Let’s Make One of Those Fancy Scrolling Animations Used on Apple Product Pages

Apple is well-known for the sleek animations on their product pages. For example, as you scroll down the page products may slide into view, MacBooks fold open and iPhones spin, all while showing off the hardware, demonstrating the software and telling interactive stories of how the products are used.

Just check out this video of the mobile web experience for the iPad Pro:

Source: Twitter

A lot of the effects that you see there aren’t created in just HTML and CSS. What then, you ask? Well, it can be a little hard to figure out. Even using the browser’s DevTools won’t always reveal the answer, as it often can’t see past a <canvas> element.

Let’s take an in-depth look at one of these effects to see how it’s made so you can recreate some of these magical effects in our own projects. Specifically, let’s replicate the AirPods Pro product page and the shifting light effect in the hero image.

The basic concept

The idea is to create an animation just like a sequence of images in rapid succession. You know, like a flip book! No complex WebGL scenes or advanced JavaScript libraries are needed.

By synchronizing each frame to the user’s scroll position, we can play the animation as the user scrolls down (or back up) the page.

Start with the markup and styles

The HTML and CSS for this effect is very easy as the magic happens inside the <canvas> element which we control with JavaScript by giving it an ID.

In CSS, we’ll give our document a height of 100vh and make our <body> 5⨉ taller than that to give ourselves the necessary scroll length to make this work. We’ll also match the background color of the document with the background color of our images.

The last thing we’ll do is position the <canvas>, center it, and limit the max-width and height so it does not exceed the dimensions of the viewport.

html {
  height: 100vh;

body {
  background: #000;
  height: 500vh;

canvas {
  position: fixed;
  left: 50%;
  top: 50%;
  max-height: 100vh;
  max-width: 100vw;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

Right now, we are able to scroll down the page (even though the content does not exceed the viewport height) and our <canvas> stays at the top of the viewport. That’s all the HTML and CSS we need.

Let’s move on to loading the images.

Fetching the correct images

Since we’ll be working with an image sequence (again, like a flip book), we’ll assume the file names are numbered sequentially in ascending order (i.e. 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg, 0003.jpg, etc.) in the same directory.

We’ll write a function that returns the file path with the number of the image file we want, based off of the user’s scroll position.

const currentFrame = index => (
  `https://www.apple.com/105/media/us/airpods-pro/2019/1299e2f5_9206_4470_b28e_08307a42f19b/anim/sequence/large/01-hero-lightpass/${index.toString().padStart(4, '0')}.jpg`

Since the image number is an integer, we’ll need to turn it in to a string and use padStart(4, '0') to prepend zeros in front of our index until we reach four digits to match our file names. So, for example, passing 1 into this function will return 0001.

That gives us a way to handle image paths. Here’s the first image in the sequence drawn on the <canvas> element:

As you can see, the first image is on the page. At this point, it’s just a static file. What we want is to update it based on the user’s scroll position. And we don’t merely want to load one image file and then swap it out by loading another image file. We want to draw the images on the <canvas> and update the drawing with the next image in the sequence (but we’ll get to that in just a bit).

We already made the function to generate the image filepath based on the number we pass into it so what we need to do now is track the user’s scroll position and determine the corresponding image frame for that scroll position.

Connecting images to the user’s scroll progress

To know which number we need to pass (and thus which image to load) in the sequence, we need to calculate the user’s scroll progress. We’ll make an event listener to track that and handle some math to calculate which image to load.

We need to know:

  • Where scrolling starts and ends
  • The user’s scroll progress (i.e. a percentage of how far the user is down the page)
  • The image that corresponds to the user’s scroll progress

We’ll use scrollTop to get the vertical scroll position of the element, which in our case happens to be the top of the document. That will serve as the starting point value. We’ll get the end (or maximum) value by subtracting the window height from the document scroll height. From there, we’ll divide the scrollTop value by the maximum value the user can scroll down, which gives us the user’s scroll progress.

