Stay Safe on GitHub: Security Practices to Follow

GitHub is undoubtedly the largest and most popular social development platform in the world. According to its 2019 State of the Octoverse Report, GitHub is home to over 40 million, and the community keeps expanding every day.

As developers in this deeply interconnected community use open source code to build software, Github security should be a top priority. This is because extensive code re-use increases the risk of distributing vulnerabilities from one dependency or repository to another. As such, every contributor should focus on creating a secure development environment.

Insecure Key Collection on GitHub Is a Dream Come True for Cyber Attackers

GitHub is one of the most popular source code repositories in the world, if not number one. The convenience that the service offers developers has been incredibly useful to possibly millions of people worldwide. In fact, I’m willing to bet that many applications wouldn’t have been developed as effectively if it weren’t for GitHub.

When it comes to cloud security or security on any third-party networks, the responsibility for protecting infrastructure belongs to the owner of the infrastructure. For example, it’s Amazon’s responsibility to make sure that unauthorized people can’t physically breach any of their datacenters which host AWS. But the security of a developer’s third-party hosted content is the responsibility of the developer. And a study conducted by North Carolina State University has revealed that a huge number of developers that use GitHub don’t secure their various API and cryptographic keys.