The Importance of Measuring CES

If you get an immediate call from a customer support agent and he quickly sorts out your issues, how do you feel? I'm betting you will feel good and share this effortless experience with your friends and family. And, further, you will become a loyal customer of that brand.

Similarly, your customers want their queries to be solved quickly. Thus, the overall customer experience or satisfaction level is influenced by the efforts your customers are deploying to get their work done. Thus, overall customer satisfaction can be achieved by measuring the Customer Effort Score (CES).

The Critical Role a DevOps Toolchain Plays In a Company

A DevOps toolchain is a set of digital tools used to perform complex software delivery tasks. The tools in the toolchain are usually executed one after the other, with one tool’s output being the input for the next tool. 

This is why standardization of these tools is really important. Above all, DevOps toolchains should improve collaboration between developers, automate any necessary tasks, and enable more quality software. At the same time provide observability over the infrastructure and applications. 

What Is SaaS Business Model?

Software As A Service (SaaS) is commonly known as cloud-based software. Today, Software as a Service is widely used by individuals and organizations across the world. 

According to Gartner, Inc., SaaS solutions were estimated to raise $85 billion in 2019. In 2020, they are estimated to generate $105 billion - $20 billion more than the last year. 

How to Develop SaaS Application

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a new approach that is replacing traditional software license purchase. That is why the SaaS delivery model has gained a lot of popularity in the last decade.

According to research conducted by The Insight Partners, “the SaaS market accounted for US$31.57 billion in 2015 and is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 18.6% between 2016 to 2025, accounting for US$ 172.20 billion in 2025.

Changing Face and Importance of SAAS Solutions in Face of COVID-19

The COVID19 pandemic has affected nearly everything. Every activity in our daily life that involves interactions, directly or by indirect means is no more considered “normal”. Needless to say this but the pandemic has affected the workplaces as well.

COVID19 is most likely to cost the economy $1 Trillion this year. The loss is too huge to have recovered sooner. Businesses with immense human interaction, especially the traveling industry, have suffered a major blow for quite some time even in the future.

How to Market Your API Platform to Developers During a Recession

With the recent downturn on public stock markets due to COVID-19, a recession or depression is almost inevitable. It’s likely we see mass failures across retail, travel, entertainment, and other industry sectors. The spillover from coronavirus disease and the following shelter-in-place can have drastic consequences in the startup world. Small brick and mortar businesses that were shuttered due to shelter-in-place rules will no longer are spending money on Facebook or Yelp to promote their business nor will they maintain their SaaS subscriptions. Large enterprises will pull back spending in sales and marketing in anticipation of a recession. This could cause reduction in seat counts or usage for SaaS contract.s Similarly, sales teams may find CFOs and financial controllers are blocking many more purchases than before forcing deals to be stuck in procurement or legal review.

The good news is that many developer platforms and APIs have tricks that make them more resilient to a recession. However, if you’re not doing these items today, now is the time to reconsider to ensure the longevity of your product and/pr company.

Demystifying Edge Vs. Cloud Computing

Around 10 percent of enterprise-generated data is created and processed outside a traditional centralized data center or cloud. Gartner predicts that by 2022, this figure will reach 75 percent.

The very existence of cloud took the entire world by storm, and in the process, it proved that it was more than just hoopla. It’s still a big deal, and we have seen an exponential growth of SaaS applications over the years. Since the inception of artificial intelligence (AI), the industry is having a paradigm shift from cloud to something known as ‘edge.’ Moreover, with the Internet of things (IoT) bemusing the digital space, edge computing is gaining domain authority. There have been various speculations by the industry pundits that edge computing is going to edge out cloud computing. Well, the short answer is: no. But a more complex answer is that with the growing data crunch and quick adoption of AI, the cloud may not always be a viable option!