Know Your Gems

In a Rails "shop" software company, it is most likely that developers and their leads do not know all the libraries (called gems in the Ruby world) their applications use. You should not be surprised when you pick a random gem from their Gemfile, ask a software engineer who has worked for 3 years in that company what that gem is used for, and you get the answer, "I don't know."

I thought, I myself should not be in that precarious situation. I should know all the gems that my projects used.

Most Common Types of Technical Debt in Rails


The majority of the Rails custom software development work we do here at NextLink Labs deals with rehabilitating older projects that are overwhelmed with technical debt from years of development without refactoring.

The software problems in these websites are never introduced maliciously. Instead, these problems tend to build up gradually over months and years after many rushed deadlines, strict client demands that don't allow for refactoring, and inexperienced Rails developers trying their best but getting overwhelmed by "Rails magic."