RESTful APIs Are Good, But GraphQL APIs Are Usually Better

According to the GraphQL Foundation, GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. Like many influential technologies, GraphQL was developed by Facebook in 2012. In their own words they “needed a data-fetching API powerful enough to describe all of Facebook, yet simple enough to be easy to learn” by their developers.

For a few years, GraphQL was used internally for their mobile applications. The first GraphQL repos were open-sourced in 2015. One of the Github repos contained the GraphQL specification and another contained a GraphQL JavaScript reference implementation. 

7 Essential Tools for a Competent Data Scientist

A data scientist extracts manipulate and generate insights from humongous data. To leverage the power of data science, data scientists apply statistics, programming languages, data visualization, databases, etc.

So, when we observe the required skills for a data scientist in any job description, we understand that data science is mainly associated with Python, SQL, and R. The common skills and knowledge expected from a data scientist in the data science industry includes - Probability, Statistics, Calculus, Algebra, Programming, data visualization, machine learning, deep learning, and cloud computing. Also, they expect non-technical skills like business acumen, communication, and intellectual curiosity.

REST API Design Best Practices for Parameters and Query String Usage

When we’re designing APIs, the goal is to give our users some amount of power over the service we provide. While HTTP verbs and resource URLs allow for some basic interaction, oftentimes, it’s necessary to provide additional functionality or else the system becomes too cumbersome to work with.

An example of this is pagination: we can’t send every article to a client in one response if we have millions in our database.

GraphQL: Thinking Beyond the Technology

GraphQL: Thinking Beyond the Technology

I'm going to share a deep, dark secret from my past: before I shifted to JavaScript, I was actually a Java developer. This means I have worked as both a backend and frontend developer. It also means I am uniquely qualified to share with you another dark industry secret: the things that backend developers say about frontend developers when they're not around. Are you ready? Here we go:

  • Can't those frontend developers just use what we've given them?
  • Can't those frontend developers decide what they want, once and for all?
  • Really, how hard can it be to build a frontend? Don't those frontend devs just fiddle with CSS and bump pixels around the screen?
  • What do those frontend developers actually do with all of their time?

But of course, let's be honest: frontend developers also say things about backend developers when they're not around. For example:

Easy REST APIs With AutoRest

It's easy to REST with AutoRest.

“We live in an API-driven world,” said Julia Kreger, OpenStack Ironic project team lead and principal software engineer at Red Hat.

API is an acronym for “Application Programming Interface.” It has a long history since the first computer programs were written. At first, APIs form “contracts” for accessing resources from the operating system, software libraries, or other systems.

RESTify Your SQL Data

Strategic Business Agility

RESTful APIs are at the heart of Digital Transformation and are required for mobile apps and integration. They are core to Business Agility. That's strategic.

But the conventional development process — create an ORM and design and code your APIs — is remarkably code-intensive and complex. And then there's the Business Logic — a substantial portion of any system — more code. Not agile.