How To Create Search Friendly Slugs in Rails

FriendlyId is a very good gem that allows you to replace ids in your URLs with strings. This lets your Rails app work with ‘friendly’ URLs like ‘myapp/users/john’ as opposed to  ‘myapp/users/1’.

Ruby on Rails development companies considers this gem as most essential for Rails applications due to its ability to make links memorable. 

Best Ruby Practices Beginners Should Know

Python’s dominance is never really questioned when it comes to the best for programming novices because it checks almost every box that defines a simple language. It’s remarkably easy to pick up and can rise to any challenge. But what about Ruby?

Although it does not get enough credit for being one, Ruby is an awesome language for beginners. It provides powerful constructs (like blocks) and versatile concepts (like message passing à la Smalltalk) but retains Python’s fluid and elegant English-like syntax. In fact, in many cases, one might argue that the unique design choices that went into the Ruby syntax beat even Python in terms of readability and expressiveness. If you’re getting into programming, it’s very easy to recommend that you start with Ruby.

Why Choose Ruby Development for Your Next Project

If you are considering Ruby development for your backend tech stack, you want to be aware of advantages and disadvantages before you start contacting teams. Ruby is a universal language, but it’s not the perfect fit for any project. So, let’s see its weak and strong points - and talk about ways of leveraging Ruby’s enormous potential. 

Main Ruby advantages:

10 Popular Ruby on Rails Gems for Developers

Ruby on Rails is a popular web development technology. It is simple, efficient, and often termed as the 'startup technology.' Over 3.7 million web apps use Ruby on Rails. However, what makes rapid prototyping possible are the Ruby on Rails gems. They drastically reduce the time taken to code.

Gems in Rails are libraries that allow any Ruby on Rails developer to add functionalities without writing code. You can also call Ruby on Rails gems as plugins for adding features. There are RubyGems for almost everything, from authentication to payment gateway processing. 

[Interview] Steve Klabnik, Rust Core Team Member


Steve Klabnik is a member of the Rust core team, an active open source contributor, and author of The Rust Programming Language, Rails 4 in Action, and Designing Hypermedia APIs books. In 2012 and 2016, we invited Steve to speak at the RailsClub (now RubyRussia) conference. Since then, Steve has been working on Rust a lot, did a lot of interesting things and we realized that we should definitely interview him once again!

We sat down with Steve to hear from him first-hand about his professional activities at the moment, the design success of Rust, a little about the "full-stack" development hype, and overcoming burnouts.

Google Calendar Integration with Ruby on Rails Development

Google calendar is a very robust application to create a calendar event. It allows users to add events, schedule meets, and track the timeline of any project. Integrating Google calendar in Ruby on Rails applications allows users to access the calendar from within the app and add or remove events. It is a useful app for tracking the progress of activities inside an application.

Ruby on Rails Application: Integrating Google Calendar API

There is an API to manage whole google calendar features programmatically. But it is challenging to work with the APIs as the API document is not comprehensive. There is no proper documentation for each piece in any library or SDK we use. In one of the Ruby on Rails projects, we needed to set up two-way communication between the Rails application and the user’s google calendar.