Then we need to turn that scroll progress into an index number that corresponds with the image numbering sequence for us to return the correct image for that position. We can do this by multiplying the progress number by the number of frames (images) we have. We’ll use Math.floor() to round that number down and wrap it in Math.min() with our maximum frame count so it never exceeds the total number of frames.

window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {  
  const scrollTop = html.scrollTop;
  const maxScrollTop = html.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight;
  const scrollFraction = scrollTop / maxScrollTop;
  const frameIndex = Math.min(
    frameCount - 1,
    Math.floor(scrollFraction * frameCount)

Updating <canvas> with the correct image

We now know which image we need to draw as the user’s scroll progress changes. This is where the magic of  <canvas> comes into play. <canvas> has many cool features for building everything from games and animations to design mockup generators and everything in between!

One of those features is a method called requestAnimationFrame that works with the browser to update <canvas> in a way we couldn’t do if we were working with straight image files instead. This is why I went with a <canvas> approach instead of, say, an <img> element or a <div> with a background image.

requestAnimationFrame will match the browser refresh rate and enable hardware acceleration by using WebGL to render it using the device’s video card or integrated graphics. In other words, we’ll get super smooth transitions between frames — no image flashes!

Let’s call this function in our scroll event listener to swap images as the user scrolls up or down the page. requestAnimationFrame takes a callback argument, so we’ll pass a function that will update the image source and draw the new image on the <canvas>:

requestAnimationFrame(() => updateImage(frameIndex + 1))

We’re bumping up the frameIndex by 1 because, while the image sequence starts at 0001.jpg, our scroll progress calculation starts actually starts at 0. This ensures that the two values are always aligned.

The callback function we pass to update the image looks like this:

const updateImage = index => {
  img.src = currentFrame(index);
  context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);

We pass the frameIndex into the function. That sets the image source with the next image in the sequence, which is drawn on our <canvas> element.

Even better with image preloading

We’re technically done at this point. But, come on, we can do better! For example, scrolling quickly results in a little lag between image frames. That’s because every new image sends off a new network request, requiring a new download.

We should try preloading the images new network requests. That way, each frame is already downloaded, making the transitions that much faster, and the animation that much smoother!

All we’ve gotta do is loop through the entire sequence of images and load ‘em up:

const frameCount = 148;

const preloadImages = () => {
  for (let i = 1; i < frameCount; i++) {
    const img = new Image();
    img.src = currentFrame(i);



A quick note on performance

While this effect is pretty slick, it’s also a lot of images. 148 to be exact.

No matter much we optimize the images, or how speedy the CDN is that serves them, loading hundreds of images will always result in a bloated page. Let’s say we have multiple instances of this on the same page. We might get performance stats like this:

1,609 requests, 55.8 megabytes transferred, 57.5 megabytes resources, load time of 30.45 seconds.

That might be fine for a high-speed internet connection without tight data caps, but we can’t say the same for users without such luxuries. It’s a tricky balance to strike, but we have to be mindful of everyone’s experience — and how our decisions affect them.

A few things we can do to help strike that balance include:

  • Loading a single fallback image instead of the entire image sequence
  • Creating sequences that use smaller image files for certain devices
  • Allowing the user to enable the sequence, perhaps with a button that starts and stops the sequence

Apple employs the first option. If you load the AirPods Pro page on a mobile device connected to a slow 3G connection and, hey, the performance stats start to look a whole lot better:

8 out of 111 requests, 347 kilobytes of 2.6 megabytes transferred, 1.4 megabytes of 4.5 megabytes resources, load time of one minute and one second.

Yeah, it’s still a heavy page. But it’s a lot lighter than what we’d get without any performance considerations at all. That’s how Apple is able to get get so many complex sequences onto a single page.

Further reading

If you are interested in how these image sequences are generated, a good place to start is the Lottie library by AirBnB. The docs take you through the basics of generating animations with After Effects while providing an easy way to include them in projects.

The post Let’s Make One of Those Fancy Scrolling Animations Used on Apple Product Pages appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Some Innocent Fun With HTML Video and Progress

The idea came while watching a mandatory training video on bullying in the workplace. I can just hear High School Geoff LOL-ing about a wimp like me have to watch that thing.

But here we are.

The video UI was actually lovely, but it was the progress bar that really caught my attention – or rather the [progress].value. It was a simple gradient going from green to blue that grew as the video continued playing.

