Not Just Buckets: Are You Aware of ALL Your Public Resources?

Public exposure to resources is a point of dread for many security practitioners. Public resources are low-hanging fruit for attackers seeking to access sensitive information or manipulate an activity -- or even deny the availability of mission-critical resources.

One well-known culprit for exposing resources is AWS built-in mechanisms. While misconfiguring them is a common and legitimate concern for security practitioners charged with protecting AWS environments, we often see another mechanism that may be even more misconfiguration-prone: resource-based policies.

Integrate Amazon S3 with Mule

Amazon Web Service’s S3 stands for “Simple Storage Service.” It is a type of cloud storage provided to the developers as a scalable solution over the Internet. 

Amazon S3 uses the concept of Buckets and Objects to store the data. It allows an easy, user-friendly, fast and on-demand approach for storing & retrieving the data online.

AWS CLI in 3 Minutes

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool for managing your AWS services. This is a quick video to teach you to install, configure and run some commands of the AWS CLI. 

In the demonstration, you can see that some S3 bucket operations can easily be done with the AWS CLI.

Video on Demand (VOD) Processing Using AWS

The demand for video is growing, and even more, businesses find infinite possibilities in this sector. We’re not just referring to entertainment or instructional materials here. Content providers, small businesses, and corporate brands are all benefiting from video on demand. Brands can build stronger relationships with their customers by offering them access to the information they want, whenever and however they want it. Thus, such visualization became the most convenient way to share data with software users.

VOD (video on demand) refers to any content delivery method that allows users to select when, where, and how they interact with media integration. This can be accomplished by either simultaneous broadcasting from an internet source or by the user downloading the video to a personal device for subsequent viewing. This is in contrast to traditional streaming, when the viewer may only see their film on a gadget with a satellite or cable connection at a certain period.

Five Different Ways to Build AWS Infrastructure

AWS cloud architecture solutions require infrastructure to run your platform solutions. Infrastructure includes compute technologies, databases, queues, and more. Each needs to be specified and built before turning on your platform solution. 

There are many different ways you can choose to build your AWS infrastructure. Each method has its benefits and drawbacks that should be known before choosing how to create your production platform.

AWS S3 Client-side Encryption in AWS SDK .NET Core

AWS S3 Client-side Encryption in AWS SDK .NET Core

When you upload the data into the S3 bucket, you need to ensure that the sensitive data is secure by using proper encryption. Amazon S3 allows encrypting the data or objects either on the server-side or client-side.

Here, I will use client-side encryption for data before sending it to Amazon S3 using AWS SDK .Net Core. The advantage of client-side encryption is, encryption is performed locally, and the data never leaves the execution environment unencrypted. Another advantage is you can use your master keys for encryption, and no one can access your data without having your master encryption keys.

Upload Files to Google Cloud Storage with Python

Google Cloud is a suite of cloud-based services just like AWS from Amazon and Azure from Microsoft. AWS dominates the market with Azure but Google's not far behind. Google Cloud Platform or GCP is the third largest cloud computing platform in the world, with a share of 9% closely followed by Alibaba Cloud. 

Amazon undoubtedly leads the market with a share of 33% but GCP is showing tremendous spike with the growth rate of whooping 83% in 2019. GCP leads AWS on the cost front, though. Google has a lesser number of services to offer but maintains its position as one of the most cost-effective cloud platform.