How to Create a Services Section in WordPress

Do you want to add a services section to your WordPress website?

When potential customers arrive at your site, they want to know what services you offer. A services section can communicate this information in a quick and easy way, so visitors can decide whether they want to learn more about your business.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create a services section in WordPress. We’ll also share how to get more leads by adding a quote request form to your services section.

How to create a services section in WordPress

Why Create a Services Section in WordPress?

To get more sales, it’s important to give visitors all the information they need to understand what services you offer.

This can include everything from prices and benefits to detailed technical specifications, depending on the services you sell.

That’s a lot of information, so we recommend creating a custom page in WordPress for each service you offer.

You can then add a services section to your homepage or landing page, which will provide a brief overview of all your services, in a compact area.

An example of a services section

That way, visitors can quickly decide whether they want to learn more about your services.

You can then include links to the different service pages, so visitors can explore each service in more detail.

An example of a services section with CTA buttons

Another option is to include a strong call to action, such as requesting a callback or filling out a form to get a personalized quote.

The following image shows an example of a call to action, which appears directly beneath a services section.

An example of a contact us form

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily create a services section in WordPress and then add it to any page on your website. Simply use the quick links below to jump to the method you want to use.

Method 1. How to Create a Services Section with SeedProd (Recommended)

The best way to create a services section is by using a page builder.

A good page builder plugin will allow you to add as many services as you want, and arrange those services in a nice layout. You can also encourage visitors to learn more about your services by adding CTAs, links, buttons, and more.

SeedProd is the best drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress. It comes with more than 180 professionally-designed templates and ready-made sections that are perfect for promoting your services.

SeedProd also works with many popular third-party tools that you may already be using to get and manage conversions. This includes top email marketing services, WooCommerce, Google Analytics, and more.

First, you need to install and activate the SeedProd plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: There’s also a free version of SeedProd but we’ll be using SeedProd Pro since it has more templates and blocks. It also works with all the best email marketing services.

After activating the plugin, SeedProd will ask for your license key.

SeedProd license key

You can find this information under your account on the SeedProd website. After entering the license key, go ahead and click on ‘Verify Key.’

The next step is creating a new page where you will add the services section. To do this, go to SeedProd » Landing Pages in your WordPress dashboard.

Once you’ve done that, click on the ‘Add New Landing Page’ button.

SeedProd's page design templates

You can now choose any of SeedProd’s ready-made templates.

To help you find the perfect template, SeedProd’s designs are organized into different campaign types, such as ‘squeeze,’ ‘ead,’ and ‘coming soon.’

You can click the tabs at the top of the screen to filter the templates based on campaign type.

The SeedProd template library

If you prefer to start from scratch, then SeedProd also has a Blank Template, which doesn’t have any default content or design elements.

To take a closer look at a design, simply hover your mouse over the template and then click on the little magnifying glass icon.

Previewing a SeedProd template

When you find a layout that you want to use, click on ‘Choose This Template.’ We’re using the ‘Masterclass Sales Page’ template in all our images, but you can use any template you want.

After choosing a template, type in a name for your custom page. SeedProd will create a URL automatically using the title, but you can change this if you want.

A descriptive URL helps search engines understand what a page is about, so they can deliver that page to people who are searching for content just like yours.

Creating a new page with SeedProd

To give your page the best chance of appearing in relevant search results, you may want to add some relevant keywords to the URL. When you’re happy with the information you’ve entered, click on the ‘Save and Start Editing the Page’ button.

This loads the SeedProd drag-and-drop page builder. It shows a live preview of your page to the right, and some settings on the left.

The SeedProd page builder

Most SeedProd templates already contain some blocks, which are a core part of any SeedProd layout.

To customize any block, simply click to select it. The left-hand menu will then show all the settings you can use to edit the block, such as changing the font size or replacing a stock image.

Customizing a SeedProd block

If you want to remove a block from the design, then simply click on that block.

Next, go ahead and click on the small trash icon in the menu bar that appears.

Deleting blocks from a custom layout

To add new blocks to your design, just click on the block in the left-hand menu and drag it onto the editor.

You can then click to select the block and make any changes in the left-hand menu.

You can repeat these steps to create any kind of page, such as a homepage or Google Ad landing page. The possibilities are endless.

SeedProd also comes with ‘Sections.’ These are rows and block templates for common web design elements. For example, SeedProd has sections for frequently asked questions, footers, and customer testimonials.

It also has various sections that are perfect for creating a services section in WordPress. To take a look at the different sections, go ahead and click on the ‘Sections’ tab.

These mini templates are organized into different categories, but since we want to create a services section, we recommend taking a look at the ‘Features’ category.

SeedProd 'Features' sections

Here, you’ll find sections that use paragraphs, subheadings, and images in a nice layout.

