DevOps Roadmap for 2022

In the last few weeks, I met some folks in my mentoring sessions, who are new to DevOps or in the mid of their career, who were interested in knowing what to learn in 2022. DevOps skills are high in demand and there is constant learning required to keep yourself in sync with market demand.

This post is to share the notes that can help you. Let’s see some guidance based on my experience and understanding.

Microservice Architecture Roadmap

Why Microservice Architecture?

Microservice Roadmap.

Nowadays, with the rise of social media, fast internet, etc., the tendency to use applications is getting more and more. As a result of these behavior changes, monolithic applications need to deal with a tremendous majority of changes.

Migrating to Microservices — It’s Easier Than You Think

Migrating to the microservices roadmap.
You may also like: Moving to Microservices

Migrating to Microservices — A Roadmap

Migrating to microservices often sounds like a huge and complex task. While there are complexities in the process, it's actually easier than you might think. This blog creates a basic roadmap for migrating to microservices using a standard J2EE application from a monolithic architecture to a microservice architecture. We will start by first containerizing our Java application and end with auto-deploying to a Kubernetes microservice environment.

Step 1: Containerize Your Java Application and Runtime

Start your migration journey by first containerizing your Java Application (.jar, .war or .ear). This will involve building a container that includes the Java runtime as well as your application. When you do this, remember the following:

Love It or Hate It, Java Continues to Evolve

TechRepublic recently published an article about languages that developers love and those that they hate. This produced an interesting set of results since Java was the third most loved language as well as the second most hated. Clearly, Java, as a language, polarizes opinion. When I tweeted about this, I got one reply from Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++:

“There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.”

I think he has a point.

Roadmap Software Tools: The Best Way to Streamline Project Management

Roadmap software is widely used for planning upcoming work, tracking a project's progress, coordinating activities, and collaborating across teams. There are many tools that provide different sets of features. When choosing an appropriate tool for your team, carefully review its roadmap functionality, additional features, and integrations to avoid double work if you are already using any project management tools. Here’s a list of roadmap apps that simplify collaboration, streamline management process, and help deliver projects on time.


Roadmunk is a roadmap software that helps visualize work process. Various types of views, Jira integration, and export in popular formats make the product user-friendly and easy to implement in an existing environment. Create roadmaps, export them for further use in presentations, print them out, and share them with colleagues. Advanced security features meet the needs of global enterprise customers and comply with leading standards.

Your WPMU DEV 2019 Quarter 2 Roadmap Roundup Just Landed!

We start each quarter visiting our product Roadmap and spilling the beans on what to look for moving forward.

When we published our roadmap nearly 2 years ago (can you believe it), it created a unique direct line of communication with our members. We knew it would help them make better business decisions and plan for the future. What we didn’t expect was the dramatic impact it would have on what we develop, when we develop, and how much our process would improve.

We’ll be first to admit we can still improve…I mean, what is a Roadmap but a path to improvement. But if you’re managing WordPress websites and are not a member, it’s time to give your products, services, business, support, and dare I say…hosting…an upgrade. Start today with a free trial and follow along as we cover what’s new and what you can expect in the months to come.

First, a Pat on the Back, High Fives all Around, and an “Almost There”

Q1 of 2019 was dedicated to polishing and knocking off those beta tags. Our Dev’s knocked a lot off the list:

  • Goodbye Ultimate Branding, Hello Branda! – Ultimate Branding got a complete hero makeover. The easiest and fastest way to White Label WordPress – Done and done. With more than 30 modules for customizing the WordPress CMS, Branda is enough of a reason to join WPMU DEV.
  • Smush Lazy Loading, CDN, and much more – Smush image optimization just keeps getting better and now she has her own CDN! This unlocked WebP conversion, automatic resizing, and blazing fast 40 Tbps image delivery from 45 share points around the globe.
  • Hustle + Gutenberg – Landed in glorious fashion including Gutenberg integration and reCAPTCHA for opt-in forms. Less spam more glam.
  • Forminator Quiz Booster Pack – Forminator Forms had some epic 3rd-party integration you wanted included for Quizzes so we delivered. Forminator now includes Quiz integrations, a new wizard, and multi correct answers.
  • Defender IP lockout upgrade – Geo IP blocking for stopping hackers by location. Shweet!
  • Hummingbird brings Uptime Reports to the dashboard – Hummingbird lets you schedule email reports that include Response Time data and any Downtime logs from the selected period.
  • Shipper set sale with our all hands on deck support crew – A site migration tool that makes it easy for users to move their WordPress install to our Hosting. Automation is cool but Shipper is backed by our crew of live agents to guarantee smooth sailing.
  • We’ve doubled the number of hosted sites – But what about that dang beta tag? The feedback for our new managed hosting solution has been astounding. Based on your feedback and our tests, hosting has been technically solid for months…we’re just polishing the upgrade process and integrations with the Hub. But more on that bellow.

