Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding in Java

Polymorphism is an Object-Oriented-Programming concept. Whether you are new to Java programming or a person who has worked with Java for years, you should know what polymorphism is in Java and how it works. Most developers claim that they know the topic well but when it comes to other complex features like static and dynamic binding, they seem underconfident. A good understanding of polymorphism allows us to build efficient object-oriented programs.

What Is Polymorphism in Java?

Polymorphism is composed of two words:        

How to Export All Modules to All Modules at Runtime in Java

Due to the new module system, Java 9 does not allow an application by default to see all classes from the JDK, unlike all previous versions of Java. If we try to access some reserved module, we obtain an error like this:
module <module-name> does not "opens <package-name>" to unnamed module.

Everyone knows that we can solve this exception by using the JVM parameters --add-exports or add-opens, but what if we have more environments, and we don't want to have to change JVM arguments across these environments?

Generating Classes at Runtime and Invoking Their Methods With and Without the Use of Reflection in Java 8 and Later

The generation of classes at runtime is an advanced topic that requires a lot of knowledge that can be reduced if you use particular libraries that perform the most complex functions to accomplish this task.
So, for this purpose, we can use the ClassFactory component and the sources generating components of the Burningwave Core library. Once the sources have been set in UnitSourceGenerator objects, they must be passed to loadOrBuildAndDefine method of ClassFactory with the ClassLoader where you want to define newly generated classes.

This method performs the following operations: tries to load all the classes present in the UnitSourceGenerator through the class loader, if at least one of these is not found it proceeds to compile all the UnitSourceGenerators and uploading their classes on class loader: in this case, keep in mind that if a class with the same name was previously loaded by the class loader, the compiled class will not be uploaded.

Implementing Clustering With MuleSoft AnyPoint Runtime Manager

Learn more about clustering with MuleSoft.

1.0 What Is Clustering?

Clustering is a group of servers or mule runtime which acts as a single unit. Mulesoft Enterprise Edition supports scalable clustering to provide high availability for the Mulesoft application. In simple terms, virtual servers composed of multiple nodes and they communicate and share information through a distributed shared memory grid.

You may also like: Clustering for Everyday Life

Microservices With Undertow: Dependency Injection

Watch out for the Undertow!

The previous article introduced Undertow and how its handler and thread pool system works. To create a full production quality microservice, we need to go above and beyond writing simple HTTP handlers. Most microservice frameworks use some kind of dependency injection and this article aims to introduce readers on how to address that need.

Hiding Application Properties in CloudHub


In CloudHub, for application deployment, we normally have requirements to hide or encrypt properties. It completely depends on your preference. CloudHub resolves the properties at runtime without exposing sensitive information.

Encryption of Mule application properties is another feature and one of the easiest ways to secure sensitive information.

What Every C#/.Net Developer Needs to Know in 2019

Play like a pro in no time

During many years in the software development industry and gaining more and more knowledge in Microsoft-related world, I figured out that many people have different knowledge depending on projects and teams they have been working on. Some of that knowledge overlaps, but most does not. But, there are some subjects that every C#/.NET developer must know, and there are some subjects that are good to know.

Here, I will not go into too much detail on each topic, as there are a lot of references already available, but I will try to cover what is necessary and provide additional references to it. It could look overwhelming, but as in any topic, you don’t need to know everything — start with the musts and continue to build your knowledge on top of it.