How to Use Discovery APIs to Your Advantage

You (and your users) can’t map and transform data if you’re missing custom objects.

Discovery APIs are critical to understanding a target application’s unique (often customized) data structure and, consequently, building effective and accurate mappings and transformations that ensure data sync. Seamless connectivity is only possible when you account for custom objects from the target application.

Supercharge Your Java Career With Digital Transformation

If you are an experienced Java developer and you want to know how to get ahead in these unprecedented times, then adding digital transformation skills to your resume will give you the boost you want. 

In this article, I will define digital transformation and discuss how to leverage your Java expertise to gain an advantage in this high demand area. To know more join the Mule Integration for Java professionals meetup (also in Spanish) where I discuss this exciting topic together with a chance to receive free professional training and certification. 

The Anatomy of a Microservice, One Service, Multiple Servers

The first article of this series, "Microservice Definition and Architecture", includes a high-level architecture diagram. Subsequent articles have covered the architecture’s first two layers. It’s (finally) time to look at the API Server layer and expose the business service to the outside world. As has been the case for this series, I’ll continue to demonstrate the solution through a sample project that can be found on GitHub at

There are two API Servers; RESTful and gRPC. The source is located in the media-server module. Why two implementations? The transport mechanism does make a difference. By far, the most common protocol is REST. The protocol is easy to produce and consume. It leverages a very mature transport mechanism; HTTP 1.x. Its ubiquitous support across tech stacks really makes it the API Server de facto standard protocol.

Gemini Starter: Model-Driven CRUD REST APIs With Spring


This article explains what is included in the Gemini Starter Repository and how to start with a full Gemini project to set up a CRUD REST API, starting from Data Model and without generating code.

You may also like: Developing REST APIs

Gemini is a model-driven REST framework that automatically generates CRUD APIs. You can take a look at the official repository here. We are going to define entities and code to obtain the following CRUD APIs.