How to Accelerate Hyper-Automation With Industrial IoT

Many enterprises have already adopted business process automation (BPA) to improve efficiency and reduce human error. However, by and large, industrial automation is fragmented – it applies to specific business aspects but is not used across the entire organization yet. The key to expanding automation across the company is hyper-automation.

In 2020, Gartner named hyper-automation the # 1 technology trend of the year. So what is it, and how can large and small businesses benefit from it? This article will walk you through specific areas where industrial IoT integration can help accelerate your pace of hyper-automation.

How To Choose the Best RPA Tool

In today’s evolving market, digital transformation has become a competitive parameter for companies, therefore, Robotic Process Automation has become a hot topic. Even though the technology gets more popular with every day, many companies still do not know about RPA’s features or, at least, they take the idea of implementing a whole new software with a pinch of salt. Yet, a company should learn more about how and which tool they should use to digitize their own company before implementing and investing for sure.

What Is RPA?

Robotic Process Automation is an application that interacts with the user interface and imitates human behavior. It performs human-like tasks in a more efficient way in terms of accuracy and speed. Software robots can conduct multiple, repetitive tasks such as validating and migrating data, automating reports, auditing, etc. 

RPA Automation Anywhere: A Beginner’s Guide

RPA Automation Anywhere

Automation has been in existence since the 1920s, but it has only gained popularity in the early 1990s. As the word automation suggests, this software provides assistance to various kinds of daily tasks such as Data Entry, Invoice Processing, etc. To perform such tasks, we need robotic process automation. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a new age technology that helps you perform tedious tasks with ease. Automation Anywhere is one of the leaders in the RPA market, and in this article, you will learn all the concepts of the popular RPA tool, Automation Anywhere, and learn how it can be used for automation.

Introduction to Robotic Process Automation

Consider an instance where an employee’s sole job is just entering details on a server daily basis at a specific time of a day. Now, do you think the employee should do this manually or try to just automate this task?