Breaking Up a Monolithic Database with Kong

There are events in our life that seem to be just routine, but then unexpectedly they have a profound impact on our journey. For me, one event was attending the 2008 Gartner conference in Orlando, Florida. 

That event not only introduced me to the Salesforce ecosystem for the very first time but also to concepts like:

How to Automate Restful APIs Using Jayway Library

Software APIs have been one of the most trending technologies. While most functional testing requires interaction with the user interface, API testing involves by-passing the user interface and communicating directly with an application server by making calls to its API. Successful web applications and mobile apps are all the results of the greatest API at the backend.

In agile methodology, most of the QA’s time is spent automating against the GUI using Selenium or any other framework. But in this article, we would look up the smart way to automate our APIs so that UI automation can be reduced a little and automation testing can be done more reliably.

Sureness: Focusing on the Protection of REST API


Hi guys! In the mainstream web architecture, protecting the REST API provided by the back-end through effective and fast authentication has become particularly important.    

For existing frameworks, whether it is apache shiro which does not natively support rest or deeply bound spring of spring security is not our ideal framework.

Integrating With Microsoft Graph API

Microsoft offers a RESTful web service named Microsoft Graph API. The scope of the Microsoft Graph API is pretty large and allows all your entities on Office365 to connect to one another.

The following sections are available on MS Graph:

A Dummies Guide to Building APIs in Low-code

Building an API Can Be Easy if You Have the Right Approach

Building a fully functional REST API from the ground up is a large project for any developer, and even more challenging for IT professionals unfamiliar with the nuances of how APIs are coded, deployed, and maintained.  A low-code development tool can lighten your load and deal with most of the complexity for you, leaving you with only needing a basic understanding of how API’s work.

So How do API’s Work?

There are a couple of basic, but important concepts that form the basis of an understanding of APIs. To get us started, let’s look at these:

Things I Have Learned Adopting a Microservice Strategy (Part 2)

In the initial article of my "Things I Have Learned Adopting a Microservice Strategy" series, I focused on the following pitfalls:

  • Monolith -> Microservice Challenge (replacing one huge challenge with an equal challenge)
  • The Underlying Database (trying to make things work using an outdated data model)
  • Monolith -> Multiple Microservices Challenges (introducing a complex web of services)

In this article, I am going to focus on the following challenges:

Things I Have Learned Adopting a Microservice Strategy (Part 1)

Since 2014, I have been involved with several projects with a goal to convert an existing application to utilize a microservice equipped with a RESTful API. In every case, the desire was to allow a client to make RESTful API calls (as needed) to the microservice for retrieval, persistence and other data processing needs.

I fully believe I am not the only one who has ventured down this course. In fact, in a personal adventure, I did the very same thing for my mother-in-law as documented in my "New Application Journey" series.

The Anatomy of a Microservice, One Service, Multiple Servers

The first article of this series, "Microservice Definition and Architecture", includes a high-level architecture diagram. Subsequent articles have covered the architecture’s first two layers. It’s (finally) time to look at the API Server layer and expose the business service to the outside world. As has been the case for this series, I’ll continue to demonstrate the solution through a sample project that can be found on GitHub at

There are two API Servers; RESTful and gRPC. The source is located in the media-server module. Why two implementations? The transport mechanism does make a difference. By far, the most common protocol is REST. The protocol is easy to produce and consume. It leverages a very mature transport mechanism; HTTP 1.x. Its ubiquitous support across tech stacks really makes it the API Server de facto standard protocol.

Running Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes Minikube on Windows (Part 1)

Learn more about running Spring Boot applications on Kubernetes in Windows.

This is part one of the series "Running a Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes Minikube in Windows." This article assumes that the reader has previous experience with Spring Boot, containers, and Kubernetes. I will try and touch upon all of them in this post. After finishing this series, the reader will be able to:

1.    Create a Spring Boot application

Streaming Data With Spring Boot RESTful Web Service

Streaming data is a radical new approach to sending data to web browsers, as it provides for dramatically faster page load times. Quite often, we need to allow users to download files in web applications. When the data is too large, it becomes quite a challenge to provide users a good experience.

Spring offers support for asynchronous request processing via StreamingResponseBody. In this approach, the application writes data directly to the response OutputStream without holding up the Servlet container thread. There are a few other methods in Spring to handle asynchronous request processing.

How We Built an Asynchronous, Temporal RESTful API Based on Vert.x, Keycloak and Kotlin/Coroutines for (Open Source)

Why storing historical data becomes feasible nowadays

Life is subdued to constant evolution. So is our data, be it in research, business or personal information management. As such it’s surprising that databases usually just keep the current state. With the advent, however of flash drives as for instance SSDs, which are much faster in randomly accessing data in stark contrast to spinning disks and not very good at erasing or overriding data, we are now capable of developing clever versioning algorithms and storage systems to keep past states while not impeding efficiency/performance. Search/insertion/deletion-operations should therefore be in logarithmic time (O(log(n)), to compete with commonly used index structures.

The temporal storage system SirixDB

Sirix is a versioned, temporal storage system, which is log-structured at its very core.

We support N read-only transactions, which are bound to a single revision (each transaction might be started on any past revision) concurrently to one write transaction on a single resource. Our system thus is based on snapshot isolation. The write-transaction can revert the most recent revision to any past revision. Changes to this past revision can then be commit to create a new snapshot and therefore a new revision.

5 Courses to Learn RESTful Web Services With Java and Spring in 2019

In the last article, I shared some courses to learn Microservices development with Spring, and today, I'll talk about RESTful web service development. REST APIs and RESTful web services need no introduction; they're everywhere now and driving a new internet revolution. Most software development in the web space now also involves REST APIs.

Gone are the days where the only interface for a web application is the browser. Now, most of them support REST APIs, which allows them to be accessible on any device like mobile devices, tablets, Apple watches, or any other digital gadget.