In the following image, you can see the ‘Features 3’ section. To turn this into a services section, you simply need to add your own text and images.

An example section template

You may also want to look at the ‘Call To Action’ category. This category has lots of different sections, including a few that you can use to advertise your services.

In the following image, you can see the ‘Call To Action 6’ section, which already has space for three services.

An example CTA section template

To preview a section, just hover your mouse over it and then click on the magnifying glass icon that appears.

When you find a section that you want to use, simply move your mouse over that section and click on the little ‘+’ icon.

Adding a services section to your WordPress website

This adds the section to the bottom of your page, but you can move sections and blocks around your design using the drag-and-drop feature.

After adding a section, simply can click on any block inside that section to customize it. To start, you’ll typically want to type in some information about your services.

To do this, just click on any ‘Text,’ ‘Headline,’ or similar section. Then type into the text field that appears to the left of the builder.

Editing a services section in WordPress

You can format the text, similar to how you style text in the standard WordPress post editor.

It’s also a good idea to add links to pages where visitors can learn more about each service.

Customizing the services section in WordPress

Another option is to use a ‘Call to Action’ button. Even if the section doesn’t come with buttons, it’s easy to add them.

In the left-hand menu, just click on the ‘Blocks’ icon, which looks like a square of small dots.

How to add blocks to a services section

You can then drag and drop a ‘Button’ block into your section.

If you do ‘Button’ blocks, then you can customize them in exactly the same way you edit any block. Just click on it, and then make your changes in the left-hand menu.

Adding a CTA button to a services section with WordPress

You can add more blocks by following the same process described above.

For example, you might add photos showing each service in action using an ‘Image’ block.

Adding images to a services section

When you’re happy with how the page looks, it’s time to publish it by clicking on the dropdown arrow next to the ‘Save’ button.

Then, select the ‘Publish’ option.

Publishing a services section to your WordPress website

Your page will now go live on your WordPress website and visitors can see all your services at a glance.

Method 2. Creating a Services Section in WordPress using Block Editor

You can also build a services section using the free Service Box Showcase plugin, and then add it to any page or post using shortcode.

You will need to use one of the plugin’s pre-made service section layouts, so this isn’t the most customizable method.

However, the plugin does let you create a service section using the familiar WordPress content editor tools, so it’s quick and easy.

First, you need to install and activate the free Service Box Showcase plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head over to Service Box » Add New Service Box in your WordPress admin panel.

The Service Box Showcase plugin

To start, you’ll need to type in a title for your services section. This will only appear in the dashboard and not on your website, so this title is for your reference only.

After that, find the layout that you want to use and click on its ‘Select’ button.

Choosing a design for the services section

Next, scroll to ‘Add Service Box,’ which has two services by default.

To add more services to the section, go ahead and click on ‘Add New Service Box.’

How to add more services to the service box

Once you’ve done that, you can type in a title for each service and add a description.

This is the text that will appear on the front end of your site, so make sure you give visitors all the information they need.

Creating a services section using a free WordPress plugin

By default, the plugin adds the same icon to each service. It’s a good idea to change these icons to something that’s unique to each service.

To see the different icons that you can use, click on the ‘Service Icon’ field. This opens a popup where you can scroll through the different pictures and click the one you want to use.

Adding a custom icon to each service

It’s also a good idea to add a link to a page where visitors can learn more about each service, or even a page that has a contact form.

To do this, simply type the link into the ‘Add Your Service Or Read More Link Here’ field.

Adding a link to a services section

After adding all this information, you can change how your service section looks using the ‘Service Box Settings.’

Most of these settings are fairly straightforward. For example, you can change the font size and style. You can also change the link color, plus the color of the title, description, and more.

If you don’t want to use any icons in the services section, then you can remove them by clicking on the ‘Display Icon’ switch.

Hide and show the services icon

There are lots of different settings and what looks good may vary depending on your WordPress theme. With that being said, you can always come back to the ‘Service Box Settings’ and make some changes if you’re unhappy with how the services section looks on your website.

When you’re happy with how the services box is set up, simply click on the ‘Publish’ button at the top of the page to save your changes.

You can now add the services section to your WordPress blog using a shortcode. Simply scroll to ‘ServiceBox Shortcode’ and copy the code.

Adding a services section to your WordPress website using shortcode

You’re now ready to add the services box to any post or page. For more details on how to place the shortcode, you can see our guide on how to add a shortcode in WordPress.

Once you’ve pasted the shortcode, just click ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ to push changes live. Then, if you visit your site you’ll see the services section in action.

A services section, created using a free plugin

At this point, you may realize that you want to make some changes such as using a different background color or adding more columns.

To make these changes, simply go to Service Box » All Service Box. You can then hover your mouse over the service box and click on the ‘Edit’ link when it appears.

Editing your services using a free plugin

Now, make your changes using the ‘Service Box Settings’ and other sections.