If only I had this advice in high school…

I already know it’s possible to create the same sort gradient on the <progress> element. Pankaj Parashar demonstrated that in a CSS-Tricks post back in 2016.

I really wanted to mock up something similar but haven’t played around with video all that much. I’m also no expert in JavaScript. But how hard can that actually be? I mean, all I want to do is get know how far we are in the video and use that to update the progress value. Right?

My inner bully made so much fun of me that I decided to give it a shot. It’s not the most complicated thing in the world, but I had some fun with it and wanted to share how I set it up in this demo.

The markup

HTML5 all the way, baby!

  <video id="video" src="https://html5videoformatconverter.com/data/images/happyfit2.mp4"></video>
    <button id="play" aria-label="Play" role="button">►</button>
    <progress id="progress" max="100" value="0">Progress</progress>

The key line is this:

<progress id="progress" max="100" value="0">Progress</progress>

The max attribute tells us we’re working with 100 as the highest value while the value attribute is starting us out at zero. That makes sense since it allows us to think of the video’s progress in terms of a percentage, where 0% is the start and 100% is the end, and where our initial starting point is 0%.


I’m definitely not going to get deep into the process of styling the <progress> element in CSS. The Pankaj post I linked up earlier already does a phenomenal job of that. The CSS we need to paint a gradient on the progress value looks like this:

/* Fallback stuff */
progress[value] {
  appearance: none; /* Needed for Safari */
  border: none; /* Needed for Firefox */
  color: #e52e71; /* Fallback to a solid color */

/* WebKit styles */
progress[value]::-webkit-progress-value {
  background-image: linear-gradient(
    to right,
    #ff8a00, #e52e71
  transition: width 1s linear;

/* Firefox styles */
progress[value]::-moz-progress-bar {
  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(
    to right,
    #ff8a00, #e52e71

The trick is to pay attention to the various nuances that make it cross-browser compatible. Both WebKit and Mozilla browsers have their own particular ways of handling progress elements. That makes the styling a little verbose but, hey, what can you do?

Getting the progress value from a video

I knew there would be some math involved if I wanted to get the current time of the video and display it as a value expressed as a percentage. And if you thought that being a nerd in high school gained me mathematical superpowers, well, sorry to disappoint.

I had to write down an outline of what I thought needed to happen:

  • Get the current time of the video. We have to know where the video is at if we want to display it as the progress value.
  • Get the video duration. Knowing the video’s length will help express the current time as a percent.
  • Calculate the progress value. Again, we’re working in percents. My dusty algebra textbook tells me the formula is part / whole = % / 100. In the context of the video, we can re-write that as currentTime / duration = progress value.

That gives us all the marching orders we need to get started. In fact, we can start creating variables for the elements we need to select and figure out which properties we need to work with to fill in the equation.

// Variables
const progress = document.getElementById( "progress" );

// Properties
// progress.value = The calculated progress value as a percent of 100
// video.currentTime = The current time of the video in seconds
// video.duration = The length of the video in seconds

Not bad, not bad. Now we need to calculate the progress value by plugging those things into our equation.

function progressLoop() {
  setInterval(function () {
    document.getElementById("progress").value = Math.round(
      (video.currentTime / video.duration) * 100

I’ll admit: I forgot that the equation would result to decimal values. That’s where Math.round() comes into play to update those to the nearest whole integer.

That actually gets the gradient progress bar to animate as the video plays!

I thought I could call this a win and walk away happy. Buuuut, there were a couple of things bugging me. Plus, I was getting errors in the console. No bueno.

Showing the current time

Not a big deal, but certainly a nice-to-have. We can chuck a timer next to the progress bar and count seconds as we go. We already have the data to do it, so all we need is the markup and to hook it up.

Let’s add a wrap the time in a <label> since the <progress> element can have one.

  <video controls id="video" src="https://html5videoformatconverter.com/data/images/happyfit2.mp4"></video>
    <label id="timer" for="progress" role="timer"></label>
    <progress id="progress" max="100" value="0">Progress</progress>

Now we can hook it up. We’ll assign it a variable and use innerHTML to print the current value inside the label.

const progress = document.getElementById("progress");
const timer = document.getElementById( "timer" );

function progressLoop() {
  setInterval(function () {
    progress.value = Math.round((video.currentTime / video.duration) * 100);
    timer.innerHTML = Math.round(video.currentTime) + " seconds";


Hey, that works!

