prepare to change app architecture, pick up a SaaS hosting provider, and lastly delineate the data migration process.

Before the gaining growth of SaaS software popularity within the development, IT solutions were pretty obvious: businesses had on-premises applications, which operated on particular servers with a certain volume and other limitations. And developing ones, companies went along with the high fees on maintenance, expenses on manual labor, as well as challenges regarding updating.

Benefits of Customer Testimonials in SaaS


Customers sit in cozy corners around the world, scrolling on their phones and waiting to be influenced into buying something from someone, somewhere. If you want them to buy from you, unlocking the benefits of testimonials in SaaS is key.

Social bias underlies every facet of modern society. And although we seldom notice, people are hard-wired for it. This makes using social proof like testimonials a marketing game-changer - especially in the SaaS industry!