Teleportation Transition with Three.js

In this ALL YOUR HTML stream and coding session we’ll be creating a teleportation-like transition with Three.js using some quaternions, and fragment shaders! The original effect comes from Marseille 2021 by La Phase 5.

This coding session was streamed live on December 5, 2021.



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Animated 3D Ribbons with Three.js

In this ALL YOUR HTML stream and coding session we will recreate the interesting looking 3D ribbon effect seen on the website of iad-lab and made by We’ll apply some geometrical tricks and use the Three.js API.

This coding session was streamed live on November 28, 2021.



The post Animated 3D Ribbons with Three.js appeared first on Codrops.

How to Create Microservices Using Spring

In this article, we will understand how to create Spring-based Microservices using a Use Case.

Use Case

Let’s consider the use case of BookMyHotel Web Application, developed by a company known as MyInternetSolutions.

Building Mancala Game in Microservices Using Spring Boot (Part 1: Solution Architecture)

Make a Mancala game like this! 

Nowadays with the popularity of Microservices, when we talk about scalable application development, we inevitably think of composing the application into highly decoupled microservices which can be scaled up independently according to the customers' needs and yet can be managed through various available industry-standard tools such as Docker-compose, Kubernetes, Istio, Linkerd, etc.

Service Integration With Netflix Feign and Ribbon

The guys at Netflix have developed and open sourced (among many other things) Feign and Ribbon. These libraries can help you as a developer to build robust, fault-tolerant service integrations. Best of all, they've been tested in the wild by Netflix, who use both libraries extensively in their own microservices architecture. In this post, we'll look at Feign and Ribbon to see how they can be used in the context of a Spring Boot application.

What Is Feign?

Feign is a library that helps developers create declarative HTTP clients by simply defining an interface and annotating it. At runtime, Feign creates the HTTP client implementation for the interface. We'll look at this in detail with some sample code later.