Extra credit would involve converting the timer to display in HH:MM:SS format.

Adding a play button

The fact there there were two UIs going on at the same time sure bugged me. the <video> element has a controls attribute that, when used, shows the video controls, like play, progress, skip, volume, and such. Let’s leave that out.

But that means we need — at the very minimum — to provide a way to start and stop the video. Let’s button that up.

First, add it to the HTML:

  <video id="video" src="https://html5videoformatconverter.com/data/images/happyfit2.mp4"></video>
    <label id="timer" for="progress" role="timer"></label>
    <button id="play" aria-label="Play" role="button">►</button>
    <progress id="progress" max="100" value="0">Progress</progress>

Then, hook it up with a function that toggles the video between play and pause on click.

button = document.getElementById( "play" );

function playPause() { 
  if ( video.paused ) {
    button.innerHTML = "❙❙";
  else  {
    button.innerHTML = "►";

button.addEventListener( "click", playPause );
video.addEventListener("play", progressLoop);

Hey, it’s still working!

I know it seems weird to take out the rich set of controls that HTML5 offers right out of the box. I probably wouldn’t do that on a real project, but we’re just playing around here.

Cleaning up my ugly spaghetti code

I really want to thank my buddy Neal Fennimore. He took time to look at this with me and offer advice that not only makes the code more legible, but does a much, much better job defining states…

// States
const PAUSED = 'paused';
const PLAYING = 'playing';

// Initial state
let state = PAUSED;

…doing a proper check for the state before triggering the progress function while listening for the play, pause and click events…

// Animation loop
function progressLoop() {
  if(state === PLAYING) {
    progress.value = Math.round( ( video.currentTime / video.duration ) * 100 );
    timer.innerHTML = Math.round( video.currentTime ) + ' seconds';

video.addEventListener('play', onPlay);
video.addEventListener('pause', onPause);
button.addEventListener('click', onClick);

…and even making the animation more performant by replacing setInterval with requestAnimationFrame as you can see highlighted in that same snippet.

Here it is in all its glory!

Oh, and yes: I was working on this while “watching” the training video. And, I aced the quiz at the end, thank you very much. 🤓

The post Some Innocent Fun With HTML Video and Progress appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Performant Expandable Animations: Building Keyframes on the Fly

Animations have come a long way, continuously providing developers with better tools. CSS Animations, in particular, have defined the ground floor to solve the majority of uses cases. However, there are some animations that require a little bit more work.

You probably know that animations should run on the composite layer. (I won’t extend myself here, but if you want to know more, check this article.) That means animating transform or opacity properties that don’t trigger layout or paint layers. Animating properties like height and width is a big no-no, as they trigger those layers, which force the browser to recalculate styles.

On top of that, even when animating transform properties, if you want to truly hit 60 FPS animations, you probably should get a little help from JavaScript, using the FLIP technique for extra smoother animations! 

However, the problem of using transform for expandable animations is that the scale function isn’t exactly the same as animating width/height properties. It creates a skewed effect on the content, as all elements get stretched (when scaling up) or squeezed (when scaling down).

So, because of that, my go-to solution has been (and probably still is, for reasons I will detail later), technique #3 from Brandon Smith’s article. This still has a transition on height, but uses Javascript to calculate the content size, and force a transition using requestAnimationFrame. At OutSystems, we actually used this to build the animation for the OutSystems UI Accordion Pattern.

Generating keyframes with JavaScript

Recently, I stumbled on another great article from Paul Lewis, that details a new solution for expanding and collapsing animations, which motivated me to write this article and spread this technique around.

Using his words, the main idea consists of generating dynamic keyframes, stepping…

[…] from 0 to 100 and calculate what scale values would be needed for the element and its contents. These can then be boiled down to a string, which can be injected into the page as a style element. 

To achieve this, there are three main steps.