When you’re happy with the changes you’ve made, don’t forget to click on ‘Update.’

Updating the services box

Now, if you visit the page or post where you added the services box, you’ll see your changes on the site.

BONUS: Creating Request a Quote Form For your Services

A services section gives visitors an overview of your company and what you offer, so they can decide whether they want to learn more.

Once you’ve caught the visitor’s attention, the next step is turning them into leads and customers. You can do this by adding a ‘Quote Request Form’ to your site.

This is similar to a contact form, but it has an extra area where visitors can type in some information about themselves or what they’re looking for.

This can help you sell more services. For example, you might recommend a particular service, create a unique package for that customer, or send them a personalized email based on the information they’ve entered.

The easiest way to create a quote request form is by using WPForms. It is the best WordPress forms plugin and allows you to add any type of form to your website using a simple drag-and-drop editor.

WPForms even has a ready-made ‘Request a Quote Form’ that has everything you need to turn visitors into leads.

First, you need to install and activate the WPForms plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: There is a free version of the WPForms plugin, but we will be using the Pro version because it comes with the ‘Request a Quote’ form template.

Upon activation, head over to WPForms » Settings and enter your license key.

Entering the WPForms license key

You can find the license key under your account on the WPForms website. It’s also in the email you got when you purchased WPForms.

After entering the license key, click on the ‘Verify Key’ button. After a few moments, you will see a message confirming that you’ve entered the right license key.

Once you’ve done that, go to WPForms » Add New.

Creating a new form using WPForms

Here, type in a name for your form. This is just for your reference so you can go ahead and use any title you want.

Next, type ‘request a quote’ into the search field. This will bring up the ‘Request a Quote Form’ in the results.

Using a form template

You can now go ahead and click on the ‘Use Template’ button.

This will load the WPForms editor, with the form on the right and all of the different settings on the left.

The ‘Request a Quote Form’ template has fields where the visitor can enter their information, such as their name, email address, and phone number.

There’s also a section where they can type in their specific request.

The Request a Quote Form

The default form should work well for most websites, but it’s easy to customize the form if you need to.

To edit a field, simply click to select it. The left-hand menu will then show all the settings you can use to customize this field.

For example, you can change the text that appears above any field by changing the text in the ‘Label’ field.

Adding a label to a form field

You can also add more fields by selecting the ‘Add Fields’ tab.

Then, simply drag and drop any field block onto the form.

Adding fields to a ready-made from template

You can also change the order that the fields appear in your form using drag and drop.

When you’re happy with how the form looks, go ahead and click on the ‘Save’ button.

Saving your quote request form

You can now add this form to any WordPress post or page using the WordPress content editor.

Simply open the page where you want to add the form and then click on the ‘+’ button.

Next, type ‘WPForms’ and click on the block to add it to your page.

The WPForms block

Finally, open the dropdown menu and select the quote request form.

WPForms will show a preview of the form on the screen. If you’re happy with how the form looks, then you can go ahead and save or publish the page.

A quote request form created using WPForms

The quote request form will now be live for your visitors to use.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a services section in WordPress. You might also like to check out our article on the best live chat software and how to create an email newsletter.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create a Services Section in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

5 Best WordPress Request a Quote Plugins (Instant Quotes)

Are you looking for the best request a quote plugin for your WordPress website or WooCommerce store?

Some businesses may not be able to list prices on their website. A request a quote form allows your customers to ask for a quote by providing the information you need to determine the price.

In this article, we will share some of the best WordPress ‘request a quote’ plugins that you can use to make more sales through your website.

The best 'request a quote' plugins for WordPress

Why Use a Request a Quote Plugin for WordPress?

Some products and services can’t be easily priced without some details from the customer.

For instance, if you provide a lawn care service, then your price will vary depending on the size of the lawn, existing condition, and other factors. You might also offer optional extras, such as creating decorative borders.

Similarly, if you sell custom-made furniture in your online store, then the prices will vary based on the customers’ requirements.

Some companies share their complex custom pricing in a table, which can confuse customers.

Others ask customers to email for a quote. But customers might not send all the information that’s needed.

The best solution is to use the request a quote WordPress plugin. Depending on the plugin you choose, this might be able to provide an instant quote.

Alternatively, you can simply respond to the customer by email once you have received their request.

Note: This article is about price quotations for a product or service. To display or rotate interesting quotes on your site, see our guide on showing random quotes in your sidebar.

With that said, let’s take a look at the best request a quote plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce stores.

1. WPForms

Is WPForms the best form builder plugin for WordPress?

WPForms is the best contact form plugin for WordPress. It lets you easily add any online form to your WordPress website using a simple drag-and-drop form builder.

It includes 1000+ ready-to-use templates, including a Request a Quote form and other types of quote forms. You can use a template as a starting point to quickly build your form and then customize it to match your specific requirements.