That’s a happy list, but it’s old news ;) So, onward and upward my friends. Let’s explore what’s next in the queue so you can share your valuable feedback. Let’s save your business even more time and money.

The Future is Now…WPMU DEV 2019 Q2 Goals

Defender 2.1.2

Defender featured image for
Secure and monitor your sites with the keen watchful eye of Defender.

Defender is now protecting 100k sites! With 2.1.2 our pro members can white label Defender with the WPMU DEV Dashboard hero hider. Cover up Defender’s shirtless torso with your own branding and make sure your clients know the real hero behind their site is you!

We’re also bringing a new Settings tab into Defender’s dashboard, featuring options to reset-to-default settings, delete data, control uninstall options, and…wait for it…turn on Accessibility features.

Defender alongside Snapshot are a coveted security duo – and we ain’t done. If you want to know more about what we’ve got in the pipeline for Defender, then visit the Roadmap.

Hummingbird 2.0

Hummingbird featured image
Hummingbird brings your pagespeed closer to the perfect 100.

We’ve been running some tests with our performance plugins and the results have shocked even us (comparison post coming soon). But spoiler alert, Hummingbird is the best performance tool on the market.

We’ve got a few more tricks for Hummingbird in development as I write.

First, we are rewriting her performance recommendations. Better information that’s easier to understand.

Hummingbird is also getting Mobile performance testing! With Google’s move to mobile-first performance rankings, we’d be foolish to forget about the phones of the world. Needless to say…this one is kind of a big deal.

Along that line Hummingbird will soon let you pick the page you want to test! Did you know your PageSpeed check is not a site speed performance check? Test the pages that are important and optimize each page for the best results.

And of course, even better caching. Hummingbirds cache suite is already best in class. We’re adding support for some of the newer platforms, plus emoji cache, preloading, and scheduled clearing.

An upgrade worthy of her 2.0 semantic versioning.

Hustle 4.0

Hustle Roadmap Featured image
Hustle makes marketing and conversion optimization easy with pop-ups, slide-ins, opt-ins and social sharing tools.

Can you believe our Marketing overlord Hustle is turning 4.0? That’s basically 40 in plugin years. This is a big deal and we think it’s time he gets his shot at a superhero UI makeover. Hustle is getting a massive WPMU DEV UI/UX update, and…the hero hider.

Hustle can be a bit much for your clients. Just activate the Dashboard plugin hero hider, and voila! No more Hustle graphics.

Create email opt-in lists, pop-ups, and simple social media sharing in style with Hustle 4.0.

You’re welcome :)

SmartCrawl 2.3

SEO Audit - SmartCrawl SEO Plugin
SmartCrawl is queen of content optimization.

At the risk of sounding redundant SmartCrawl is also getting upgraded recommendations, some UX improvements, and you guessed it – integration with the WPMU DEV dashboard hero hider. It’s very, very sneaky.

We’re also bringing back Moz integration and improving your WP Checkup reports.

If you’re wanting world-class SEO that doesn’t interfere with your content creation, upgrade to SmartCrawl.

Hosting 1.0

WPMU DEV Hosting roadmap
Setup your free trial and get 3 sites of of WPMU DEV hosting.

We know you want hosting without that beta tag. We do too! But we won’t give it to you until we’re sure it is the premium hosting experience we’ve been promising. That’s everything from migration, site creation, multisite hosting, file management, billing, and upgrade packages.

Thank you for all your feedback!

Our performance, security, and uptime are already smoking the competition. Early adopters get 3 sites free with their membership, so go try it now.

As an added bonus, our Smush and Hummingbird CDN upgrade packages are live and ready for the big leagues. Give it a try and tell us what you think in the comments or in the forums.

Tell us What you Want (What You Really, Really Want)

We want to hear from you…especially if you are one of our members. Hop over to the Roadmap page, have a look-see, and let us know if there’s something we could do to make your wildest WordPress dreams come true (I’m not a fairy godmother but I can pull some strings).

Not a member yet, what are you waiting for? Try it now free for 30-days. You can’t beat that :)