Step 1: Calculate the start and end states

We need to calculate the correct scale value for both states. That means we use getBoundingClientRect() on the element that will serve as a proxy for the start state, and divide it with the value from the end state. It should be something like this:

function calculateStartScale () {
  const start= startElement.getBoundingClientRect();
  const end= endElement.getBoundingClientRect();
  return {
    x: start.width / end.width,
    y: start.height / end.height

Step 2: Generate the Keyframes

Now, we need to run a for loop, using the number of frames needed as the length. (It shouldn’t really be less than 60 to ensure a smooth animation.) Then, in each iteration, we calculate the correct easing value, using an ease function:

function ease (v, pow=4) {
  return 1 - Math.pow(1 - v, pow);

let easedStep = ease(i / frame);

With that value, we’ll get the scale of the element on the current step, using the following math:

const xScale = x + (1 - x) * easedStep;
const yScale = y + (1 - y) * easedStep;

And then we add the step to the animation string:

animation += `${step}% {
  transform: scale(${xScale}, ${yScale});

To avoid the content to get stretched/ skewed, we should perform a counter animation on it, using the inverted values:

const invXScale = 1 / xScale;
const invYScale = 1 / yScale;

inverseAnimation += `${step}% {
  transform: scale(${invXScale}, ${invYScale});

Finally, we can return the completed animations, or directly inject them in a newly created style tag.

Step 3: Enable the CSS animations 

On the CSS side of things, we need to enable the animations on the correct elements:

.element--expanded {
  animation-name: animation;
  animation-duration: 300ms;
  animation-timing-function: step-end;

.element-contents--expanded {
  animation-name: inverseAnimation ;
  animation-duration: 300ms;
  animation-timing-function: step-end;

You can check the example of a Menu from Paul Lewis article, on Codepen (courtesy of Chris):

Building an expandable section 

After grasping these baseline concepts, I wanted to check if I could apply this technique to a different use case, like a expandable section.

We only need to animate the height in this case, specifically on the function to calculate scales. We’re getting the Y value from the section title, to serve as the collapsed state, and the whole section to represent the expanded state:

    _calculateScales () {
      var collapsed = this._sectionItemTitle.getBoundingClientRect();
      var expanded = this._section.getBoundingClientRect();
      // create css variable with collapsed height, to apply on the wrapper
      this._sectionWrapper.style.setProperty('--title-height', collapsed.height + 'px');

      this._collapsed = {
        y: collapsed.height / expanded.height

Since we want the expanded section to have absolute positioning (in order to avoid it taking space when in a collapsed state), we are setting the CSS variable for it with the collapsed height, applied on the wrapper. That will be the only element with relative positioning.

Next comes the function to create the keyframes: _createEaseAnimations(). This doesn’t differ much from what was explained above. For this use case, we actually need to create four animations:

  1. The animation to expand the wrapper
  2. The counter-expand animation on the content
  3. The animation to collapse the wrapper
  4. The counter-collapse animation on the content

We follow the same approach as before, running a for loop with a length of 60 (to get a smooth 60 FPS animation), and create a keyframe percentage, based on the eased step. Then, we push it to the final animations strings:

  ${percentage}% {
    transform: scaleY(${yScale});
  ${percentage}% {
    transform: scaleY(${invScaleY});

We start by creating a style tag to hold the finished animations. As this is built as a constructor, to be able to easily add multiple patterns, we want to have all these generated animations on the same stylesheet. So, first, we validate if the element exists. If not, we create it and add a meaningful class name. Otherwise, you would end up with a stylesheet for each section expandable, which is not ideal.

 var sectionEase = document.querySelector('.section-animations');
 if (!sectionEase) {
  sectionEase = document.createElement('style');

Speaking of that, you may already be wondering, “Hmm, if we have multiple expandable sections, wouldn’t they still be using the same-named animation, with possibly wrong values for their content?” 

You’re absolutely right! So, to prevent that, we are also generating dynamic animation names. Cool, right?

We make use of the index passed to the constructor from the for loop when making the querySelectorAll('.section') to add a unique element to the name:

var sectionExpandAnimationName = "sectionExpandAnimation" + index;
var sectionExpandContentsAnimationName = "sectionExpandContentsAnimation" + index;

Then we use this name to set a CSS variable on the current expandable section. As this variable is only in this scope, we just need to set the animation to the new variable in the CSS, and each pattern will get its respective animation-name value.

