Introduction to Robot Operation System (ROS)

Robotics Operation System? Where to start from?

Have you ever wondered how robots, which are mechanical objects, are operated? How do the physical is controlled by the virtual? Well, there are several software middleware libraries in the market that provide frameworks for running and managing robotic systems. The term Robot can be obscure, so to clarify: a robot can be a small device like Raspberry Pi, a more complex one like a drone, or another sophisticated multi-sensor mechanical robot.

What's the benefit of using a middleware?

Robot Development Platforms Part 1: Frameworks and Libraries

New industrial, personal, enterprise, and toy robots are being announced pretty much daily. If you’re a developer looking to start coding for our shiny friends, it’s a lot to take in. You may find yourself plowing through links to entirely unfamiliar software stacks and wondering where to start.

There are no simple answers, but a quick overview may help. We can break down the complexity of developing for robots as a platform in a few ways: