RPA With Open Source

We humans are lazy and were habitually attempting to do more with less. For thousands of years, we have built machines to perform arduous tasks for us. In the era of computerization and software, a new terminology emerges in automation – Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

While automation has a broad connotation of any labor-saving technique or technology, RPA is a specialized application for business process and workflow automation. RPA is particularly aimed at mimicking essential human actions for business development. The goal of RPA is to reduce the use of human labor for mundane tasks, thus making it possible to reuse their capabilities towards gainful business activities.

Cloud Robotics: Part 2 of the Robot Development Platforms Series

If you’re a developer interested in robots, you may have heard the news — we’re experiencing a “moment” in cloud robotics services. In under four months (late September 2018 to early January 2019), four technology titans stepped forward to stake major claims in this space. This. Is. Not. An. Accident.

Cloud-based services — from AI to computer vision systems to fleet management—have the potential to make owning, managing, and coding robots much more efficient. Cloud robotics services may be an important step forward on the path to increased robot affordability and ease of development,especially for medium-sized businesses.