.section.is--expanded {
  animation-name: var(--sectionExpandAnimation);

.is--expanded .section-item {
  animation-name: var(--sectionExpandContentsAnimation);

.section.is--collapsed {
  animation-name: var(--sectionCollapseAnimation);

.is--collapsed .section-item {
  animation-name: var(--sectionCollapseContentsAnimation);

The rest of the script is related to adding event listeners, functions to toggle the collapse/expand status and some accessibility improvements.

About the HTML and CSS: it needs a little bit of extra work to make the expandable functionality work. We need an extra wrapper to be the relative element that doesn’t animate. The expandable children have an absolute position so that they don’t occupy space when collapsed.

Remember, since we need to make counter animations, we make it scale full size in order to avoid a skew effect on the content.

.section-item-wrapper {
  min-height: var(--title-height);
  position: relative;

.section {
  animation-duration: 300ms;
  animation-timing-function: step-end;
  contain: content;
  left: 0;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  transform-origin: top left;
  will-change: transform;

.section-item {
  animation-duration: 300ms;
  animation-timing-function: step-end;
  contain: content;
  transform-origin: top left;
  will-change: transform;  

I would like to highlight the importance of the animation-timing-functionproperty. It should be set to linear or step-end to avoid easing between each keyframe.

The will-change property — as you probably know — will enable GPU acceleration for the transform animation for an even smoother experience. And using the contains property, with a value of contents, will help the browser treat the element independently from the rest of the DOM tree, limiting the area before it recalculates the layout, style, paint and size properties.

We use visibility and opacity to hide the content, and stop screen readers to access it, when collapsed.

.section-item-content {
  opacity: 1;
  transition: opacity 500ms ease;

.is--collapsed .section-item-content {
  opacity: 0;
  visibility: hidden;

And finally, we have our section expandable! Here’s the complete code and demo for you to check:

Performance check

Anytime we work with animations, performance ought to be in the back of our mind. So, let’s use developer tools to check if all this work was worthy, performance-wise. Using the Performance tab (I’m using Chrome DevTools), we can analyze the FPS and the CPU usage, during the animations.

And the results are great!

The higher the green bar, the higher the frames. And there’s no junk either, which would be signed by red sections.

Using the FPS meter tool to check the values at greater detail, we can see that it constantly hits the 60 FPS mark, even with abusive usage.

Final considerations

So, what’s the verdict? Does this replace all other methods? Is this the “Holy Grail” solution?

In my opinion, no. 

But… that’s OK, really! It’s another solution on the list. And, as is true with any other method, it should be analyzed if it’s the best approach for the use-case.

This technique definitely has its merits. As Paul Lewis says, this does take a lot of work to prepare. But, on the flip side, we only need to do it once, when the page loads. During interactions, we are merely toggling classes (and attributes in some cases, for accessibility).

However, this brings some limitations to the UI of the elements. As you could see for the expandable section element, the counter-scale makes it much more reliable for absolute and off-canvas elements, like floating-actions or menus. It’s also difficult to styled borders because it’s using overflow: hidden.

Nevertheless, I think there is tons of potential with this approach. Let me know what you think!

The post Performant Expandable Animations: Building Keyframes on the Fly appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Using requestAnimationFrame with React Hooks

Animating with requestAnimationFrame should be easy, but if you haven’t read React’s documentation thoroughly then you will probably run into a few things that might cause you a headache. Here are three gotcha moments I learned the hard way.

TLDR: Pass an empty array as a second parameter for useEffect to avoid it running more than once and pass a function to your state’s setter function to make sure you always have the correct state. Also, use useRef for storing things like the timestamp and the request’s ID.

useRef is not only for DOM references

There are three ways to store variables within functional components:

  1. We can define a simple const or let whose value will always be reinitialized with every component re-rendering.
  2. We can use useState whose value persists across re-renderings, and if you change it, it will also trigger re-rendering.
  3. We can use useRef.

The useRef hook is primarily used to access the DOM, but it’s more than that. It is a mutable object that persists a value across multiple re-renderings. It is really similar to the useState hook except you read and write its value through its .current property, and changing its value won’t re-render the component.