WPForms’ Conditional Logic feature lets you show specific fields based on the information that the customer gives you. For instance, you could create a form that shows different options based on the service that your customer requests.

There’s also a powerful Calculations addon for generating dynamic quotes. This allows customers to get accurate and customized pricing estimates in real-time, which results in fewer leads being lost to competitors.

In addition, it lets you make special Conversational Forms that take a ‘one question at a time’ approach. This can help reduce form abandonment rates by making your form feel easy and attractive to your customers.

You can create lots of other types of forms with WPForms, too. For instance, you can use it to run a survey on your website or create a payment form.


WPForms starts at $49.50/year, which includes features like smart conditional logic and advanced form fields. To get calculations, conversational forms, and the ability to accept online payments with no additional fees, you need the WPForms Pro package for $199.50/year.

There’s also a free version of WPForms, which lets you create simple forms and accept Stripe payments (3% transaction fee).

2. Wholesale Suite (Order Form and Prices Premium)

Wholesale Suite Plugins

Wholesale Suite Order Form and Wholesale Prices Premium are great options if you are using WooCommerce on your website.

These plugins let you offer wholesale pricing and provide an instant quote so that customers can buy straight away.

If you sell bulk products to wholesale customers, then these plugins make it much easier for users to order from your store.

With the Wholesale Suite Order Form plugin, your products are all displayed in a searchable and sortable WooCommerce table. This means your whole product catalog can be seen on a single page.

You can then offer discounted wholesale prices in your quote using the Wholesale Prices Premium plugin. The plugin also lets you set minimum purchase rules. You can also discount by a percentage based on the product’s category.

Wholesale Suite’s plugins also integrate with several popular WordPress and WooCommerce plugins.


Each plugin costs $49.50/year for a single site license. Or, you can purchase a plugin bundle for $148.50/year.

3. Formidable Forms

The Formidable Forms plugin's website

Formidable Forms is an advanced form plugin for WordPress. It has powerful features that can be used to create online calculators.

You can use Formidable Forms’ Request a Quote form to instantly calculate a quote for the customer. Because of Formidable Forms’ flexibility, it’s easy to add as many variables as you want.

The quote that Formidable Forms produces can then be emailed to your customer. It can even be included in a booking form, so your customer can book and pay for your service or product at the same time.

There are plenty of other forms you can create using Formidable Forms, too. For instance, you could use it to create a quiz for your WordPress site.

Formidable Forms also comes with visual design tools that let you make your request a quote form look great.


Formidable Forms starts at $39.50/year for the Basic plan.

4. YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote

YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote

YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote hides the price and/or the Add to Cart buttons for selected products in your WooCommerce store. Instead of these buttons, it gives your customers the option to request a quote for the product.

Customers can choose from the options you set. You can even allow them to upload files. For instance, if you provide printing services, then you could ask the customer to upload their print-ready files when they request the quote.

The plugin also supports product variations, letting you add specific variations to the quote list.

When you are ready, it’s quick and easy to respond to the customer with a quote. The customer will receive this in a nicely formatted email.

The whole process can be managed through your WordPress dashboard. Here, you can see quote requests, pending quotes, payments, and more.


YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote costs $79.99/year. There’s also a free version of the plugin with limited features.

5. Request a Quote for WooCommerce

Request a Quote plugin for WooCommerce

Request a Quote for WooCommerce is an official WooCommerce plugin. It lets your customer add products to a quote basket as they would normally add products to their cart.

You can customize the quote button text, the quote submission messages, and more. You can also automatically redirect the customer to a specified page on your site after they submit their request for a quote.

Request a Quote for WooCommerce is a great option if you have personalized products that range in price depending on what the customer wants.

You can also use this plugin to sell to wholesale, B2B, or retail customers.


Request a Quote for WooCommerce costs $5.75/month (billed annually).

Bonus: WP Simple Pay

Is WP Simple Pay the right Stripe payment plugin for your WordPress website?

Once your customer has received their quote, they will need a way to pay for it. This is where WP Simple Pay comes in.

WP Simple Pay is the best Stripe payment plugin for WordPress. It lets you accept one-time and recurring payments online with nearly a dozen payment methods.

It comes with ready-made form templates to add to your WordPress site in one click. WP Simple Pay also has a quote payment form template that lets your clients easily pay for their quotes.

The form templates are customizable with their built-in form builder. You can add or remove fields from your quote form and also customize the quote amount.


WP Simple Pay costs $49.50/year. Their professional plan costs 199.50/year, including payment pages and advanced subscription options.

We hope this article helped you learn about the best request a quote plugins for WordPress. You may also want to check out our other WordPress guides for your business website.

Best WordPress Guides for Business Sites

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 5 Best WordPress Request a Quote Plugins (Instant Quotes) first appeared on WPBeginner.