HTTP for Inter-Service Communication?

After the evolution of distributed systems, microservices-based applications attracted the interest of nearly every organization wanting to grow with time and survive the market competition. Microservices allows us to scale and manage systems easily. Development time reduced due to distributed effort among many teams and time-to-market new features reduced significantly.

Due to distributed nature, communication among different components is over the network. And there are so many factors that can affect communication, either it can be security, added latency, or abrupt termination of ongoing communication, leading to increased infrastructure cost. Hence either we can fix the network, which exists with numerous problems or we can architect our system to be resilient and reliable over time.

RSocket in Cloud Native

In the mission of the cloud-native computing foundation, It states “the techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable.” Those three characterizes are the core of the cloud-native computing foundation. Other technologies play a support role.

1. Reactive Programming 

1.1 Imperative Programming vs. Reactive Programming

With an imperative approach, a developer writes code that describes in exacting detail the steps that the computer must take to accomplish the goal. Those steps are executed in the order as the developer lays out without considering other systems the code interacts with.

Secure Communication with Token-based RSocket

RSocket provides a message-driven communication mechanism, by using the reactive streaming framework, and supports most of the protocols (TCP/WebSocket/HTTP 1.1&HTTP 2). Furthermore, it’s program language-agnostic interaction models (REQUEST_RESPONSE/REQUEST_FNF/REQUEST_STREAM/REQUEST_CHANNEL) cover most communication scenarios, from the Microservices, API Gateway, and Sidecar Proxy, to the Message Queue.

Considering security for the communication, it's easy to use TLS-based and Token-based solution in RSocket-based productions. RSocket can reuse the TLS over the TCP or WebSocket directly, but to demonstrate the RBAC feature vividly, in this article, we only talk about the token-based implementation.

Reactive Service to Service Communication With RSocket (Part 3): Abstraction Over RSocket

Communication with RSocket.

If you are familiar with the previous articles of this series, you have probably noticed that RSocket provides a low-level API. We can operate directly on the methods from the interaction model and without any constraints sends the frames back and forth. It gives us a lot of freedom and control, but it may introduce extra issues, especially related to the contract between microservices.

Dubbo 3.0 Preview: Support for Reactive Programming


Dubbo is graduating from the Apache foundation! And we are planning some major release milestones. Release 3.0 is on the way. Since there will be many new features in 3.0, we want to make sure they are up to the expectation of the community. We are now offering the 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT version. It has many preview features of the 3.0 release. In this article, I’ll introduce one of the major enhancements: the support for reactive programming.


Reactive programming enables developers to write more efficient applications, especially in a distributed architecture. The community has been asking for this feature for a long time and now we are delivering!