For instance, the example below will always show 5 even if the component is re-rendered by its parent.

function Component() {
  let variable = 5;

  setTimeout(() => {
    variable = variable + 3;
  }, 100)

  return <div>{variable}</div>

...whereas this one will keep increasing the number by three and keeps re-rendering even if the parent does not change.

function Component() {
  const [variable, setVariable] = React.useState(5);

  setTimeout(() => {
    setVariable(variable + 3);
  }, 100)

  return <div>{variable}</div>

And finally, this one returns five and won’t re-render. However, if the parent triggers a re-render then it will have an increased value every time (assuming the re-render happened after 100 milliseconds).

function Component() {
  const variable = React.useRef(5);

  setTimeout(() => {
    variable.current = variable.current + 3;
  }, 100)

  return <div>{variable.current}</div>

If we have mutable values that we want to remember at the next or later renders and we don’t want them to trigger a re-render when they change, then we should use useRef. In our case, we will need the ever-changing request animation frame ID at cleanup, and if we animate based on the the time passed between cycles, then we need to remember the previous animation’s timestamp. These two variables should be stored as refs.

The side effects of useEffect

We can use the useEffect hook to initialize and cleanup our requests, though we want to make sure it only runs once; otherwise it’s really easy to end up doubling the amount of the animation frame requests with every animation cycle. Here’s a bad example:

function App() {
  const [state, setState] = React.useState(0)

  const requestRef = React.useRef()
  const animate = time => {
    // Change the state according to the animation
    requestRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(animate);
  React.useEffect(() => {
    requestRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(animate);
    return () => cancelAnimationFrame(requestRef.current);
  return <div>{state}</div>;

Why is it bad? If you run this, the useEffect will trigger the animate function that will both change the state and request a new animation frame. It sounds good, except that the state change will re-render the component by running the whole function again including the useEffect hook that will spin up a new request in parallel with the one that was already requested by the animate function in the previous cycle. This will ultimately end up in doubling our animation frame requests each cycle. Ideally, we only have 1 at a time. In the case above, if we assume 60 frame per second then we’ll have 1,152,921,504,606,847,000 animation frame requests in parallel after only one second.

To make sure the useEffect hook runs only once, we can pass an empty array as a second argument to it. Passing an empty array has a side-effect though, which avoids us from having the correct state during animation. The second argument is a list of changing values that the effect needs to react to. We don’t want to react to anything — we only want to initialize the animation — hence we have the empty array. But React will interpret this in a way that means this effect doesn’t have to be up to date with the state. And that includes the animate function because it was originally called from the effect. As a result, if we try to get the value of the state in the animate function, it will always be the initial value. If we want to change the state based on its previous value and the time passed, then it probably won’t work.

function App() {
  const [state, setState] = React.useState(0)

  const requestRef = React.useRef()
  const animate = time => {
    // The 'state' will always be the initial value here
    requestRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(animate);
  React.useEffect(() => {
    requestRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(animate);
    return () => cancelAnimationFrame(requestRef.current);
  }, []); // Make sure the effect runs only once
  return <div>{state}</div>;

The state’s setter function also accepts a function

There’s a way to use our latest state even if the useEffect hook locked our state to its initial value. The setter function of the useState hook can also accept a function. So instead of passing a value based on the current state as you probably would do most of the time:

setState(state + delta)

... you can also pass on a function that receives the previous value as a parameter. And, yes, that’s going to return the correct value even in our situation:

setState(prevState => prevState + delta)

Putting it all together

Here’s a simple example to wrap things up. We’re going to put all of the above together to create a counter that counts up to 100 then restarts from the beginning. Technical variables that we want to persist and mutate without re-rendering the whole component are stored with useRef. We made sure useEffect only runs once by passing an empty array as its second parameter. And we mutate the state by passing on a function to the setter of useState to make sure we always have the correct state.

See the Pen
Using requestAnimationFrame with React hooks
by Hunor Marton Borbely (@HunorMarton)
on CodePen.

The post Using requestAnimationFrame with React Hooks appeared first on CSS-Tricks.